29 research outputs found

    Output Gaps in European Monetary Union. New Insights from Input Augmentation in the Technological Progress

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    Output gaps for ten European countries and the USA are estimated based on a CES production function with input augmentation in the technological progress. The substitution parameter is estimated from the coefficients of the labor and capital demand functions. The estimation is done using Johansen's cointegration method. For six of the eleven countries analyzed, the use of the Cobb Douglas form would not be appropriate. The output gaps show a similar cyclical pattern for all countries. They remain mostly within +/-3% for five countries and within +/-5% for another four. Separating labor- and capital-augmenting technological progress gives insight into the driving forces of growth.Output gap, Potential output, CES production function, EMU

    Output gaps and technological progress in European Monetary Union

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    Output gaps for ten European countries and the USA are estimated based on a CES production function with input augmentation in technological progress. The substitution parameter is estimated from the coefficients of the labour and capital demand functions. Estimation is carried out using Johansen’s cointegration method. For six of the eleven countries analysed, the use of the Cobb Douglas form would not be appropriate. The output gap estimates show a similar cyclical pattern for all countries. They remain mostly within +/-4% except for Finland and Greece. Separating labour-augmenting and capital-augmenting technological progress gives insight into the driving forces of growth for individual countries.output gap; potential output; CES production function; EMU

    einsatzmoeglichkeiten der edv in den oesterreichischen krankenanstalten

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    abstract: easy access to public facilities of health care but also superannuation of population and relief of families from their nursing functions has given rise to financial as well as personnel overburdening of the hospitals. many of the new problems arising cannot be solved in traditional ways, but require a new overthinking of the grown structures, that set limits for all improvements by their slow flow of information. as an introduction some new assessments in the field of hospital rationalization are presented and compared according to their foreseeable consequences. in the general part one special way is shown with its possibilities of application and structure of work, namely electronic data management. in this connection the problems of change to computerization are shown in detail. a next chapter presents the development in austria in this field and it is tried by means of current literature to scetch a comprehensive picture. to complete this description but also to includethe overall state of experience a questionare concerning completed and planned projects concerning computerisation has been sent to the austrian hospitals and results are shown in the succeeding part. to make it possible to estimate the impact of various reforming strategies on the total hospital system, a gpss-simulation model was set up. the results for various scenarios are compared and discussed. they make clear, that all improvements can only have an effect, if nursery staff is unburdened by the same time. the study is a report of the situation in austria and shall provide a working aid for physicians interested as well as for persons working on planning information structures in this field. the concluding collection of literature canhelp for the same purpose.

    modelle sozialer distanz: eine methodenstudie zur analyse subjektiver schichtung

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    summary: the investigation of interaction and the mutual perception between social groups needs special analytical methods, which permit the aspects of special interest to be isolated and a measurement model of the observed reactions to be formulated. with the help of probabilistic models (especially by means of generalizations of the logistic model of rasch) it is possible to verify important hypotheses about the reciprocal dependences of different reflection: levels in the mutual reflection between occupational groups. an investigation into the desire for contact among the people in a small german town served as the source for data material for this method study. above all the effectiveness of a general order of resting in the subjectivestratification is shown, systematic deviations from it show the influence of other factors, in which components of experience and the reflexion of the own status are represented.

    Geschichte Krains von der ältesten Zeit bis auf das Jahr 1813

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    Output Gaps in European Monetary Union: New Insights from Input Augmentation in the Technological Progress

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    Abstract: Output gaps for ten European countries and the USA are estimated based on a CES production function with input augmentation in the technological progress. The substitution parameter is estimated from the coefficients of the labor and capital demand functions. The estimation is done using Johansen's cointegration method. For six of the eleven countries analyzed, the use of the Cobb Douglas form would not be appropriate. The output gaps show a similar cyclical pattern for all countries.They remain mostly within ±3% for five countries and within ±5% for another four. Separating labor- and capital-augmenting technological progress gives insight into the driving forces of growth.

    Über die psychischen Störungen bei der Encephalitis epidemica des Jahres 1920

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    Growth, Convergence and EU Membership

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    The effect of European integration on long-term growth of the current EU member states is studied by means of panel data methods. The length of EU membership is found to have a significant positive effect on economic growth, which is relatively higher for poorer countries. The existence of a growth bonus from EU membership appears inconsistent with neoclassical exogenous growth theory. While previous empirical studies tend not to find positive growth effects of regional integration, the present study suggests an asymmetric, convergence-stimulating impact of EU membership on long-term growth.Convergence, Economic Growth, European Union, Threshold panel data regression