11 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Students participation in research and development processes is an activity, which is currently being put in the spotlight at the MU Varna. Going through the selection of a topic, review of the available literature, selection of appropriate research methods, conducting the study, analysis and interpretation of the results, formulating conclusions about them are not just stages of the research process. For them, these are an opportunity: to learn something new; explore the problem in depth, learn about different points of view, make a critical selection from alternatives, select and apply different research methods, analyze data, formulate conclusions based on evidence. In other words, for students, participation in research is a multi-effect activity. Aim: To study the readiness, attitudes and motivation of students to participate in research activities.Materials and methods: A survey was conducted among students from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th univesity year of the "Midwife" specialty, MU - Varna (119) through an anonymous survey in May 2023. Applied methods - documentary, sociological, statistical and graphic processing of the results. Results and discussion: A little more than 1/3 of the surveyed students participated in research activities (34%). 40.3% say they are ready to participate, and about 1/5 hesitate (23.4%). The majority of respondents believe that it is necessary for students to participate in research activities (88.7%). Preferred forms of participation are scientific session for students (72.6%), working meeting (38.7%), student competition (30.6%), round table (18.5%). Obstacles to a more massive inclusion, according to students, are lack of time (41.9%) and lack of motivation (34.7%). Proposals for students to stimulate their participation in research activities: issuing a certificate, award, exemption from an exam, scholarship, monetary incentive. Conclusions: Only 1/3 of the students from the "Midwife" specialty of MU-Varna were involved in research activities, regardless of being convinced of the need for such participation. Almost half of the students feel prepared to participate in research and state their intentions to get involved in the future. A major obstacle to greater student activity is lack of time and insufficient motivation, which can be overcome through individual work and incentives

    Students` intentions to the next educational and qualification degree

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    Въведение: Надграждането на образованието по специалността в следваща образователно-квалификационна степен (ОКС) за дипломираните акушерки стана възможно в края на 90- те години на миналия век, когато е разкрита и акредитирана специалността „Управление на здравните грижи` към Висшите медицински университети. Цел: Да се проучат намеренията на акушерките дипломанти на МУ-Варна за надграждане на полученото образование. Материал и методи: Проведено е проучване сред акушерки дипломанти на МУ-Варна (28) през м. юни 2017 г. чрез пряка индивидуална анкета. Използвани методи - документален, социологически - анкетен, статистически и графичен анализ. Резултати и обсъждане: Студентите дават висока оценка на качеството и организацията на обучението по специалност „Акушерка` в МУ-Варна. Повечето от тях изказват намерения да работят като акушерки, имат ясна визия за първото си работно място (71.43%) и са убедени, че бакалавърската степен от базовото образование ще им помогне за по-добра професионална реализация (78.57%). Най-мотивиращи фактори за обучение в следваща ОКС за тях са по-добрите възможности за реализация (92.86%) и разширяване на познанията (42.86%). Повечето от студентите изказват намерение да изберат магистърска програма, предлагана от МУ-Варна. Изводи: Студентите акушерки на МУ-Варна са изградили положително отношение към ученето и усъвършенстването на получените знания и умения и имат намерения да надградят образованието си в следваща ОКС (78.58%), което ще обогати усвоените знания и умения (71.43%). Заключение: Студентите дипломанти на МУ-Варна са наясно, че вземането на решение за обучение в следваща ОКС не е самоцел, a сериозно решение, касаещо бъдещото практикуване на професията.Introduction: Upgrading the education profile to the next qualification degree became an opportunity in the late 90`s, when the Health Care Management program was established and accredited in medical universities. Aim: The aim of this paper is to observe the intentions of Midwife graduates from the Medical University of Varna to upgrade the already received education. Materials and Methods: A research was conducted among Midwife graduates from the Medical University of Varna (28) in June, 2017 using a direct individual survey. The methods used were as follows: documentary, sociological - survey, statistical and graphical. Results and Discussion: The students have rated highly the quality and the organization of the education in the Midwife program at the Medical University of Varna. The majority of them show signs of development in the profession as midwives, have a clear vision of their first employer (71.43%) and are convinced that the bachelor degree in their basic education will help them with a better future professional realization (78.57%). The most motivational factors for continuing to the next qualification degree are the better future opportunities for realization (92.86%) and increasing the scope of knowledge (42.86%). The majority of the students show intention to choose the Masters` program, available at the Medical University of Varna. Conclusion: Midwife students from the Medical University of Varna have a positive attitude towards learning and improving the acquired knowledge and skills and have the intention to upgrade their education in the next qualification level (78.56%), which will increase their acquired knowledge and skills (71.43%).The students are aware that taking the decision to continue their education to the next qualification degree is a very important step towards their better future career development and practicing the profession

    Evaluation - a reflection of knowledge or a set of coincidences

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    AIM: To investigate the effectiveness of the process of evaluating the knowledge and skills acquired through the eyes of students enrolled in the Midwife program.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A survey was conducted among students in the Medical University of Varna, enrolled in the Midwife program, from 1st to 4th year (98 individuals). The survey is detailed and it was conducted in July, 2016. The methods used were documentary, statistical, survey, and graphical analysis.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Students accept the evaluation with reservations and as a reflection of the gained throughout the studies knowledge and skills, while considering that the evaluation itself cannot be motivating for making more effort when acquiring more knowledge. They appreciate the need for systemic absorption of knowledge and application of current control in training in the Midwife program. According to them, the process of examination and evaluation does not completely eliminate the influence of random factors. It is mandatory to apply various forms, methods and tests, which can clarify the process in relation to the specifics in the practical tuition and the real life environment specifics. Students perceive the silence while someone else is cheating on an exam as an appropriate behavior.CONCLUSIONS: The exam tests both the acquired knowledge and skills, and the individual qualities and character, which affect the way they present the tested/examined knowledge


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    Introduction: The participation of students in various activities organized outside of school hours is an activity that is encouraged at MU-Varna. The celebrations of significant dates and holidays, the organization of meetings, sports holidays, excursions, etc. are an opportunity for students to get to know each other in an informal environment, to learn something new, to visit historical landmarks, to get to know the city in which they will live and study, to discover new talents and interests, to be physically active, to deepen and detail their knowledge on a certain problem, to rest and reduce stress from exams, to discover a new favorite activity, etc. Participation in various forms of extracurricular employment is an activity that enriches and motivates students to achieve higher learning results. Aim: To study the attitude and motivation of students to participate in various forms of extracurricular activities. Materials and methods: A survey was conducted among students from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th university year by the "Midwife" magazine, MU - Varna (124) through a direct anonymous survey in May 2023. Applied methods - documentary, sociological, statistical and graphic processing of the results. Results and discussion: More than half of the surveyed students have participated in events organized outside of school hours (65%). The majority of respondents confirm that such events are regularly organized by the institution where they study (76.5%). The preferred forms of extracurricular employment are courses, trainings (52.9%), discussion (35.3%), circle (29.4%) and work meeting (23.5%). Most of the students believe that these events have the effect of increasing awareness of certain issues (76.5%), uniting the team-spitit(58.8%), for 71% they are an opportunity to express themselves, contribute to the creation of traditions (57.7%). The event attended at MU-Varna with the greatest emotional charge was the graduation ceremony of the students after completion of their last year at the university. Conclusions: Most of the students from the magazine "Akusherka" of MU-Varna have been involved in events organized outside of school hours. Students prefer forms of extracurricular activities, such as workshops, discussion, training, aimed at the practical aspects of the profession. Students are aware of the positive effects of extracurricular activities for team building, new knowledge, the opportunity to express themselves, and the creation of traditions, which impacts their motivation to participate

    Professional distress among working midwives

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    Вредните фактори на трудовата среда се определят като физически и психосоциални. влияят на здравето чрез пряко и психически тресиращо въздействие. Психосоциалните стресори възникват като резултат от несъответствие между работната среда, работния процес, цялостната организация на труд в лечебното заведение и микроклимата.Цел: Да се установи нивото на професионален стрес и факторите, които го предизвикват сред работещи акушерки.Материал и методи: Проучено е мнението на работещи акушерки от МБАЛ „Св. Анна` и СБАГАЛ „Проф. д-р Д. Стаматов` - Варна (32), изследването е проведено през м. юни 2016 г. Използвани методи - документален, статистически - анкетен, графичен анализ.Резултати и обсъждане: Професионалният дистрес сред акушерките е породен от разнообразни фактори на работната среда, които взаимодействат помежду си и са предимно от психосоциален характер.Респондентите посочват психическото натоварване като по-честа причина за възникване на стрес на работното място в сравнение с физическото натоварване.Анкетираните съобщават за липса на добра комуникация в колектива, което вероятно се поражда от множество фактори на работната среда, липсата на персонал, лошата организация на труда, недостиг на консумативи.Изводи: Налице са данни за силно отражение на стреса върху комуникацията на акушерките с колеги и пациенти. Високата степен на работно натоварване и неадекватни условия на труд, стара работна техника и несъответствие между вложения труд и възнаграждението са предпоставка за физическо и психическо изтощение.The harmful factors in the work environment are mainly categorized as physical and psychosocial. They have both direct and indirect/psychological influence on human health. Psychosocial stressors arise as a result of a mismatch between the working environment, working process, the overall organization of work in the hospital and the microclimate in the same environment.Aim: To estimate the level of professional stressors and the reason that triggers an increase in the stress levels among working midwives.Materials and Methods: The survey was conducted among midwives in MHAT St. Anna and SHOGAT Prof. Dr. D. Stamatov - Varna (32). The survey took place in June, 2016.The used theoretical methods were - documentary, statistical - surveys and graphical analysis. Results and Discussion: Professional distress among midwives is caused by various factors in the work environment, which interact among themselves and are mainly psychoscocial by nature.The respondents indicate mental workload as the more common stress cause rather than the physical workload in their workplace. Respondents also report a lack of good communication within the team, which is most likely caused by various factors in the workplace, the lack of staff, the bad labor organization, and the supplies shortage.Conclusion: There is evidence of stress strongly impacting the communication between midwives and their colleagues and patients. The high amount of workload and inadequate working conditions, old working appliances and a mismatch between labor input and salaries are a prerequisite for physical and mental exhaustion

    Pregnant patients` readiness to give birth through the eyes of midwife interns at the Medical University of Varna

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    Въведение: Всяка жена смята раждането за важен момент и изключително сериозно изпитание, но към настоящия момент у нас жените, които се подготвят за него, са малко. Анализът на достъпната литература ни дава основание да приемем, че отговорните фактори за недостатъчната и дори хаотична подготовка на бременните за раждането у нас са множество и имат разнороден характер. Цел: Да се проучи готовността на бременните за раждане и ролята на акушерката в подготовката на жените. Материал и методи: Проведено е проучване сред студенти дипломанти от специалност „Акушерка` на МУ-Варна (28) чрез пряка индивидуална анкета през м. юни 2017 г. Използвани методи - документален, статистически - анкетен, графичен анализ. Резултати и обсъждане: Студентите дипломанти на МУ-арна считат, че има съществени недостатъци в подготовката на бременните, постъпващи за раждане (89.28%). Студентите считат, че съществуват възможности подготовката на жените да се подобри (92.86%). Според тях въпреки ограниченията и неясните регламенти акушерките са основен ресурс за подготовка на бременните за раждане (67.86%). Повечето от анкетираните смятат, че акушерските грижи са един недостатъчно използван ресурс за обучение на жените (78.57%). Студентите предлагат разнообразни методи за обучение на пациентите - беседа (71.43%), демонстрация (67.86%), дискусия (39.29%) и тренинг (32.43%). Анкетираните считат, че пациентите ще бъдат по-добре подготвени за раждане, ако бре менността се наблюдава в автономна акушерска практика (78.57%), и сочат, че тя създава най-благоприятни условия за обучение на пациентите (64.29%). Студентите убедено считат, че акушерките биха получили доверието на пациентите при подготовка за раждане и отглеждане на новороденото (89.29%). Изводи: Акушерските грижи са един недостатъчно използван ресурс при полагането на антенатални и перинатални грижи за жените. Автономните акушерски практики биха създали идеална среда за практикуване на медицина, ориентирана към нуждите на конкретния пациент.Introduction: Every woman perceives the process of giving of birth as a very important moment and exceptionally serious challenge, but up until this very moment, in Bulgaria, the women preparing themselves for this are not too many. The analysis on available literature gives us the impression that the factors responsible for the insufficient or even complete lack of preparation of pregnant patients for giving birth are too many and have a different origin. Aim: The aim of this paper is to observe the readiness of pregnant patients for giving birth and the role of the midwife in their preparation. Materials and Methods: A research was conducted among Midwife graduates at the Medical University of Varna (28) in June, 2017 using a direct individual survey. The methods used were as follows: documentary, sociological - survey, statistical and graphological. Results and Discussion: Students graduates from the Medical University of Varna think that there are fundamental disadvantages in pregnant women`s preparation (89.28%). Students also think, that there are existing opportunities for further preparation improvement (92.86%). According to their opinion, no matter the limitations and unclear regulations, midwives are a basic resource for pregnant women`s preparation for giving birth (67.86%). The majority of the inquired think that midwife care is a resource not utilized to its maximum in the improvement of the preparation of pregnant women (78.57%). Students have suggested alternative educational methods - discussion (71.43%), demonstration (67.86%), conversation (39.29%) and training (32.43%). The inquired students think that patients will be better prepared for giving birth if the pregnancy is monitored in an autonomous midwife practice (78.57%) and do suggest that it provides the best educational conditions for the patients (64.39%). Students also think that midwives would gain patients` trust if they are allowed to prepare the pregnant women to give birth and train them to provide after-birth childcare (89.29%). Conclusion: Midwife health care is an underestimated resource in providing antenatal and perinatal healthcare for women. Autonomous midwife practices would create ideal environment for practicing medicine, oriented towards the current patient`s needs

    Expectations of the training of midwives

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    Увод: Обучението по специалност „Акушерка` с ОКС „Бакалавър` у нас, след 2006 г., се провежда във факултети, филиали и катедри на висши училища, основава се на ЕДИ и ЗВО. Университетското обучение цели да формира умения, способности и мотивация за адекватен стил на професионално поведение.Цел: Да се проучат очакванията на студентите относно обучението по специалност „Акушерка` в МУ-Варна.Материал и методи: Проучено е мнението на студенти от МУ-Варна, специалност „Акушерка` - І курс (27), изследването е изчерпателно и е проведено през м. юни 2016 г. Използвани методи - документален, статистически - анкетен, графичен анализ.Резултати и обсъждане: Резултатите сочат добро ниво на мотивация и нагласи за обучение в специалност „Акушерка`, която студентите считат за престижна и са избрали по силата на лични предпочитания. Анкетираните изразяват твърди намерения да упражняват професията след завършването си. Те са наясно с възможностите за реализация в чужбина и заявяват намерение да се възползват от тях. Необходими са спешни мерки, които да направят практикуването на професията у нас привлекателно. Студентите имат високи очаквания относно медицинското образование у нас.Изводи: Налице са данни за висока степен на съвпадение между очакванията на студентите и постигнатите резултати при обучението по специалност „Акушерка` на МУ-Варна.Aim: To research students` expectations regarding their training in the Midwife professional education program.Materials and Methods: We have studied is the opinion of first-year students from the Midwife program of the Medical University of Varna (27). The survey was very detailed and was conducted in the month June, 2016. The methods used within the research were documentary and statistical - questionnaire, graphical analysis.Results and Discussion: The results show a good level of motivation and attitude to training in the Midwife program which students consider prestigious and have selected it by personal preference. The respondents expressed firm intention to practice the profession after graduation. They are fully aware of their opportunity of growing their potential abroad and show clear intention of exploiting the chance. Urgent measures need to be taken in order to turn the practice of the profession in our country attractive. Students have high expectations of the medical education in the country.Conclusion: There are evidences of strong overlap between the students` expectations and the results from the training in the Midwife program at the Medical University of Varna

    Obstetrics Practices in Women’s Consulting – Perspectives of Professional Development for Midwifery Profession /// Акушерските практики за консултиране на жени – перспектива за развитието на професията „Акушерка“

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    This thesis is the first systematic, comprehensive and in-depth scientific study of the preparedness, attitudes and motivation of midwives to perform autonomous functions in women’s reproductive health care consultancy. It focuses on the possibilities for creating autonomous obstetric practices as potential for professional development of the midwifery profession. Criteria for control and evaluation of the autonomous obstetric practice have been developed.Дисертационният труд представлява първото системно, комплексно и задълбочено научно изследване на готовността, нагласите и мотивацията на акушерките за осъществяване на автономни функции при консултирането на жени във връзка с репродуктивното им здраве и възможностите за създаване на автономни акушерски практики като перспектива за развитието на професията „Акушерка“. Разработени са критерии за контрол и оценка на дейността на автономната акушерска практика