21 research outputs found

    Modelo de degeneración del disco intervertebral por punción de la cola de ratas Wistar: evaluación histológica y radiográfica

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    OBJETIVO: descrever a caracterização histológica e radiográfica do método de indução da degeneração do disco intervertebral da cauda de ratos Wistar induzida por meio de punção. MÉTODOS: ratos Wistar machos adultos foram anestesiados, radiografados e submetidos à punção dos discos intervertebrais localizados entre a sexta e a sétima e a oitava e nona vértebras coccígeas. Para a punção foi utilizada agulha de 20G, que foi introduzida até o ânulo fibroso, e foi realizada dupla rotação de 360º, mantendo-se a mesma posição durante 30 segundos antes da retirada. O disco intermediário aos segmentos lesados (7-8) não foi puncionado e foi utilizado como controle. Foi selecionado o período pós-lesão de 30 dias (n=9) para sacrifício e análise dos discos intervertebrais. Os animais foram radiografados 30 dias após a lesão para análise da altura do disco intervertebral. Os segmentos da cauda foram removidos, fixados e desmineralizados, processados e corados com Hematoxilina-Eosina para avaliação histológica. RESULTADOS: a análise radiográfica revelou a redução significativa da altura dos discos lesados em relação ao controle. A avaliação histológica revelou alterações no núcleo pulposo e ânulo fibroso dos discos lesados em relação ao controle. Não foram observadas diferenças na intensidade de lesão entre os discos proximal e distal. CONCLUSÃO: a degeneração do disco intervertebral da cauda de ratos Wistar induzida por meio de punção mostrou ser método reprodutível para estudo da degeneração do disco intervertebral. Esse modelo mostrou validade para avaliação experimental de novas intervenções terapêuticas nos processos de degeneração do disco intervertebral.OBJECTIVE: to report the induction of intervertebral disc degeneration of the rat caudal spine by needle puncture and its radiographic and histologic characterization. METHODS: adult male Wistar rats were anesthetized, submitted to the X-Ray and then to the needle puncture (20G) of intervertebral disc between the sixth and seventh (proximal segment) and the eighth and ninth (distal segment) coccygeal vertebrae. Radiographies were taken 30 days after lesion for analysis of intervertebral disc height. The intermediate disc (7-8) to injured segments was not punctured and was considered as control. All segments were removed, fixed and demineralized, processed and stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin for histological evaluation. RESULTS: radiographic analysis revealed significant reduction in disc height of lesioned discs compared to control. Similarly, histological analysis revealed significant changes in the nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosus of the lesioned discs (proximal and distal) relative to the control. There was no difference in the intensity of injury between the proximal and distal discs. CONCLUSION: the experimental model of tail intervertebral disc degeneration by needle puncture reproduced the steps of the intervertebral disc degeneration, assessed by different instruments, and it can be used for experimental evaluation of new therapeutic interventions for intervertebral disc degeneration process.OBJETIVO: describir la caracterización histológica y radiográfica del método de inducción de la degeneración del disco intervertebral de la cola de ratas Wistar, inducida por medio de la punción. MÉTODOS: ratas Wistar machos adultos fueron anestesiados, radiografiados y sometidos a la punción de los discos intervertebrales localizados, entre la sexta y la séptima; y la octava y novena vértebras coccígeas. Para la punción, fue utilizada una aguja de 20G, que fue introducida hasta el ánulo fibroso, y fue realizada una dupla rotación de 360º, manteniendo esta posición durante 30 segundos, previamente a la retirada. El disco intermediario a los segmentos lesionados (7-8) no fue puncionado y fue considerado como control. Fue seleccionado el periodo post-lesión de 30 días (n=9) para sacrificio y análisis de los discos intervertebrales. Los animales fueron radiografiados 30 días después de la lesión para análisis de la altura del disco intervertebral. Los segmentos de la cola fueron removidos, fijados y desmineralizados, procesados y coloreados con hematoxilina-eosina para evaluación histológica. RESULTADOS: el análisis radiográfico mostró una reducción significativa de la altura de los discos lesionados en relación al control. La evaluación histológica mostró alteraciones en el núcleo pulposo y el ánulo fibroso de los discos lesionados en relación al control. No fueron observadas diferencias en la intensidad de la lesión entre los discos proximal y distal. CONCLUSIÓNES: la degeneración del disco intervertebral de la cola de ratas Wistar inducida por medio de punción mostró ser un método reproducible para el estudio de la degeneración del disco intervertebral. Ese modelo mostró validez para la evaluación experimental de nuevas intervenciones terapéuticas en los procesos de la degeneración del disco intervertebral.Capes - PNPDFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Mediate evaluation of replicating a Training Program in Nonverbal Communication in Gerontology

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    OBJECTIVE Replicating the training program in non-verbal communication based on the theoretical framework of interpersonal communication; non-verbal coding, valuing the aging aspects in the perspective of active aging, checking its current relevance through the content assimilation index after 90 days (mediate) of its application. METHOD A descriptive and exploratory field study was conducted in three hospitals under direct administration of the state of São Paulo that caters exclusively to Unified Health System (SUS) patients. The training lasted 12 hours divided in three meetings, applied to 102 health professionals. RESULTS Revealed very satisfactory and satisfactory mediate content assimilation index in 82.9%. CONCLUSION The program replication proved to be relevant and updated the setting of hospital services, while remaining efficient for healthcare professionals

    Identification of psoralen loaded PLGA microspheres in rat skin by light microscopy

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    Drug delivery systems involving the use of polymers are widely studied and discovery of biocompatible polymers has become the focus of research in this area. Psoralen loaded poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microspheres to be used in PUVA therapy (psoralen and UVA irradiation (ultraviolet A, 320-400 nm) of psoriasis were identified in paraffin sections by histological analysis. The psoralen loaded PLGA microspheres were prepared using the solvent evaporation technique. They were spherical and possessed an external smooth surface as observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. This study describes a modification in the routine preparation of microsphere samples for examination by light microscopy. The changes involved fixative agents and/or stains allowing the identification of microspheres containing a non-fluorescent material. The preservation and identification of microspheres in tissues for histological processing in paraffin was greatly improved by these modifications as proven by our results. (c) 2007 Elsevicr Ltd. All rights reserved

    Evaluation of Protective Effect of a Water-In-Oil Microemulsion Incorporating Quercetin Against UVB-Induced Damage in Hairless Mice Skin

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    Purpose. Histological aspects were considered in order to evaluate the in vivo photoprotective effect of a w/o microemulsion containing quercetin against UVB irradiation-induced dermal damages. The toxicity in cell culture and the potential skin irritation resulting from topical application of this formulation were investigated. Methods. Mouse dorsal surfaces were treated topically with 300 mg of the unloaded and quercetin-loaded (0.3%, w/w) microemulsions before and after exposure to UVB (2.87 J/cm(2)) irradiation. The untreated control groups irradiated and non-irradiated were also evaluated. UVB-induced histopathological changes as well as the photoprotective effect of this formulation were evaluated considering the parameters of infiltration of inflammatory cells, epidermis thickening (basale and spinosum layers) and collagen and elastic fiber contents. The cytotoxicity of the reported formulation was evaluated in L929 mice fibroblasts by MTT assay and the skin irritation was investigated after topical application of both unloaded and quercetin-loaded microemulsions once a day for 15 days. Results. The results demonstrated that the w/o microemulsion containing quercetin reduced the incidence of histological skin alterations, mainly the connective-tissue damage, induced by exposure to UVB irradiation. This suggests that protective effects of this formulation against UV-induced responses are not secondary to the interference of UV transmission (i.e., blocking the UVB radiation from being absorbed by the skin), as is usually implied with UVB absorbers and sunscreens, but is instead due to different biological effects of this flavonoid. Furthermore, by evaluating the cytotoxic effect on L929 cells and histological aspects such as infiltration of inflammatory cells and epidermis thickness of hairless mice, the present study also demonstrated the lack of toxicity of the proposed system. Conclusion. Based on these mice models, a detailed characterization of the w/o microemulsion incorporating quercetin effects as a photochemoprotective agent on human skin is presented.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES, Brazil)""Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo"" (FAPESP, Brazil

    Clearance of Staphylococcus aureus from In Vivo Models of Chronic Infection by Immunization Requires Both Planktonic and Biofilm Antigens.

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a causative agent of chronic biofilm-associated infections that are recalcitrant to resolution by the immune system or antibiotics. To combat these infections, an anti-staphylococcal, biofilm-specific quadrivalent vaccine against an osteomyelitis model in rabbits has previously been developed and shown to be effective at eliminating biofilm-embedded bacterial populations. However, the addition of antibiotics was required to eradicate remaining planktonic populations. In this study a planktonic up-regulated antigen was combined with the quadrivalent vaccine to remove the need for antibiotic therapy. Immunization with this pentavalent vaccine followed by intraperitoneal challenge of BALB/c mice with S. aureus resulted in 16.7% versus 91.7% mortality in pentavalent vaccine and control groups, respectively (p<0.001). Complete bacterial elimination was found in 66.7% of the pentavalent cohort, while only 8.3% of the control animals cleared the infection (p<0.05). Further protective efficacy was observed in immunized rabbits following intramedullary challenge with S. aureus, where 62.5% of the pentavalent cohort completely cleared the infection versus none of the control animals (p<0.05). Passive immunization of BALB/c mice with serum IgG against the vaccine antigens prior to intraperitoneal challenge with S. aureus prevented mortality in 100% of mice and eliminated bacteria in 33.3% of the challenged mice. These results demonstrate that targeting both the planktonic and biofilm stages with the pentavalent vaccine or the IgG elicited by immunization can effectively protect against S. aureus infection

    Quercetin in w/o microemulsion: In vitro and in vivo skin penetration and efficacy against UVB-induced skin damages evaluated in vivo

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    The present study evaluated the potential of a w/o microemulsion as a topical carrier system for delivery of the antioxidant quercetin. Topical and transdermal delivery of quercetin were evaluated in vitro Using porcine car skin mounted on a Franz diffusion cell and in vivo on hairless-skin mice. Skin irritation by topical application of the microemulsion containing quercetin, and the protective effect of the formulation on UVB-induced decrease of endogenous reduced glutathione levels and increase of cutaneous proteinase secretion/activity were also investigated. The w/o microemulsion increased the penetration of quercetin into the stratum corneum and epidermis plus dermis at 3, 6. 9 and 12 h post-application in vitro and in vivo at 6 h post-application. No transdermal delivery of quercetin Occurred. By evaluating established endpoints of skin irritation (erythema formation, epidermis thickening and infiltration of inflammatory cells), the Study demonstrated that the daily application of the w/o microemulsion for up to 2 days did not cause skin irritation. W/o microemulsion containing quercetin significantly prevented the UVB irradiation-induced GSH depletion and secretion/activity of metalloproteinases. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Coordena de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES, BrazilFundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo"" (FAPESP, Brazil)FTM

    Epigenetic signature of differentially methylated genes in cutaneous melanoma

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    Abstract Background Cutaneous melanoma (CM) is the most aggressive subtype of skin cancer, with increasing incidence over the past several decades. DNA methylation is a key element of several biological processes such as genomic imprinting, cell differentiation and senescence, and deregulation of this mechanism has been implicated in several diseases, including cancer. In order to understand the relationship of DNA methylation in CMs, we searched for an epigenetic signature of cutaneous melanomas by comparing the DNA methylation profiles between tumours and benign melanocytes, the precursor cells of CM. Methods We used 20 primary CMs and three primary cell cultures of melanocytes as a discovery cohort. The tumours mutational background was collected as previously reported. Methylomes were obtained using the HM450K DNA methylation assay, and differential methylation analysis was performed. DNA methylation data of CMs from TCGA were recovered to validate our findings. Results A signature of 514 differentially methylated genes (DMGs) was evident in CMs compared to melanocytes, which was independent of the presence of driver mutations. Pathway analysis of this CM signature revealed an enrichment of proteins involved in the binding of DNA regulatory regions (hypermethylated sites), and related to transmembrane signal transducer activities (hypomethylated sites). The methylation signature was validated in an independent dataset of primary CMs, as well as in lymph node and distant metastases (correlation of DNA methylation level: r > 0,95; Pearson’s test: p < 2.2e-16). Conclusions CMs exhibited a DMGs signature, which was independent of the mutational background and possibly established prior to genetic alterations. This signature provides important insights into how epigenetic deregulation contributes to melanomagenesis in general