54 research outputs found

    Involutivity and Symple Waves in R^2

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    A strictly hyperbolic quasi-linear 2×2 system in two independent variables with C2 coefficients is considered. The existence of a simple wave solution in the sense that the solution is a 2-dimensional vector-valued function of the so called Riemann invariant is discussed. It is shown, through a purely geometrical approach, that there always exists simple wave solution for the general system when the coefficients are arbitrary C^2 functions depending on both, dependent and independent variables

    The nature of the golf complex as a tourism business model

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    Governments and tourist boards around the world have recognized the importance of golf travel and the great potential it has to generate sustainable growth ,high revenue and low negative tourism impact. Golf has been used to change the image of a destination, increase 5 star hotel room sales, attract meetings & incentive events, generate real estate sales, draw inward investment, improve environmental sustainability, enhance water conservation and create leisure and sporting opportunities for all areas of the hospitality industry. To achieve all this suitable business model for the golf complex is essential. The aim of this article is to establish the parameters of the business model, which will help ensure that development of golf complex will be economically viable and sustainable

    Investigation of anxiety levels in high-risk pregnancy

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    Бременността е период, в който съществуват физиологични, психически, хормонални и социални промени, повишаващи риска от емоционално страдание и психиатрична заболеваемост в този етап от живота на жената. Цел: Оценка на случаите на тревожност при бременни жени и факторите, свързани с появата ѝ; сравнявайки наличието на тревожност във всеки гестационен триместър. Материал и методи: За периода март–август 2018 чрез използването на анонимна анкетна карта са изследвани 120 бременни жени. Резултатите са обработени статистически, като са използвани сравнителен и корелационен анализи. Резултати: Тревожност се наблюдава при 26,8% от бременните жени, като е по-честа през третото тримесечие (42,9%) (p=0.04), усложнения при предходни бременности (р=0.00), история на риска от спонтанен аборт (p=0.05), майчинство по отношение на бременността (p = 0.01) и броят на пушените ежедневно цигари (p=0.00) е статистически свързан с появата на тревожност по време на бременност.Заключение: Тревожност се случва често по време на бременност. Разбирането на факторите, свързани с появата ѝ, позволява разработването на превантивни мерки при пренаталното лечение.Introduction: Pregnancy is a period in which physiological, psychic, hormonal and social changes are present, increasing the risk of emotional suffering and psychiatric morbidity in this stage of a woman’s life.Aim: The aim of this article is evaluating the occurrence of anxiety in pregnant women and the factors associated with its occurrence; comparing the presence of anxiety in each gestational trimester. Materials and Methods: For the period March - August 2018, 60 pregnant women were examined using an anonymous questionnaire. The results were statistically processed using comparative and correlation analyzes. Results: Anxiety was seen in 26.8% of pregnant women, and was more common in the third trimester (42.9%) (p=0.04), complications from previous pregnancies (p=0.00), history of the risk of spontaneous abortion (p=0.05), maternal pregnancy (p=0.01), and the number of smoked daily cigarettes (p=0.00) are all statistically associated with the occurrence of anxiety during pregnancy. Conclusion: Anxiety often occurs during pregnancy. An understanding of the factors associated with its occurrence allows the development of preventive measures in prenatal treatment

    Pregnancy and depression

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    Въведение: Критериите за диагностициране на депресия са еднакви независимо от състоянието на бременността. Въпреки това депресията често се пренебрегва по време на бременност, тъй като симптомите на депресия често са подобни на соматичните преживявания, свързани с бременността. Рисковите фактори за развитието на депресията по време на бременност включват недостатъчна социална подкрепа, живеещите сами, брачни несъгласия, нежелана бременност или многото деца. Целта на настоящото изследване е да се направи систематичен преглед на литературата относно влиянието на депресията върху бременността. Материал и методи: За проучването са използвани следните изследователски бази данни: MEDLINE, Scopus, EMBASE и PubMed за десетгодишен период, съсредоточени върху проучвания, изследващи депресията при бременни. Резултати: Между 12% и 15% от жените отговарят на критериите за депресия в даден момент по време на бременността или след раждането. Не е ясно защо вторият и третият триместър на бременността се свързват с повишен риск от депресия (в сравнение с първия триместър). Изводи: Няколко рискови фактори предразполагат към депресия по време на бременност. Някои от тях са лоша пренатална грижа, лошо хранене, стресови събития, предишна история на психиатрични разстройства, предшестващи усложнения в пубертета, събития по време на бременност, като предишни аборти. Други фактори включват възраст, семейно положение, планирана или непланирана бременност, предишна история на мъртво раждане и ниво на социална подкрепа. По този начин оценката на депресията по време на бременност е от съществено значение за откриването на бременни жени, нуждаещи се от интервенция, за да се запази благосъстоянието на майката и бебето.Introduction: The criteria for the diagnosis of depression are the same regardless of the pregnancy status. However, depression is often overlooked in pregnancy, as the symptoms of depression are often similar to the somatic experiences associated with pregnancy. Risk factors for the development of depression in pregnancy include insufficient social support, living alone, marital discord, having an unwanted pregnancy, or having multiple children. Aim: The aim of this study is to make a systematic review of the literature on the impact of depression on pregnancy. Materials and Methods: The following research databases were searched: MEDLINE, Scopus, EMBASE and PubMed for a 10-year period. The focus was on studies investigating depression in pregnant women. Results: Between 12% and 15% of women meet the criteria for depression at a time during pregnancy or after birth. It is unclear why the second and third trimesters of pregnancy are associated with an increased risk of depression (compared to the first trimester). Conclusion: Several risk factors predispose to depression during pregnancy. Some of them are poor prenatal care, poor nutrition, stressful events, a previous history of psychiatric disorders, pre-existing complications of puberty, pregnancy events like previous abortions. Other factors include age, marital status, planned or unplanned pregnancy, previous birth history, and level of social support. Thus, the evaluation of depression during pregnancy is essential for the detection of pregnant women in need of intervention to maintain maternal and infant wellbeing

    Behavior of the psychology specialist with women with breast carcinoma

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    Опитът с рак на гърдата има няколко отделни фази, всяка от които се характеризира с уникален набор от психосоциални проблеми. Тези фази съвпадат с аспектите на клиничния ход на заболяването и свързаните с него лечения. Цел: Литературен преглед на характерните психосоциални нужди, свързани с диагнозата, първичното лечение, специалните въпроси, свързани с неинвазивния рак на гърдата, завършването на лечението и повторното влизане в обичайния живот, оцеляването, повторението и облекчаването на напреднал рак. Материал и методи: За проучването са използвани следните изследователски бази данни: MEDLINE, Scopus, EMBASE и PubMed за десетгодишен период, съсредоточени върху проучвания, изследващи психологичните проблеми при жени с карцином на гърдата. Резултати: психосоциалното въздействие на карцинома на гърдата трябва да се разбира и в контекста на други въпроси, които засягат справянето на жените, качеството на живот и благополучието, като например социално-икономически фактори и културни фактори, наличието на социална подкрепа, достъп до здравни грижи и наличието на други хронични заболявания или жизнени кризи. Изводи: Проучвания при ранен стадий на карцинома на гърдата и при пациенти с други ракови заболявания са показали ползи от индивидуалните психологични грижи, но те не са били адекватно оценени при метастазирал карцином на гърдата. Настоящите изследвания не предоставят достатъчно информация, за да определят оптималния вид грижа, която да бъде използвана, или оптималното време и продължителност на такива грижи при жени с напреднал карцином на гърдата. Поради тази причина е необходимо да се направят изследвания в тази област, именно защото с наближаването на смъртта пациентите с карцином имат най-голяма нужда от психологична подкрепа.Introduction: Breast cancer experience has several distinct phases, each characterized by a unique set of psychosocial problems. These phases coincide with aspects of the clinical course of the disease and related therapies. Aim: A literature review of the characteristic psychosocial needs associated with diagnosis, primary treatment, special issues related to non-invasive breast cancer, completion of treatment and re-entry into the normal life, survival, recurrence and relief of advanced cancer was conducted. Materials and Methods: The following research databases were searched: MEDLINE, Scopus, EMBASE and PubMed for the ten-year period with a focus on studies exploring the psychological problems of women with breast cancer. Results: The psychosocial impact of breast carcinoma should be understood also in the context of other issues affecting women's care, quality of life and well-being, such as socio-economic factors and cultural factors, the availability of social support, access to health care and the presence of other chronic diseases or life crises. Conclusion: Early breast cancer studies and cancer patients have been shown to benefit from individual psychological care, but they have not been adequately evaluated for metastatic breast carcinoma. Current studies do not provide sufficient information to determine the optimal type of care to be used or the optimal time and duration of such care in women with advanced breast cancer. For this reason, research needs to be done in this area, precisely because with the approach of death, carcinoma patients have the greatest need for psychological support

    Thracian dolmens and their orientations

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    The volumen title is ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY IN FOLK TRADITIONS AND CULTURAL HERITAGE Edited by Jonas Vaigkunas. Archaeologia Baltica volume 10 was prepared by Klaipėda University Institute of Baltic Sea Region History and Archaeology and Museum of Molėtai district. Published with a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of The Republic of Lithuania.[EN]Spread over south-eastern Bulgaria, northern Greece and the European part of Turkey are a large number of megalithic tombs. These dolmens were built from around the twelfth century BC to about the sixth century BC. The monuments were built with well cut slabs, defining a rectangular space with a roof. A small hole marks the entrance. A dromos is also present in some dolmens and all of these structures used to be covered by a tumulus. We present the first results from a series of campaigns devoted to measuring the orientation of these structures. The first campaign was carried out in the Strandja Mountains where 31 dolmens (among other monuments) were measured. The dolmens are not orientated at random, and a particular pattem of orientation has been found for the entrance of these monuments. Several tentative explanations are attempted and supported with information provided by contemporary Greek sources.This work is partially financed under the framework of the projects P310793 `Arqueoastronomia' of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and AYA2004-01010 `Orientatio ad Sidera' of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.Peer reviewe

    Intersatellite-link demonstration mission between CubeSOTA (LEO CubeSat) and ETS9-HICALI (GEO satellite)

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    LEO-to-GEO intersatellite links using laser communications bring important benefits to greatly enhance applications such as downloading big amounts of data from LEO satellites by using the GEO satellite as a relay. By using this strategy, the total availability of the LEO satellite increases from less than 1% if the data is downloaded directly to the ground up to about 60% if the data is relayed through GEO. The main drawback of using a GEO relay is that link budget is much more difficult to close due to the much larger distance. However, this can be partially compensated by transmitting at a lower data rate, and still benefiting from the much-higher link availability when compared to LEO-to-ground downlinks, which additionally are more limited by the clouds than the relay option. After carrying out a feasibility study, NICT and the University of Tokyo started preparing a mission to demonstrate the technologies needed to perform these challenging lasercom links. Furthermore, to demonstrate the feasibility of this technique, an extremely-small satellite, i.e. a 6U CubeSat, will be used to achieve data rates as high as 10 Gbit/s between LEO and GEO. Some of the biggest challenges of this mission are the extremely low size, weight and power available in the CubeSat, the accurate pointing precision required for the lasercom link, and the difficulties of closing the link at such a high speed as 10 Gbit/s.Comment: 5 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    Two-particle correlations in azimuthal angle and pseudorapidity in inelastic p + p interactions at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron

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    Results on two-particle ΔηΔϕ correlations in inelastic p + p interactions at 20, 31, 40, 80, and 158 GeV/c are presented. The measurements were performed using the large acceptance NA61/SHINE hadron spectrometer at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron. The data show structures which can be attributed mainly to effects of resonance decays, momentum conservation, and quantum statistics. The results are compared with the Epos and UrQMD models.ISSN:1434-6044ISSN:1434-605


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