6 research outputs found

    Hepatotoksične i hematološke promjene u dijabetičkih štakora izazvane furanom: zaštitna uloga likopena

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    Furan forms as a result of thermal treatment of food and induces harmful effects on organisms. In our work, lycopene, furan, and a combination of the two were given to diabetic male rats for 28 days. Hematological changes, total protein and cholesterol, triglyceride, and albumin levels, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, and alkaline phosphatase activities of the serum, malondialdehyde levels, glutathione peroxidase, catalase, glutathione-S-transferase, superoxide dismutase activities, DNA damage in liver tissues and hepatic histopathological alterations were compared to a control group. There were significant changes in the liver function tests, DNA damage, activities of antioxidant enzymes, and malondialdehyde levels between diabetic control and non-diabetic control groups, between diabetic control and diabetic lycopene groups, and also between diabetic furan and diabetic control groups. In diabetic lycopene and diabetic furan + lycopene treated groups we designated the preventive effects of lycopene against diabetes and furan, however, on the analysed parameters only. In spite of some pathological alterations designated in diabetic furan treated group’s liver, fewer pathological alterations were observed in furan+lycopene treated groups at the end of week 4. Consequently, lycopene significantly reduced furan- and diabetes-induced toxicity in rat liver.Furan se stvara toplinskom obradom hrane i djeluje štetno na organizam. U ovom smo istraživanju dijabetičke mužjake štakora tretirali likopenom, furanom i kombinacijom tih dviju tvari tijekom 28 dana. Procijenjene su hematološke promjene, ukupne razine proteina, kolesterola, triglicerida i albumina, aktivnosti alanin aminotransferaze, aspartat aminotransferaze, laktat dehidrogenaze i alkalne fosfataze u serumu, razine malondialdehida, aktivnosti glutation peroksidaze, katalaze, glutation-S-transferaze i superoksid dizmutaze te oštećenje DNA u tkivu jetara i hepatičke histopatološke promjene u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Utvrđene su značajne promjene u testovima funkcije jetara, razinama oštećenja DNA, aktivnostima antioksidacijskih enzima i razinama malondialdehida između dijabetičke kontrolne skupine i dijabetičke skupine tretirane likopenom te između dijabetičke kontrolne skupine i kontrolne skupine bez dijabetesa, između dijabetičke kontrolne skupine i dijabetičke skupine tretirane likopenom te između dijabetičke skupine tretirane furanom i dijabetičke kontrolne skupine. U dijabetičkoj skupini tretiranoj likopenom i dijabetičkoj skupini tretiranoj i furanom i likopenom utvrdili smo preventivne učinke likopena, ali samo u odnosu na analizirane parametre. Unatoč patološkim promjenama koje su utvrđene u jetrima dijabetičke skupine tretirane furanom, manje ih je utvrđeno u skupinama koje su tretirane furanom i likopenom na kraju četvrtoga tjedna. Zaključak je istraživanja da je likopen značajno smanjio toksičnost koju je prouzročio furan i dijabetes u jetrima štakora

    Protective Role of Gelsolin on Hyperoxia Induced Nephrotoxicity in Neonatal Rats

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    The object of this work was to search the effects of hyperoxia and preventive effect of gelsolin on neonatal rat kidneys by analyzing activities of antioxidant enzymes, MDA levels, DNA damage and light microscope examination. Animals were grouped into four (10 animals in each) where the first was served as a control, second was served as a hyperoxic control group (>= 85% O-2), whereas the remaining gelsolin groups were treated with gelsolin (10 ng/kg bw/day gelsolin), and a combination of gelsolin and hyperoxia for 7 days. Changes in malondialdehide levels, activities of antioxidant enzymes, tail DNA%, and tail length indicating DNA damage and histopathology of kidney were evaluated. Hyperoxia increased the level of MDA and decreased enzyme activities compared with control significantly. Tail DNA%, tail length and moment statistically changed in hyperoxia treated groups when compared to gelsolin and control groups. Atrophy, glomerular lobulation, hemorrhage and tubular degeneration were detected as histopathological changes in pups' kidney under hyperoxic condition. Gelsolin caused increases in all anti-oxidant enzyme activities and decreases in MDA contents. As for the pathological and DNA structure studies, hyperoxia treatment group have proven changes. Gelsolin supplementation was protective against hyperoxia caused histopathological changes. But it was not protect completely

    Hepatoprotective effects of capping protein gelsolin against hyperoxia-induced hepatotoxicity, oxidative stress and DNA damage in neonatal rats

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    Tissues and organs get exposed to high oxygen (O-2) supply in hyperoxia conditions. The goal of this research was to investigate the protective effect of actin binding protein gelsolin on hyperoxia-induced hepatotoxicity through histopathology and measurement of oxidative stress parameters and DNA damage in a neonatal Wistar albino rats. The pups were randomly separated to four equal groups such as: normoxia control group (NC), normoxia plus gelsolin group (NG, 10 ng/kg bw/day gelsolin), hyperoxia (>= 85% O-2) group (HC), hyperoxia plus gelsolin group (HG, >= 85% O-2; 10 ng/kg bw/day gelsolin). Histopathological changes of pups in hyperoxia condition were revealed in the form of severe leukocyte infiltration, vascular congestion, necrosis, vacuolar degeneration, binucleated hepatocytes and hemorrhage in the liver tissue. SOD, CAT, GPx and GST activities decreased and MDA level increased in the hyperoxia-induced group in liver tissue (P < 0.05). Tail DNA%, tail length and moment indicating DNA damage statistically increased in hyperoxia treatment groups when compared to controls. Treatment of rats with hyperoxia plus gelsolin prevented hyperoxia-induced changes in tissue structure, antioxidant enzyme activities and MDA level, mean tail DNA% and length. Based on these findings, gelsolin restored these changing to near normal levels but it does not protect completely in the hyperoxia conditions