658 research outputs found

    Poly[[tris­(μ2-4,4′-bipyridine N,N′-di­oxide)hexa­nitratodigadolinium(III)] dichloro­methane disolvate]

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    The title one-dimensional coordination network, {[Gd2(NO3)6(C10H8N2O2)3]·2CH2Cl2}n, is isostructural with the previously reported Tb and Tl coordination networks and to its Eu analog. The GdIII cation is coordinated in a distorted tricapped trigonal-prismatic fashion by nine O atoms from three bridging 4,4′-bipyridine N,N′-dioxide ligands and three chelating nitrate anions. None of the atoms lie on a special position, but there is an inversion center located between the rings of one of the ligands. The network topology is ladder-like, and each ladder inter­acts with six neighboring ladders through C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. The packing motif of the ladders allows for the formation of channels that run parallel to the a axis; these channels are filled with CH2Cl2 solvent mol­ecules that inter­act with the ladders through C—H⋯O hydrogen bond

    Poly[[tris­(μ2-4,4′-bipyridine N,N′-di­oxide)hexa­nitratodieuropium(III)] dichloro­methane disolvate]

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    The title one-dimensional coordination network, {[Eu2(NO3)6(C10H8N2O2)3]·2CH2Cl2}n, is isostructural with the previously reported Tb and Tl coordination networks and to its Gd analog. The EuIII cation is coordinated in a distorted tricapped trigonal-prismatic fashion by nine O atoms from three bridging 4,4′-bipyridine N,N′-dioxide ligands and three chelating nitrate anions. None of the atoms lie on a special position, but there is an inversion center located between the rings of one of the ligands. The network topology is ladder-like, and each ladder inter­acts with six neighboring ladders through C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. The packing motif of the ladders allows for the formation of channels that run parallel to the a axis; these channels are filled with CH2Cl2 solvent mol­ecules that inter­act with the ladders through C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    Size-resolved particulate matter composition in Beijing during pollution and dust events

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    Each spring, Beijing, China, experiences dust storms which cause high particulate matter concentrations. Beijing also has many anthropogenic sources of particulate matter including the large Capitol Steel Company. On the basis of measured size segregated, speciated particulate matter concentrations, and calculated back trajectories, three types of pollution events occurred in Beijing from 22 March to 1 April 2001: dust storms, urban pollution events, and an industrial pollution event. For each event type, the source of each measured element is determined to be soil or anthropogenic and profiles are created that characterize the particulate matter composition. Dust storms are associated with winds traveling from desert regions and high total suspended particle (TSP) and PM2.5 concentrations. Sixty-two percent of TSP is due to elements with oxides and 98% of that is from soil. Urban pollution events have smaller particulate concentrations but 49% of the TSP is from soil, indicating that dust is a major component of the particulate matter even when there is not an active dust storm. The industrial pollution event is characterized by winds from the southwest, the location of the Capitol Steel Company, and high particulate concentrations. PM2.5 mass and acidic ion concentrations are highest during the industrial pollution event as are Mn, Zn, As, Rb, Cd, Cs and Pb concentrations. These elements can be used as tracers for industrial pollution from the steel mill complex. The industrial pollution is potentially more detrimental to human health than dust storms due to higher PM2.5 concentrations and higher acidic ion and toxic particulate matter concentrations

    A quantitative method for clustering size distributions of elements

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    A quantitative method was developed to group similarly shaped size distributions of particle-phase elements in order to ascertain sources of the elements. This method was developed and applied using data from two sites in Houston, TX; one site surrounded by refineries, chemical plants and vehicular and commercial shipping traffic, and the other site, 25 miles inland surrounded by residences, light industrial facilities and vehicular traffic. Twenty-four hour size-segregated (0.056<D_p (particle diameter)<1.8 μm) particulate matter samples were collected during five days in August 2000. ICP-MS was used to quantify 32 elements with concentrations as low as a few picograms per cubic meter. Concentrations of particulate matter mass, sulfate and organic carbon at the two sites were often not significantly different from each other and had smooth unimodal size distributions indicating the regional nature of these species. Element concentrations varied widely across events and sites and often showed sharp peaks at particle diameters between 0.1 and 0.3 μm and in the ultrafine mode (Dp<0.1 μm), which suggested that the sources of these elements were local, high-temperature processes. Elements were quantitatively grouped together in each event using Ward's Method to cluster normalized size distributions of all elements. Cluster analysis provided groups of elements with similar size distributions that were attributed to sources such as automobile catalysts, fluid catalytic cracking unit catalysts, fuel oil burning, a coal-fired power plant, and high-temperature metal working. The clustered elements were generally attributed to different sources at the two sites during each sampling day indicating the diversity of local sources that impact heavy metals concentrations in the region

    Effects of Self-Heating on Planar Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Diodes

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    The conversion efficiency for planar Al0.7GaAs-GaAs heterostructure barrier varactor triplers is shown to be reduced from a theoretical efficiency of 10% to 3% due to self-heating. The reduction is in accordance with measurements on planar Al0.7GaAs-GaAs heterostructure barrier varactor (HBV) triplers to 261 GHz at room temperature and with low temperature tripler measurements to 255 GHz. The delivered maximum output power at 261 GHz is 2.0 mW. Future HBV designs should carefully consider and reduce the device thermal resistance and parasitic series resistance. Optimization of the RF circuit for a 10 ?m diameter device yielded a delivered output power of 3.6 mW (2.5% conversion efficiency) at 234 GH

    A prospective study of the relationship between prediagnostic Human Papillomavirus seropositivity and HPV DNA in subsequent cervical carcinomas

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    Several prospective studies with invasive carcinoma as endpoint have supported Human Papillomavirus as a cause of cervical carcinoma. However, the largest study used seroepidemiology and did not analyse presence of Human Papillomavirus DNA in the subsequent tumour. Linkage of serum bank registries and cancer registries had identified 196 women with a registered cervical carcinoma after donation of a serum sample. For the present study, biopsies for 127 cases could be located, verified to contain invasive carcinoma and be amplified by PCR. Three control women who had remained alive and without cervical carcinoma during an equal length of follow-up had been matched to each of the case women and tested for HPV antibodies. Presence of Human Papillomavirus DNA in the tumours was analysed by general primer and type specific PCR. HPV16-seropositive women had a relative risk of 4.4 (95% CI: 2.2–8.8) to develop cervical carcinoma carrying HPV16 DNA. By contrast, there was no excess risk for Human Papillomavirus 16-seropositive women to develop cervical carcinoma devoid of HPV16 DNA. Prediagnostic HPV16 seropositivity was strongly correlated with later HPV16 DNA positivity of the tumour (P<0.001) and prediagnostic HPV18 seropositivity correlated with HPV18 DNA in the tumour (P<0.03). The link between prediagnostic seropositivity and type of viral DNA in the cancer implies that the carcinogenic effect of infection with these viruses is dependent on persistent presence of type-specific viral DNA

    Human papillomavirus infection as a risk factor for anal and perianal skin cancer in a prospective study

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    Human papillomavirus has emerged as the leading infectious cause of cervical and other anogenital cancers. We have studied the relation between human papillomavirus infection and the subsequent risk of anal and perianal skin cancer. A case–cohort study within two large Nordic serum banks to which about 760 000 individuals had donated serum samples was performed. Subjects who developed anal and perianal skin cancer during follow up (median time of 10 years) were identified by registry linkage with the nationwide cancer registries in Finland and Norway. Twenty-eight cases and 1500 controls were analysed for the presence of IgG antibodies to HPV 16, 18, 33 or 73, and odds ratios of developing anal and perianal skin cancer were calculated. There was an increased risk of developing anal and perianal skin cancer among subjects seropositive for HPV 16 (OR=3.0; 95%CI=1.1–8.2) and HPV 18 (OR=4.4; 95%CI=1.1–17). The highest risks were seen for HPV 16 seropositive patients above the age of 45 years at serum sampling and for patients with a lag time of less than 10 years. This study provides prospective epidemiological evidence of an association between infection with HPV 16 and 18 and anal and perianal skin cancer

    Strategies for the introduction of human papillomavirus vaccination: modelling the optimum age- and sex-specific pattern of vaccination in Finland

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    Phase III trials have demonstrated the efficacy of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines in preventing transient and persistent high-risk (hr) HPV infection and precancerous lesions. A mathematical model of HPV type 16 infection and progression to cervical cancer, parameterised to represent the infection in Finland, was used to explore the optimal age at vaccination and pattern of vaccine introduction. In the long term, the annual proportion of cervical cancer cases prevented is much higher when early adolescents are targeted. Vaccinating against hr HPV generates greater long-term benefits if vaccine is delivered before the age at first sexual intercourse. However, vaccinating 12 year olds delays the predicted decrease in cervical cancer, compared to vaccinating older adolescents or young adults. Vaccinating males as well as females has more impact on the proportion of cases prevented when vaccinating at younger ages. Implementing catch-up vaccination at the start of a vaccination programme would increase the speed with which a decrease in HPV and cervical cancer incidence is observed

    Joint Nordic prospective study on human herpesvirus 8 and multiple myeloma risk

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    An association between human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) and multiple myeloma (MM) has been reported, though most studies have not confirmed such association. To follow-up on a previous prospective seroepidemiological study, where HHV8 tended to associate with MM risk, we linked five large serum banks in the Nordic countries with the Nordic cancer registries and 329 prospectively occurring cases of MM were identified, together with 1631 control subjects matched by age and gender. The HHV8 seroprevalences among cases and controls were similar (12 and 15%, respectively) and HHV8 seropositivity did not associate with the risk of MM, neither when considering positivity for lytic antibodies (relative risk (RR)=0.8, 95% confidence interval (CI)=0.5–1.1) nor for latent antibodies (RR=0.6, 95% CI=0.1–2.7). Similar risks were seen when analysis was restricted to case–control sets with at least 2 years lag before diagnosis (RR=0.8, 95% CI=0.5–1.2 and RR=0.9, 95% CI=0.1–4.2). In conclusion, the data indicate that HHV8 infection is not associated with MM

    Smoking, diet, pregnancy and oral contraceptive use as risk factors for cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia in relation to human papillomavirus infection

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    Smoking, nutrition, parity and oral contraceptive use have been reported as major environmental risk factors for cervical cancer. After the discovery of the very strong link between human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cervical cancer, it is unclear whether the association of these environmental factors with cervical cancer reflect secondary associations attributable to confounding by HPV, if they are independent risk factors or whether they may act as cofactors to HPV infection in cervical carcinogenesis. To investigate this issue, we performed a population-based case–control study in the Västerbotten county of Northern Sweden of 137 women with high-grade cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia (CIN 2–3) and 253 healthy age-matched women. The women answered a 94-item questionnaire on diet, smoking, oral contraceptive use and sexual history and donated specimens for diagnosis of present HPV infection (nested polymerase chain reaction on cervical brush samples) and for past or present HPV infections (HPV seropositivity). The previously described protective effects of dietary micronutrients were not detected. Pregnancy appeared to be a risk factor in the multivariate analysis (P< 0.0001). Prolonged oral contraceptive use and sexual history were associated with CIN 2–3 in univariate analysis, but these associations lost significance after taking HPV into account. Smoking was associated with CIN 2–3 (odds ratio (OR) 2.6, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.7–4.0), the effect was dose-dependent (P = 0.002) and the smoking-associated risk was not affected by adjusting for HPV, neither when adjusting for HPV DNA (OR 2.5, CI 1.3–4.9) nor when adjusting for HPV seropositivity (OR 3.0, CI 1.9–4.7). In conclusion, after taking HPV into account, smoking appeared to be the most significant environmental risk factor for cervical neoplasia. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig