265 research outputs found

    Book Review Janae Sholtz, The Invention of a People: Heidegger and Deleuze on Art and the Political (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2015)

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    A book review of Janae Sholtz, The Invention of a People (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2015)

    Derivación y diacronía

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    Beyond technofix:Thinking with Epimetheus in the Anthropocene

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    Deleuze's Transformation of the Project of Ideology Critique: Noology Critique

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    Proletarianization, Deproletarianization, and the Rise of the Amateur

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    In this article, I present the three forms of proletarianization found in Bernard Stiegler's work: the proletarianization of the producer, the proletarianization of the consumer, and generalized proletarianization. In the lectures included in this special issue, Stiegler refers to the proletarianization of sensibility, which belongs to this last form of proletarianization. I attempt to contextualize this new work in relation to Stiegler's past work on political economy, as well as some of his political positions about capitalism as a social organization. I explain where the notion of proletarianization gets muddled, and I also compare his position on new forms of capitalism to the influential work of André Gorz. Following Stiegler, I call the underlying political project of deproletarianization that he has developed “protentional politics.” I turn more specifically to the underdiscussed notion of “tertiary protention” and question its place in Stiegler's thought. Finally, I also explain why Stiegler's turn to the figure of the amateur, especially in the third lecture in this issue, is strategic in thinking of deproletarianizing practices.</jats:p

    The Syntactic Information in the 'Diccionario Crítico Etimológico Castellano e Hispánico' by J. Corominas and J.A. Pascual as Expressed in the Database 'Syntax.Dbf'

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    L'objectiu d'aquest article és presentar l'estructura de la base de dades relacional que inclou tota la informació sintictica continguda en el Diccionario Critico Etimológico Castellano e Hispánico de J. Corominas i J. A. Pascual. Tot i que aquest diccionari conté un ampli ventall d'informacions històriques de cadascun dels temes, aquestes no es mostren de forma estructurada, per la qual cosa ha estat necessari estudiar i classificar tots aquells elements relacionats amb aspectes sintàctics. És a partir d'aquest estudi previ que s'han elaborat els diferents camps de la base de dades, els quals s'agrupen en cinc blocs temàtics: informació lemàtica; gramatical; sintàctica; altres aspectes relacionats; i observacions o comentaris rellevants fets per l'investigador. Aquesta base de dades no només reprodueix els continguts del diccionari, sinó que inclou diferents camps interpretatius. Per aquesta raó, Syntax.dbf representa una eina de treball fonamental per a tots aquells investigadors interessats en la sintaxi diacrònica de l'espanyol.This paper focuses on the structure of a syntactic relational database which includes all the syntactic information contained in the Diccionario Critico Etimológico Castellano e Hispánico, by J . Corominas and J. A. Pascual. Owing to the fact that the dictionary was written in a way which escapes uniformity, it has been necessary to establish a series of fields in order to compile and accommodate the different kinds of knowledge related to the syntactic history of the lexical items. These fields are organized in five groups according to the subject of study: information related to the lemmata; grammatical aspects; syntactic information; other related knowledge; and relevant observations and comments provided by the researchers. Besides reproducing the data given in the dictionary, this type of database comprises severa1 interpretative fields. Therefore, Syntax.dbf constitutes a basic tool for any researcher working on Spanish diachronic syntax