79 research outputs found

    Exploring the Prescribing Process of Domperidone for Low Milk Supply:A Qualitative Study Among Mothers, IBCLCs, and Family Doctors

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    BACKGROUND: When mothers are confronted with milk supply problems, taking domperidone is regularly suggested. However, domperidone has been associated with sudden cardiac death and caution in prescribing is advised. In 2016, a multidisciplinary group of authors from a tertiary academic hospital (Erasmus MC) published a clinical protocol in a leading Dutch physicians’ journal to support Dutch family physicians in prescribing domperidone to stimulate lactation. RESEARCH AIM: To explore consumer and health care provider perspectives and experiences regarding the prescribing of domperidone for lactation insufficiency following publication of a national clinical protocol. METHODS: A cross-sectional qualitative study was performed using semi-structured interviews (N = 40) based on a topic list covering the prescribing process. Participants were mothers (n = 18) who had been advised to try domperidone to boost their milk supply between November 2016 and May 2018, their International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (n = 9), and their family physicians (n = 15). Another group of participants (mothers; n = 6) answered short questionnaires. All interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed using ATLAS.ti software. The resulting list of codes was organized according to the topics. RESULTS: In the process leading to domperidone use to stimulate lactation, participant family physicians relied on the IBCLC, pharmacist, or mother to guide the prescription of domperidone, often citing the published national clinical protocol as back up. The medical safeguards incorporated in the protocol (e.g., taking medical history, physical exam, performing electrocardiograms, limiting dosage) were usually not implemented. CONCLUSIONS: Though the availability of a national clinical protocol in which the prescribing of domperidone for lactation is supported appeared to increase the willingness of participant family physicians to prescribe, gaps were identified between clinical practice and this clinical protocol for prescribing domperidone

    Дослідження загальних тенденцій ринку ресторанного господарства України

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    Досліджено індустрію ресторанного бізнесу, темпи змін кількості підприємств ресторанного господарства за період 2005-2011 pp. Виявлено тенденції розвитку підприємств ресторанного господарства, динаміку стану галузі ресторанних послуг по регіонах України. Ключові слова: ресторанне господарство, динаміка, регіони України, розвиток, ресторанні мережі, кон’юнктура, ресторанний бізнес, функції ресторанного бізнесу.Исследована индустрия ресторанного бизнеса, темпы изменений количества предприятий ресторанного хозяйства за период с 2005 по 2011 г. Определены тенденции развития предприятий ресторанного хозяйства, состояния отрасли ресторанных услуг по регионам Украины. Ключевые слова: ресторанное хозяйство, динамика, регионы Украины, развитие, ресторанные сети, коньюнктура, ресторанный бизнес, функции ресторанного бизнеса.The industry of restaurant business and the rate of change in quantity of restaurants in 2005-2011 are investigated. The tendencies of development of enterprises of catering trade, and the state of restaurant services industryregardingthe regions of Ukraine are determined. Keywords: restaurant management, dynamics, regions of Ukraine, development, restaurant chains, conjuncture, restaurant business, functions of restaurant business, tendencies of development of restaurant business, dynamics of retail turnover

    Antidepressants in primary care:patients' experiences, perceptions, self-efficacy beliefs, and nonadherence

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    PURPOSE: Patient adherence to antidepressants is poor. However, this is rather unsurprising, given the equivocal efficacy, side effects, and practical problems of antidepressants. The aim of this study was to examine a wide array of patient experiences and perceptions regarding the efficacy, side effects, and practical problems of antidepressants, as well as their associations with nonadherence, and whether patients' perceived self-efficacy moderated these associations.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Experiences and perceptions of 225 patients, recruited through community pharmacies, were efficiently assessed with the Tailored Medicine Inventory. Nonadherence was assessed through self-report and pharmacy refill data.RESULTS: Many patients were not convinced of the efficacy, thought the efficacy to be limited or did not believe antidepressants to prevent relapse, were worried about or had experienced one or more side effects, and/or had experienced one or more practical problems regarding information, intake, and packaging. Being convinced of efficacy was associated with lower intentional nonadherence (odds ratio [OR] 0.9, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.8-0.96). A higher number of practical problems experienced was associated with increased unintentional nonadherence (OR 1.3, 95% CI 1.1-1.7). Higher perceived self-efficacy regarding taking antidepressants was associated with lower unintentional nonadherence (OR 0.7, 95% CI 0.5-0.9). Perceived self-efficacy did not moderate associations of patient experiences and perceptions with nonadherence.CONCLUSION: Assessing a wide array of patients' experiences and perceptions regarding the efficacy, side effects, and practical problems of antidepressants contributes to better understanding of nonadherence to antidepressants. Guiding physician-patient conversations by patients' experiences and perceptions may reduce both unintentional and intentional nonadherence. Also, it may give rise to considerations of prudent discontinuation, eg, when patients are not convinced of the efficacy.</p

    How does the general public balance convenience and cognitive pharmaceutical services in community pharmacy practice

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    Background: Community pharmacy is shifting its focus from traditional, product-focused roles to the provision of cognitive pharmaceutical services (CPS). Previous research has indicated that community pharmacists predominantly want to devote their capacity to CPS. Ideally, services provided also address users' needs. The general public's preferences regarding the services provided by community pharmacists are currently less understood. Aim: This study investigates the general public's preferences and perceived importance of CPS versus convenience in community pharmacy practice. Method: An online survey of 1.500 members of the Dutch Health Care Consumer Panel containing questions regarding preferences for CPS and convenience was distributed. Descriptive statistics and linear regression analysis were performed to investigate the relationship between preferences and participant characteristics. Results: 516 panel members completed all questions regarding preferences and importance of the availability of services. The majority preferred convenience (68.2%) and a smaller proportion preferred CPS (27.7%). However, participants considered it important from a societal viewpoint that CPS is provided (45.0%). Participants who preferred CPS over convenience were generally older (p < 0.001) and used more medicines (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Convenience of community pharmacy services is most preferred by the general public. However, CPS is perceived as important, especially for elderly who use more medicines. Elderly patients who use more medicines more often rate CPS as more important than convenience. These findings suggest that community pharmacists should ensure that pharmacy logistics are organized efficiently before focusing on the provision of CPS

    Duplication of the great saphenous vein: A definition problem and implications for therapy

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    BACKGROUND: In the literature there is a range from 1% to 20% of duplication (up to 20%) of the great saphenous vein (GSV) reported, because there is a lack of an accurate definition of the GSV and objective parameters for an anatomical identification. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the frequency of true duplications of the GSV. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic review of the literature, a retrospective analysis of duplex examinations, and a prospective study of duplex examinations to investigate the frequency of true duplications of the GSV. RESULTS: In the literature review, a great variety of definitions is used for duplication of the GSV. Before the consensus of the Union International de Phlébologie (UIP) in 2006, Only in a small number of studies, the definition of the GSV in the saphenous compartment between the fascial blades is mentioned. CONCLUSION: Phlebographic studies have been the criterion standard for the identification of venous anatomy. Now, duplex is regarded as the criterion standard for accurate detection of the veins. True duplication of the GSV is less common than the previous literature has suggested, namely 1.6% to 2%. It is recommended that the duplicated GSV should be treated to avoid an important risk of recurrence of venous insufficiency

    Scalability of effective adherence interventions for patients using cardiovascular disease medication:A realist synthesis-inspired systematic review

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    Upscaling of medication adherence interventions to routine care is still challenging. This realist theory-inspired review aimed to assess which intervention aspects are potentially important for the scalability of effective cardiovascular disease (CVD) medication adherence interventions and how they are reported in effectiveness studies. A total of 4097 articles from four databases were screened of which ultimately 31 studies were included. Relevant information on scalability was extracted using a theoretic framework based on the scalability assessment tool used in the QUALIDEC study for the following domains: (i) innovation, (ii) implementers and patients, (iii) adopting organizations and health system, and (iv) socio-political context. Extracted articles were analysed for themes and chains of inference, which were grouped based on commonality and source of evidence to form new hypotheses. Six different domains relevant for scalability of adherence interventions were identified: (1) Complexity of the intervention; (2) training; (3) customization of the intervention; (4) drivers of the intervention; (5) technical interventions; and (6) stakeholder involvement. These six domains might be useful for the development of more scalable interventions by bridging the gap between research and practice. Data relevant for scalability is not well reported on in effectiveness trials for CVD medication adherence interventions and only limited data on scalability has been published in additional papers. We believe the adoption and reach of effective CVD medication adherence interventions will improve with increased awareness for the necessity of scalability in all phases of intervention development

    Opioid prescribing in out-of-hours primary care in Flanders and the Netherlands:A retrospective cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Increased opioid prescribing has raised concern, as the benefits of pain relief not always outweigh the risks. Acute and chronic pain is often treated in a primary care out-of-hours (OOH) setting. This setting may be a driver of opioid use but the extent to which opioids are prescribed OOH is unknown. We aimed to investigate weak and strong opioid prescribing at OOH primary care services (PCS) in Flanders (Northern, Dutch-speaking part of Belgium) and the Netherlands between 2015 and 2019. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cross sectional study using data from routine electronic health records of OOH-PCSs in Flanders and the Netherlands (2015–2019). Our primary outcome was the opioid prescribing rate per 1000 OOH-contacts per year, in total and for strong (morphine, hydromorphone, oxycodone, oxycodone and naloxone, fentanyl, tapentadol, and buprenorphine and weak opioids (codeine combinations and tramadol and combinations) and type of opioids separately. RESULTS: Opioids were prescriped in approximately 2.5% of OOH-contacts in both Flanders and the Netherlands. In Flanders, OOH opioid prescribing went from 2.4% in 2015 to 2.1% in 2017 and then increased to 2.3% in 2019. In the Netherlands, opioid prescribing increased from 1.9% of OOH-contacts in 2015 to 2.4% in 2017 and slightly decreased thereafter to 2.1% of OOH-contacts. In 2019, in Flanders, strong opioids were prescribed in 8% of the OOH-contacts with an opioid prescription. In the Netherlands a strong opioid was prescribed in 57% of these OOH-contacts. Two thirds of strong opioids prescriptions in Flanders OOH were issued for patients over 75, in the Netherlands one third was prescribed to this age group. CONCLUSION: We observed large differences in strong opioid prescribing at OOH-PCSs between Flanders and the Netherlands that are likely to be caused by differences in accessibility of secondary care, and possibly existing opioid prescribing habits. Measures to ensure judicious and evidence-based opioid prescribing need to be tailored to the organisation of the healthcare system

    The Relationship Between Real-World Inhaled Corticosteroid Adherence and Asthma Outcomes:A Multilevel Approach

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    Background: Low inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) adherence is associated with increased asthma burden. This relationship is likely bidirectional, and may vary across adherence stages (initiation, implementation, and persistence). Studies rarely examine reciprocal influences. Objective: To investigate the relationship between ICS implementation and asthma-related outcomes over 2 years, considering bidirectionality and temporal sequence. Methods: Primary care records (1987-2012) from the Optimum Patient Care Research Database, United Kingdom, were used. Eligible patients were 6 years or older and had 3 or more years of continuous registration starting 1 year before ICS initiation (index date), physician-diagnosed asthma, 2 or more ICS and/or short-acting β-agonist prescriptions each follow-up year, and no long-acting β-agonists, leukotriene receptor antagonists, or maintenance oral corticosteroids in the preceding year. ICS implementation (percentage of days covered) and risk domain asthma control (RDAC; no asthma-related hospitalizations, emergency visits, or outpatient visits and no oral corticosteroid or antibiotic prescriptions with evidence of respiratory review) were estimated for each prescription interval (period between 2 successive prescriptions). Multilevel analyses modeled bidirectional relationships between ICS implementation and RDAC (and its components), controlling for sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Results: In prescription data from 10,472 patients, ICS implementation in the preceding interval did not predict RDAC, but was weakly positively associated with simultaneous RDAC. Being male, non–current smoker, without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease diagnosis, and with fewer than 4 comorbidities significantly increased odds of RDAC. Asthma-related antibiotics and outpatient visits in the same interval and short-acting β-agonist overuse in the preceding and same interval predicted lower ICS implementation. Conclusions: Patients may adapt their ICS use to their current needs without this impacting later RDAC.</p

    Effectiveness of a Patient-Tailored, Pharmacist-Led Intervention Program to Enhance Adherence to Antihypertensive Medication: The CATI Study

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    Introduction: Non-adherence to medication is a complex health care problem. In spite of substantial efforts, up till now little progress has been made to effectively tackle the problem with adherence-enhancing interventions. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a patient-tailored, pharmacist-led and theory-driven intervention program aimed to enhance self-reported adherence to antihypertensive medication.Materials and Methods: A parallel-group randomized controlled trial in 20 community pharmacies with nine months follow-up was conducted. Patients (45–75 years) using antihypertensive medication and considered non-adherent based on both pharmacy dispensing data and a self-report questionnaire were eligible to participate. The intervention program consisted of two consultations with the pharmacist to identify participants’ barriers to adhere to medication and to counsel participants in overcoming these barriers. The primary outcome was self-reported medication adherence. Secondary outcomes were beliefs about medicines, illness perceptions, quality of life and blood pressure. Mixed-model and generalized estimating equation (GEE) analyses were used to assess overall effects of the intervention program and effects per time point.Results: 170 patients were included. No significant differences between intervention and control groups were found in self-reported adherence, quality of life, illness perceptions, beliefs about medicines (concern scale), and blood pressure. After nine months, intervention participants had significantly stronger beliefs about the necessity of using their medicines as compared to control participants (mean difference 1.25 [95% CI: 0.27 to 2.24], p = 0.012).Discussion: We do not recommend to implement the intervention program in the current form for this study population. Future studies should focus on how to select eligible patient groups with appropriate measures in order to effectively target adherence-enhancing interventions.Trial Register: NTR5017 http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=5017