19 research outputs found

    Maternal microchimerism in the livers of patients with Biliary atresia

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    BACKGROUND: Biliary atresia (BA) is a neonatal cholestatic disease of unknown etiology. It is the leading cause of liver transplantation in children. Many similarities exist between BA and graft versus host disease suggesting engraftment of maternal cells during gestation could result in immune responses that lead to BA. The aim of this study was to determine the presence and extent of maternal microchimerism (MM) in the livers of infants with BA. METHODS: Using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), 11 male BA & 4 male neonatal hepatitis (NH) livers, which served as controls, were analyzed for X and Y-chromosomes. To further investigate MM in BA, 3 patients with BA, and their mothers, were HLA typed. Using immunohistochemical stains, the BA livers were examined for MM. Four additional BA livers underwent analysis by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for evidence of MM. RESULTS: By FISH, 8 BA and 2 NH livers were interpretable. Seven of eight BA specimens showed evidence of MM. The number of maternal cells ranged from 2–4 maternal cells per biopsy slide. Neither NH specimen showed evidence of MM. In addition, immunohistochemical stains confirmed evidence of MM. Using PCR, a range of 1–142 copies of maternal DNA per 25,000 copies of patients DNA was found. CONCLUSIONS: Maternal microchimerism is present in the livers of patients with BA and may contribute to the pathogenesis of BA

    Exomorfología y anatomía de órganos vegetativos aéreos en especies de Flourensia DC. (Asteraceae) con importancia fitoquímica

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    El género Flourensia DC. es americano y comprende 32 especies. Son arbustos resinosos utilizados en medicina popular; poseen un potencial valor económico, por lo que, en algunas especies representantes, se han caracterizado sus compuestos químicos y determinado algunos posibles usos. En el presente trabajo, se estudió la exomorfología y anatomía de órganos vegetativos de F. hirta S. F. Blake, F. leptopoda S. F. Blake, F. niederleinii S. F. Blake y F. tortuosa Griseb., especies endémicas del centro de Argentina. Se observó que todas son similares en cuanto a la anatomía de hoja y tallo. En cuanto al estudio de la epidermis foliar, se concluye que es posible diferenciar las especies teniendo en cuenta la frecuencia estomática y la presencia de tricomas. Finalmente, las diferencias más notables se encontraron en la exomorfología foliar ya que se observó una gran variación en cuanto a la forma de las hojas y tamaño de las láminas y pecíolos. Con respecto a las estructuras secretoras, se encontraron tricomas y conductos secretores esquizógenos en las hojas y los tallos de todas las especies, las cuales serían responsables de la producción y secreción de las resinas.The genus Flourensia DC. is American and comprises 32 species. They are resiniferous shrubs used in folk medicine. As they have potential economic value, its chemical compounds have been characterized and some possible uses identified. In this work, the exomorphology and anatomy of vegetative organs of F. hirta S. F. Blake, F. leptopoda S. F. Blake, F. niederleinii S. F. Blake and F. tortuosa Griseb., endemic species from central Argentina, have been studied. All species are similar in leaf and stem anatomy. Regarding the epidermis, it is possible to differentiate the species according to the stomatal frequency and the presence of trichomes. Finally, the most remarkable differences were found in leaf exomorphology, since there was a large variation in shape and size of blades and petioles. Concerning the secretory structures, trichomes and secretory ducts were found in the leaves and stems of all species, which would be responsible for the production and secretion of the resins