9 research outputs found

    Municipal Solid Waste Management and Energy Recovery

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    The contribution of this chapter is to deepen and widen existing knowledge on municipal solid waste (MSW) management by analyzing different energy recovery routes for MSW. The main aspects related to the composition of waste are addressed, as well as the technological routes for thermochemical and biochemical energy usage. Within the thermochemical route, incineration is currently the most utilized technology for energy recovery of waste, with generation of electricity and heat and also a decrease in the volume of the produced waste. Gasification and pyrolysis are alternatives for the production of chemical products from wastes. The biological route is an interesting alternative for the utilization of the organic fraction of MSW, as aerobic or anaerobic processes enable the production of biogas and of a compound that can be utilized as a fertilizer. Depending on the size of the population, composition of waste, and products to be obtained (energy or chemical), more than one technology can be combined for a better energy usage of waste

    Profitability of no-till grain production systems

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    In general, the technical and agronomic benefits of no-till farming are widely known and well documented in the literature. However, studies focusing on the economics of no-tillage are scarce. In this context, the objective of this study is to determine whether no-till grain production systems that follow the principles of conservation agriculture are economically profitable by analyzing gross margins per hectare per year over six harvests for the agricultural years 1998/1999 to 2003/2004. In addition, a possible link between profitability and different no-till methods in terms of degree of soil turnover, crop rotation, and whether machinery used in agricultural operations is owned or rented is investigated. For this purpose, the multi-case analytical method was applied to thirteen grain producing family farms in Northern Paraná state, Brazil. Based on the results, two ranges of agricultural production variable costs and gross margins were identified. Higher gross margins were associated with longer use of the no-till system, ownership of machinery and equipment, specialization in grains, rotation of the commercial crops used, and higher variable costs. Lower gross margins were associated with outsourcing of sowing, small-scale cropping, and lack of crop rotation. It is concluded that family mechanized no-till systems of grain production in north Paraná are profitable

    Transformações recentes nos sistemas agrários na microrregião de Toledo/PR e no território Norte Pioneiro Paranaense

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    During the period of 1950 through 2000, a green-revolution-based model mostly for commodities boosted global agricultural production. From the 70’s, this design became consolidated in Brazil and other countries because of policies and strategies by states and private groups. However, some doubts has been raised on its environmental and socioeconomic issues, in special for family farming. This study aimed to contribute by identifying changes and resistance in agricultural structures, systems and demographic aspects of this model and its adoption by farmers. It was carried out in the state of Paraná - Brazil, within the microregion of Toledo and in the northern pioneer area, which represent the history and diversity of this state about socioeconomic and human aspects, as well as technical development. It was based on statistics of agricultural censuses (1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1996 and 2006), population censuses (1970, 1980, 1991, 2000 and 2010) and municipal agricultural production data (1980-2012). Data from both areas were compared to each other and analyzed in face of state changes. There has been a decrease in farming properties and rural population, with an outstanding decline in the number of young people and women. Moreover, results showed a large reduction of properties with 20 to 50 ha, and an increase in those of up to 2 ha. Such decline is due to technological standard changes throughout the period, as well as recent grants offered to rural areas, as housing and leisure spaces. Both regions showed expansion of soybean plantations, but integrating distinctively to agriculture and, finally, family farming continuity, despite the intense changes.Durante o período de 1950 a 2000, o modelo de desenvolvimento agrícola pautado no conceito da revolução verde e voltado sobretudo para a produção de commodities permitiu um aumento significativo na produção agrícola global. A partir dos anos 70, este modelo foi consolidado no Brasil e em outros países como resultado da combinação de políticas e estratégias dos Estados e dos grandes grupos privados. A vigência desse modelo tem suscitado dúvidas sobre as suas consequências ambientais e socioeconômicas, particularmente quando adotado em sistemas de agricultura familiar. O trabalho tem por objetivo contribuir no debate desse tema identificando as mudanças e resistências nas estruturas agrárias, nos sistemas agrícolas e em aspectos demográficos relacionados com a difusão desse modelo e sua adoção pelos agricultores. O estudo foi realizado no estado do Paraná, na Microrregião de Toledo e no Território Norte Pioneiro, áreas que representam a história e a diversidade paranaense em seus aspectos de desenvolvimento socioeconômico, humano e técnico. Baseou-se na análise de dados estatísticos de censos agropecuários (1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1996 e 2006), censos demográficos (1970, 1980, 1991, 2000 e 2010) e nos dados de produção agrícola municipal (1980-2012). Os dados foram comparados entre as duas áreas e analisados em alinhamento com as mudanças observadas no estado. Observa-se uma diminuição do número de estabelecimentos agropecuários e da população rural, com a redução, sobretudo, do número de jovens e de mulheres. Os resultados mostram ainda uma grande redução no número de estabelecimentos entre 20 a 50 ha e o crescimento do número de estabelecimentos de até 2 ha, consequências das mudanças no padrão tecnológico observadas no período e de atribuições oferecidas em período mais recente às zonas rurais, incorporadas como espaço de moradia e lazer. Observa-se ainda a expansão do cultivo de soja em ambas as regiões, porém com modalidades diferenciadas de inserção nos sistemas agrícolas e, finalmente, a permanência dos sistemas de agricultura familiar, apesar das intensas alterações observadas no período


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    A cafeicultura é relevante na oferta de ocupações e na formação da renda de um grande número de pequenos municípios do estado do Paraná. Para a sustentabilidade e competitividade da atividade cafeeira, é muito importante que as empresas baseiem suas atividades em sistemas de gestão acurados. Este estudo analisa o grau de gestão das empresas rurais cafeeiras paranaenses, o comportamento dos critérios de gestão nas principais regiões do Estado e identifica os indicadores de gestão que tem contribuído com maior peso para os níveis de gestão observados, visando orientar principalmente as atividades públicas e privadas voltadas à promoção do desenvolvimento local e regional. O estudo baseia-se na aplicação do Método de Identificação do Grau de Gestão – MIGG Café, estatísticas descritivas e análise de componentes principais. Os resultados, independentemente do tipo de café ou região do Paraná, apontam para um amplo potencial de crescimento das práticas de gestão

    Tillage systems on annual crops in Brazil: figures from the 2006 Agricultural Census

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    Data on no-tillage in Brazil in the last 30 years have been based on estimates made by the Brazilian No-Tillage and Irrigation Farmers’ Federation (FEBRAPDP). Secondary data have also been used, supplied by the Rural Extension Service of Rio Grande do Sul state (EMATER-RS/ASCAR), the Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Service of Santa Catarina state (EPAGRI), the Institute of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of Paraná state (EMATER-PR), the Coordination of Integral Technical Assistance of São Paulo state (CATI-SP), the MS Foundation for Research and Diffusion of Agricultural Technologies (MS FOUNDATION), and the Brazilian Savanna No-tillage Farmers’ Association (APDC). More reliable data on the use of no-tillage and other soil tillage systems for annual crops in Brazil were made available in 2009 after publication of the 2006 Agricultural Census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). While previous sources reported that the surface area of no-tillage in Brazil was 25.6 million hectares (Mha) in 2006, the present study, based on special tabulations presented by the 2006 Agricultural Census, indicates that no-tillage was used on approximately 17.8 Mha of annual crops. Furthermore, the 2006 Agricultural Census reported that minimum tillage was used on 3.8 Mha, a combination of minimum and conventional tillage was used on 3.1 Mha, and that conventional tillage was used on 11.8 Mha, amounting to a national total of 36.6 Mha of annual crops

    Preliminary analysis of the results of the project “Reference networks for family agriculture”: a property case study Análise preliminar dos resultados do <br>Projeto redes de referências para a agricultura familiar: estudo de caso de uma propriedade

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    The purpose of this work was to analyze the social-economical contributions from the followup procedure carried out by the Project: Reference Networks for Family Agriculture, which is being developed in the State of Paraná since 1998, in partnership with the Agronomical Institute of Paraná (IAPAR) and the Rural Extension and Technical Assistance Company of the State of Paraná (EMATER/PR). This analysis consists of two stages: firstly, the accomplishment of an economical-financial analysis, based on the data gathered in one of the followed-up properties, trying to identify if there was an increase in the income of this family and a better use of the production factors (land, capital and labor); secondly, by means of an interview with a semistructured questionnaire, it was tried to identify and analyze the family farmer’s perspective about his participation in this project as well as his level of satisfaction.Este trabalho procurou analisar as contribuições socioeconômicas decorrentes do acompanhamento realizado pelo Projeto Redes de Referências para a Agricultura Familiar, o qual está sendo desenvolvido no Estado do Paraná, desde 1998, numa parceria entre o entre o Instituto Agronômico do Paraná (IAPAR) e a Empresa Brasileira de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (EMATER/PR). Esta análise consiste em duas etapas: primeiro, a realização de uma análise econômico-financeira, com base nos dados coletados em uma das propriedades acompanhadas, buscando identificar se houve um incremento na renda dessa família e uma melhor utilização dos fatores de produção (terra, capital e mão de obra); na segunda etapa do trabalho, por meio de uma entrevista com questionário semi-estruturado, procurou-se identificar e analisar a perspectiva do agricultor familiar acerca da participação neste projeto, bem como seu grau de satisfação

    Pharmacological Effects and Toxicogenetic Impacts of Omeprazole: Genomic Instability and Cancer

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    Omeprazole (OME) is commonly used to treat gastrointestinal disorders. However, long-term use of OME can increase the risk of gastric cancer. We aimed to characterize the pharmacological effects of OME and to correlate its adverse effects and toxicogenetic risks to the genomic instability mechanisms and cancer-based on database reports. Thus, a search (till Aug 2019) was made in the PubMed, Scopus, and ScienceDirect with relevant keywords. Based on the study objective, we included 80 clinical reports, forty-six in vitro, and 76 in vivo studies. While controversial, the findings suggest that long-term use of OME (5 to 40 mg/kg) can induce genomic instability. On the other hand, OME-mediated protective effects are well reported and related to proton pump blockade and anti-inflammatory activity through an increase in gastric flow, anti-inflammatory markers (COX-2 and interleukins) and antiapoptotic markers (caspases and BCL-2), glycoprotein expression, and neutrophil infiltration reduction. The reported adverse and toxic effects, especially in clinical studies, were atrophic gastritis, cobalamin deficiencies, homeostasis disorders, polyp development, hepatotoxicity, cytotoxicity, and genotoxicity. This study highlights that OME may induce genomic instability and increase the risk of certain types of cancer. Therefore, adequate precautions should be taken, especially in its long-term therapeutic strategies and self-medication practices