19 research outputs found

    Uticaj duĆŸine rezidbe na masu grozda stonih sorti vinove loze

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    Each grapevine variety has specific pruning requirements to ensure optimal grape yield and quality. The main objective of this paper is to examine the impact of pruning severity on cluster size in table grapevine varieties under conditions of the Kozara wine-growing region. The research was conducted on the grapevine varieties ’Lasta’, ’Karmen’, ’Palatine’, ’Esther’,’Muscat Saint Vallier’ and ’Chasselas rose’. Cluster position on the fruiting shoot developing from both the spur and the cane,cluster weight and number of clusters per node were analyzed. Moving node position away from the base of the fruiting shoot results in reduced cluster size in ’Lasta’, ’Karmen’, ’Palatine’, ’Esther’ and ’Chasselas rose’, and in increased cluster weight in ’Muscat Saint Vallier’. A significant correlation was observed betweencluster weightandcluster position onthe fruiting shootin ’Lasta’, ’MuscatSaintVallier’and ’Palatine’.Svaka sorta vinove loze zahteva određen način rezidbe kako bi se dobio odgovarajući prinos i kvalitet groĆŸÄ‘a. Osnovni cilj rada predstavlja ispitivanje uticaja duĆŸine rezidbe na veličinu grozda stonih sorti vinove loze u uslovima Kozaračkog vinogorja. IstraĆŸivanje je obavljeno na sortama Lasta, Karmen, Palatina, Esther, Muscat St. Vallier i Chaselas rose. Kod ispitivanih sorti analizirana je pozicija pojave grozda na rodnim lastarima kondira i luka, njihova masa i učestalost pojave grozda na nodusima. Udaljavanjem pozicije nodusa od baze rodnog lastara, dolazi do smanjenja krupnoće grozda kod sorti Lasta, Karmen, Palatina, Esther i sorte Chasselas rose, a kod sorte Muscat St. Vallier do povećanja mase grozda.Utvrđena je značajna zavisnost mase grozda i pozicije pojave grozda na rodnom lastaru kod sorti Lasta, Muscat St. Vallier i Palatina

    Kartlegging av palliativ smertebehandling pÄ sykehus for farmasÞytisk vurdering av standardisering

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    Hensikt: Overordnet mÄl med studien var Ä bidra til at palliative pasienter mottar spesialproduserte smertekassetter med riktig kvalitet til Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) raskere enn i dag. Per i dag finnes ferdigfylte morfinkassetter i styrker 2 mg/ml, 5 mg/ml og 10 mg/ml. Fra 2017 er ferdigfylte oksykodonkassetter 1mg/ml og 5 mg/ml tilgjengelige. Disse er holdbare i inntil 2 mÄneder og kan lagerholdes pÄ avdeling og/eller apotek slik at de er tilgjengelige raskt etter ordinering. Alle andre smertekassetter mÄ spesialproduseres av apoteket etter mottak av bestilling, noe som kan ta flere timer. FormÄlet skulle nÄs gjennom kartlegging av forskrivningspraksis av og Þnsker om spesialproduserte smertestillende til PCA-behandling til pasienter ved Palliativ enhet ved Akershus universitetssykehus HF (Ahus) og Hospice Lovisenberg ved Lovisenberg Diakonale Sykehus (Hospice Lovisenberg). Denne informasjonen ble brukt som grunnlag til forslag om hvilke produkter man bÞr prioritere ved utarbeidelse av hovedforkrifter, og om det var produkter man bÞr vurdere sentralisert produksjon av i tillegg til de overnevnte konsentrasjonene av morfin og oksykodon. Metode: Prosjektet ble utfÞrt som en kvantitativ tverrsnittsundersÞkelse i form av spÞrreskjema blant legene ved de to ovennevnte sentrene i perioden fra august 2016 til januar 2017. I tillegg ble alle bestillinger av smertekassetter fra 2016 fra disse sentrene registrert. Svarene fra spÞrreskjemaet ble analysert deskriptivt. Analyserte resultater ble vurdert opp mot analyserte bestillinger av smertekassetter. Resultater: Fem av syv leger fra Ahus og alle fire legene fra Hospice Lovisenberg svarte pÄ spÞrreskjemaet. IfÞlge legene fra Ahus var henholdsvis morfin, oksykodon og ketobemidon de tre oftest foreskrevne opioidene til parenteral bruk, mens de registrerte bestillingene viste at fentanyl var det tredje oftest bestilte opioidet. Ved Hospice Lovisenberg var morfin, oksykodon og hydromorfon oftest foreskrevne opioider i denne rekkefÞlgen ifÞlge legene og registrerte bestilingene. Legene ved Ahus mente at leveringstid fra apoteket og tilgang til ferdigfylte smertekassetter pÄvirket deres forskrivning av opioider i stor grad. Legene ved Hospice Lovisenberg mente derimot at leveringstid og tilgang til ferdigfylte smertekassetter pÄvirket deres forskrivningspraksis av opioider i liten grad. Alle legene sa at de manglet morfinkassetter i hÞyere konsentrasjoner, og 20 mg/ml og eventuelt 40 mg/ml ble identifisert som aktuelle konsentrasjoner for standardisering. I tillegg til oksykodonkassetter 1 mg/ml og 5 mg/ml mente legene at de manglet oksykodonkassetter i hÞyere konsentrasjoner, fÞrst og fremst 10 mg/ml, og muligens 20 mg/ml. Legene mente at midazolam 0,5 mg/ml, 1 mg/ml, 2 mg/ml og 5 mg/ml kunne vurderes for standardisering. Den mest bestilte konsentrasjonen av midazolam ved Ahus i 2016 var 1 mg/ml. Legene antok at esketamin i konsentrasjoner 2 mg/ml, 5 mg/ml og 10 mg/ml kunne vÊre nyttige for standardisering. Resultatene viste at legene ved Hospice Lovisenberg oftere bestiller legemiddelblandinger enn legene ved Palliativ enhet ved Ahus. Den vanligst bestilte blandingen var morfin med midazolam, utover denne blandingen bestilte legene ulike blandinger bÄde med tanke pÄ innholdsstoffer og konsentrasjoner. Konklusjon: Som et resultat av studien blir det anbefalt Ä utarbeide hovedforskrifter for morfinkassetter 20 mg/ml og 40 mg/ml. Morfinkassett 20 mg/ml kan i tillegg vurderes for sentralisert produksjon. I tillegg anbefaler man Ä utarbeide hovedforskrift for oksykodonkassetter pÄ 10 mg/ml, og for midazolam 1 mg/ml og eventuelt midazolam 5 mg/ml. PÄ grunn av sprikende funn i studien kan man ikke komme med anbefalinger pÄ egnede konsentrasjoner for kassetter med esketamin eller for kassetter med ulike blandinger. Etter utarbeidelse av anbefalt hovedforskrifter vil ventetiden pÄ smertekassetter forkortes betydelig. Hvis noen av disse konsentrasjonene ville bli egnet for sentralisert produksjon, kunne pasientene starte med PCA behandlingen enda raskere


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    First two paramount problems of the world are food security and energy. Permaculture isa new interdisciplinary branch of the science, which has positive synergistic effects and solves bothproblems, including environmental care. The paper analyzed the holistic principles of permaculturedesign and possible application in the flats, gardens in the suburbs and/or in the countryside, the urbanland, fields and plots, on rural estates and cottages, in commercial and industrial applications, as well asin educational institutions and in the abandoned land. Permaculture as a set of knowledge aboutdesigning sustainable human communities, is a connection of the old traditional techniques, enrichedwith new knowledge and technologies in the field of architecture, construction, agriculture and forestry,chemistry, biology, sociology, urban planning, ecology, economy, energy, water and wastemanagement. Permaculture research answers on how to simultaneously grow food, build energyefficient dwellings and improve the functionality of urban communities while preserving theenvironment. Model of positive examples from international smart practice are presented

    The origin of the genus Cannabis

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    Chloroplast markers (cp markers) are the useful instrument for cannabis (syn. hemp, Cannabis sativa L.) to study relationships of accessions between different geographic origins. In an alignment of three published plastomes 38 chloroplast polymorphisms were identified from which 8 cp markers were used to study relationships of 53 cannabis accessions by high-resolution-melting analyis (HRMA). The marker set could distinguish six haplotypes (‘A’ to ‘F’) in the cannabis collection, where haplotypes ‘A’ and ‘F’ dominated with 34% and 50% of the individuals, respectively. A majority of populations (37) were homogeneous regarding the haplotype, 12 accessions were constituted of two haplotypes and 4 accessions of three haplotypes. Most of the European fibre cultivars consisted of the ‘F’-type (e.g. ‘Fibrimon’, Fibrimon 21’, Juso 14’, ‘Fasamo’ and ‘Schurig’), some were mixed ‘A/F’-types (e.g. ‘Fibrimon 21’, ‘Superfibra’, ‘Lorrin 110’, ‘Futura’, ‘HavellĂ€ndische’). The Italian ‘Carmagnola in Selezione’ was exceptional in being a pure ‘A’-type. In the heterogenous populations, expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.06 to 0.41. The populations were well differentiated by this marker set locating 79% of the variation among populations (AMOVA). By comparison with plastomes from the closest related genus Humulus, haplotype ‘B’ could be identified as haplotype of the common ancestor of both genera. The haplotype ‘B’ is rare with a frequency of only 4% in the populations analysed. Unfortunately, the true geographic origin of most samples was unclear. However, amongst all published plastomes, only two were classified as haplotype ‘B’, both pointing independently back to Yunnan province (China), indicating Yunnan as the region of origin of the genus Cannabis

    C - reactive protein and chitinase 3-like protein 1 as biomarkers of spatial redistribution of retinal blood vessels on digital retinal photography in patients with diabetic retinopathy

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    The aim of the study was to investegate the correlation between the levels of CRP and YKL-40 in blood samples with morphometric parameters of retinal blood vessels in patients with diabetic retinopathy. Blood laboratory examination of 90 patients included the measurement of glycemia, HbA1C, total cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, triglycerides and CRP. Levels of YKL-40 were detected and measured in serum by ELISA (Micro VueYKL-40 EIA Kit, Quidel Corporation, San Diego, USA). Morphmetric analysis was performed with ImageJ software (http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/) for digital retinal photography. We measured the number, diameter of retinal blood vessels in five different parts concentric to the optic disc. Differences between the morphometric parameters and the blood test analysis results were evaluated using the Student’s t – test. One Way ANOVA was used to establish the significance of differences. CRP and YKL-40 levels were moderately higher in the group of patients with severe diabetic retinopathy. Levels of YKL-40 correlated positively with diameter and negatively with number of retinal blood vessels. The average number of the blood vessels per retinal zone was significantly higher in the group of patients with mild non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy than in the group with severe form in the optic disc and all five retinal zones. The average outer diameter of the evaluated retinal zones and optic disc vessels was significantly higher in the group with severe compared to the group with mild diabetic retinopathy. Morphological analysis of the retinal vessels on digital fundus photography and correlation with YKL-40 may be valuable for the follow-up of diabetic retinopathy

    Multi-Swarm Algorithm for Extreme Learning Machine Optimization

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    There are many machine learning approaches available and commonly used today, however, the extreme learning machine is appraised as one of the fastest and, additionally, relatively efficient models. Its main benefit is that it is very fast, which makes it suitable for integration within products that require models taking rapid decisions. Nevertheless, despite their large potential, they have not yet been exploited enough, according to the recent literature. Extreme learning machines still face several challenges that need to be addressed. The most significant downside is that the performance of the model heavily depends on the allocated weights and biases within the hidden layer. Finding its appropriate values for practical tasks represents an NP-hard continuous optimization challenge. Research proposed in this study focuses on determining optimal or near optimal weights and biases in the hidden layer for specific tasks. To address this task, a multi-swarm hybrid optimization approach has been proposed, based on three swarm intelligence meta-heuristics, namely the artificial bee colony, the firefly algorithm and the sine–cosine algorithm. The proposed method has been thoroughly validated on seven well-known classification benchmark datasets, and obtained results are compared to other already existing similar cutting-edge approaches from the recent literature. The simulation results point out that the suggested multi-swarm technique is capable to obtain better generalization performance than the rest of the approaches included in the comparative analysis in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score indicators. Moreover, to prove that combining two algorithms is not as effective as joining three approaches, additional hybrids generated by pairing, each, two methods employed in the proposed multi-swarm approach, were also implemented and validated against four challenging datasets. The findings from these experiments also prove superior performance of the proposed multi-swarm algorithm. Sample code from devised ELM tuning framework is available on the GitHub

    Tuning Machine Learning Models Using a Group Search Firefly Algorithm for Credit Card Fraud Detection

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    Recent advances in online payment technologies combined with the impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic has led to a significant escalation in the number of online transactions and credit card payments being executed every day. Naturally, there has also been an escalation in credit card frauds, which is having a significant impact on the banking institutions, corporations that issue credit cards, and finally, the vendors and merchants. Consequently, there is an urgent need to implement and establish proper mechanisms that can secure the integrity of online card transactions. The research presented in this paper proposes a hybrid machine learning and swarm metaheuristic approach to address the challenge of credit card fraud detection. The novel, enhanced firefly algorithm, named group search firefly algorithm, was devised and then used to a tune support vector machine, an extreme learning machine, and extreme gradient-boosting machine learning models. Boosted models were tested on the real-world credit card fraud detection dataset, gathered from the transactions of the European credit card users. The original dataset is highly imbalanced; to further analyze the performance of tuned machine learning models, in the second experiment performed for the purpose of this research, the dataset has been expanded by utilizing the synthetic minority over-sampling approach. The performance of the proposed group search firefly metaheuristic was compared with other recent state-of-the-art approaches. Standard machine learning performance indicators have been used for the evaluation, such as the accuracy of the classifier, recall, precision, and area under the curve. The experimental findings clearly demonstrate that the models tuned by the proposed algorithm obtained superior results in comparison to other models hybridized with competitor metaheuristics

    Tuning Machine Learning Models Using a Group Search Firefly Algorithm for Credit Card Fraud Detection

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    Recent advances in online payment technologies combined with the impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic has led to a significant escalation in the number of online transactions and credit card payments being executed every day. Naturally, there has also been an escalation in credit card frauds, which is having a significant impact on the banking institutions, corporations that issue credit cards, and finally, the vendors and merchants. Consequently, there is an urgent need to implement and establish proper mechanisms that can secure the integrity of online card transactions. The research presented in this paper proposes a hybrid machine learning and swarm metaheuristic approach to address the challenge of credit card fraud detection. The novel, enhanced firefly algorithm, named group search firefly algorithm, was devised and then used to a tune support vector machine, an extreme learning machine, and extreme gradient-boosting machine learning models. Boosted models were tested on the real-world credit card fraud detection dataset, gathered from the transactions of the European credit card users. The original dataset is highly imbalanced; to further analyze the performance of tuned machine learning models, in the second experiment performed for the purpose of this research, the dataset has been expanded by utilizing the synthetic minority over-sampling approach. The performance of the proposed group search firefly metaheuristic was compared with other recent state-of-the-art approaches. Standard machine learning performance indicators have been used for the evaluation, such as the accuracy of the classifier, recall, precision, and area under the curve. The experimental findings clearly demonstrate that the models tuned by the proposed algorithm obtained superior results in comparison to other models hybridized with competitor metaheuristics