4 research outputs found

    Prenatal smoke exposure induces persistent Cyp2a5 methylation and increases nicotine metabolism in the liver of neonatal and adult male offspring

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    Prenatal smoke exposure (PSE) is a risk factor for nicotine dependence. One susceptibility gene for nicotine dependence is Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2A6, an enzyme responsible for the conversion of nicotine to cotinine and nicotine clearance in the liver. Higher activity of the CYP2A6 enzyme is associated with nicotine dependence, but no research has addressed the PSE effects on the CYP2A6 gene or its mouse homologue Cyp2a5. We hypothesized that PSE affects Cyp2a5 promoter methylation, Cyp2a5 mRNA levels, and nicotine metabolism in offspring. We used a smoke-exposed pregnant mouse model. RNA, DNA, and microsomal protein were isolated from liver tissue of foetal, neonatal, and adult offspring. Enzyme activity, Cyp2a5 mRNA levels, and Cyp2a5 methylation status of six CpG sites within the promoter region were analysed via HPLC, RT-PCR, and bisulphite pyrosequencing. Our data show that PSE induced higher cotinine levels in livers of male neonatal and adult offspring compared to controls. PSE-induced cotinine levels in neonates correlated with Cyp2a5 mRNA expression and promoter methylation at CpG-7 and CpG+45. PSE increased methylation in almost all CpG sites in foetal offspring, and this effect persisted at CpG-74 in male neonatal and adult offspring. Our results indicate that male offspring of mothers which were exposed to cigarette smoke during pregnancy have a higher hepatic nicotine metabolism, which could be regulated by DNA methylation. Given the detected persistence into adulthood, extrapolation to the human situation suggests that sons born from smoking mothers could be more susceptible to nicotine dependence later in life

    Postnatal Smoke Exposure Further Increases the Hepatic Nicotine Metabolism in Prenatally Smoke Exposed Male Offspring and Is Linked with Aberrant Cyp2a5 Methylation

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    Prenatal smoke exposure (PreSE) is a risk factor for nicotine dependence, which is further enhanced by postnatal smoke exposure (PostSE). One susceptibility gene to nicotine dependence is Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2A6, an enzyme responsible for the conversion of nicotine to cotinine in the liver. Higher CYP2A6 activity is associated with nicotine dependence and could be regulated through DNA methylation. In this study we investigated whether PostSE further impaired PreSE-induced effects on nicotine metabolism, along with Cyp2a5, orthologue of CYP2A6, mRNA expression and DNA methylation. Using a mouse model where prenatally smoke-exposed adult offspring were exposed to cigarette smoke for 3 months, enzyme activity, mRNA levels, and promoter methylation of hepatic Cyp2a5 were evaluated. We found that in male offspring, PostSE increased PreSE-induced cotinine levels and Cyp2a5 mRNA expression. In addition, both PostSE and PreSE changed Cyp2a5 DNA methylation in male groups. PreSE however decreased cotinine levels whereas it had no effect on Cyp2a5 mRNA expression or methylation. These adverse outcomes of PreSE and PostSE were most prominent in males. When considered in the context of the human health aspects, the combined effect of prenatal and adolescent smoke exposure could lead to an accelerated risk for nicotine dependence later in life.</p

    Is there foul play in the leaf pocket? The metagenome of floating fern Azolla reveals endophytes that do not fix N-2 but may denitrify

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    Dinitrogen fixation by Nostoc azollae residing in specialized leaf pockets supports prolific growth of the floating fern Azolla filiculoides. To evaluate contributions by further microorganisms, the A. filiculoides microbiome and nitrogen metabolism in bacteria persistently associated with Azolla ferns were characterized. A metagenomic approach was taken complemented by detection of N2O released and nitrogen isotope determinations of fern biomass. Ribosomal RNA genes in sequenced DNA of natural ferns, their enriched leaf pockets and water filtrate from the surrounding ditch established that bacteria of A. filiculoides differed entirely from surrounding water and revealed species of the order Rhizobiales. Analyses of seven cultivated Azolla species confirmed persistent association with Rhizobiales. Two distinct nearly full-length Rhizobiales genomes were identified in leaf-pocket-enriched samples from ditch grown A. filiculoides. Their annotation revealed genes for denitrification but not N-2-fixation. N-15(2) incorporation was active in ferns with N. azollae but not in ferns without. N2O was not detectably released from surface-sterilized ferns with the Rhizobiales. N-2-fixing N. azollae, we conclude, dominated the microbiome of Azolla ferns. The persistent but less abundant heterotrophic Rhizobiales bacteria possibly contributed to lowering O-2 levels in leaf pockets but did not release detectable amounts of the strong greenhouse gas N2O

    Is there foul play in the leaf pocket? The metagenome of floating fern Azolla reveals endophytes that do not fix N2but may denitrify

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    Dinitrogen fixation by Nostoc azollae residing in specialized leaf pockets supports prolific growth of the floating fern Azolla filiculoides. To evaluate contributions by further microorganisms, the A. filiculoides microbiome and nitrogen metabolism in bacteria persistently associated with Azolla ferns were characterized. A metagenomic approach was taken complemented by detection of N2O released and nitrogen isotope determinations of fern biomass. Ribosomal RNA genes in sequenced DNA of natural ferns, their enriched leaf pockets and water filtrate from the surrounding ditch established that bacteria of A. filiculoides differed entirely from surrounding water and revealed species of the order Rhizobiales. Analyses of seven cultivated Azolla species confirmed persistent association with Rhizobiales. Two distinct nearly full-length Rhizobiales genomes were identified in leaf-pocket-enriched samples from ditch grown A. filiculoides. Their annotation revealed genes for denitrification but not N2-fixation. 15N2 incorporation was active in ferns with N. azollae but not in ferns without. N2O was not detectably released from surface-sterilized ferns with the Rhizobiales. N2-fixing N. azollae, we conclude, dominated the microbiome of Azolla ferns. The persistent but less abundant heterotrophic Rhizobiales bacteria possibly contributed to lowering O2 levels in leaf pockets but did not release detectable amounts of the strong greenhouse gas N2O