196 research outputs found

    The Essence of Philosophy

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    Wilhelm Dilthey (1833-1911), the great German humanist, remained a towering figure in Europe long into the twentieth century. Published in 1954, this translation by Stephen A. Emery and William T. Emery was the first English translation of Dilthey's Das Wesen der Philosophie (1907) as well as his first work to be translated completely into English, making Dilthey accessible to scholars of the English-speaking world

    A pedagógia története

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    The Essence of Philosophy

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    Wilhelm Dilthey (1833-1911), the great German humanist, remained a towering figure in Europe long into the twentieth century. Published in 1954, this translation by Stephen A. Emery and William T. Emery was the first English translation of Dilthey's "Das Wesen der Philosophie" (1907) as well as his first work to be translated completely into English, making Dilthey accessible to scholars of the English-speaking world

    Dilthey pedagĂłgiai rendszere

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    Materiali per il secondo volume della Introduzione alle scienze dello spirito: Scritti inediti 1880-1893

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    [English]:As is well-known to the scholars of European philosophical thinking between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries, the great and ambitious plan of diltheyan criticism of the reason of history condensed in a pond-pink Introduction to the Human Sciences appeared in 1883 only the first volume especially the first two Books. The volume, which we present here, encloses in chronological order the various drafts which, as early as 1880, Dilthey made the work of the second volume of the work, which would have to contain the other four Books, the dedicated ones to the gnoseological, logical and methodological aspects of the philosophical foundation of the so-called sciences of the spirit. An absorbing commitment, which Dilthey will pursue throughout his scientific life, without saving power, will cost him a little in terms of psycho-physical health. In addition to the volume, which besides Breslau drafts also contains the famous Berlin Plan dating back to the early nineties, we also thought it appropriate to include the two dafts of the "Althoff Letter" dating back to mid-1882, as they also contain useful observations on the designed Introduction to the Human Sciences. / [Italiano]: Com’è noto agli studiosi del pensiero filosofico europeo tra Otto e Novecento, del grande e ambizioso piano diltheyano di una critica della ragione storica condensato in una ponderosa Introduzione alle scienze dello spirito apparve, nel 1883, solamente il primo volume, contenente segnatamente i primi due Libri. Il volume, che qui presentiamo, racchiude in ordine cronologico le varie elaborazioni che, già a partire dal 1880, Dilthey realizzò in funzione della stesura del secondo volume dell’opera, che avrebbe dovuto contenere gli altri quattro Libri, quelli dedicati agli aspetti gnoseologici, logici e metodologici della fondazione filosoficadelle cosiddette scienze dello spirito. Un impegno assorbente, che Dilthey perseguirà per tutta la propria vitascientifica, senza risparmio di forza, che gli costerà non poco in termini di salute psico-fisica. In Appendice al volume, che oltre alle elaborazioni di Breslavia contiene anche il noto Progetto di Berlino risalente ai primi anni Novanta, abbiamo ritenuto opportuno inserire anche le due minute della Lettera ad Althoff, databili intorno alla metà del 1882, poiché contengono anch’esse utili osservazioni sulla progettata Introduzione alle scienze dello spirito

    Hegel y el idealismo

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