68 research outputs found

    Multirater Validation of Peripapillary Hyperreflective Ovoid Mass-like Structures (PHOMS)

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    Peripapillary hyperreflective ovoid mass-like structures (PHOMS) are a new retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) finding. The Optic Disc Drusen Studies Consortium had made recommendations to distinguish PHOMS from true optic disc drusen (ODD) in 2018. While publications on PHOMS have increased since then, the accuracy of the definition of PHOMS and reliability of detection is unknown. In this multi-rater study, we demonstrate that the 2018 definition of PHOMS resulted in a poor multi-rater kappa of 0.356. We performed a Delphi consensus process to develop a consistent and refined definition of PHOMS with clear principles around the nature of PHOMS and how they differ from normal anatomy. Fifty explanatory teaching slides, provided as supplementary material, allowed our expert group of raters to achieve a good level of agreement (kappa 0.701, 50 OCT scans, 21 raters). We recommend adopting the refined definition for PHOMS

    Using antenatal care as a platform for malaria surveillance data collection: study protocol

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    BACKGROUND: While many malaria-endemic countries have health management information systems that can measure and report malaria trends in a timely manner, these routine systems have limitations. Periodic community cross-sectional household surveys are used to estimate malaria prevalence and intervention coverage but lack geographic granularity and are resource intensive. Incorporating malaria testing for all women at their first antenatal care (ANC) visit (i.e., ANC1) could provide a more timely and granular source of data for monitoring trends in malaria burden and intervention coverage. This article describes a protocol designed to assess if ANC-based surveillance could be a pragmatic tool to monitor malaria. METHODS: This is an observational, cross-sectional study conducted in Benin, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zambia. Pregnant women attending ANC1 in selected health facilities will be tested for malaria infection by rapid diagnostic test and administered a brief questionnaire to capture key indicators of malaria control intervention coverage and care-seeking behaviour. In each location, contemporaneous cross-sectional household surveys will be leveraged to assess correlations between estimates obtained using each method, and the use of ANC data as a tool to track trends in malaria burden and intervention coverage will be validated. RESULTS: This study will assess malaria prevalence at ANC1 aggregated at health facility and district levels, and by gravidity relative to current pregnancy (i.e., gravida 1, gravida 2, and gravida 3 +). ANC1 malaria prevalence will be presented as monthly trends. Additionally, correlation between ANC1 and household survey-derived estimates of malaria prevalence, bed net ownership and use, and care-seeking will be assessed. CONCLUSION: ANC1-based surveillance has the potential to provide a cost-effective, localized measure of malaria prevalence that is representative of the general population and useful for tracking monthly changes in parasite prevalence, as well as providing population-representative estimates of intervention coverage and care-seeking behavior. This study will evaluate the representativeness of these measures and collect information on operational feasibility, usefulness for programmatic decision-making, and potential for scale-up of malaria ANC1 surveillance

    Young Adults With Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy: A Multicenter Optic Disc Drusen Study.

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    PURPOSE: Optic disc drusen (ODD), present in 2% of the general population, have occasionally been reported in patients with nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NA-AION). The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of ODD in young patients with NA-AION. DESIGN: Retrospective, cross-sectional multicenter study. METHODS: All patients with NA-AION 50 years old or younger, seen in neuro-ophthalmology clinics of the international ODDS (Optic Disc Drusen Studies) Consortium between April 1, 2017, and March 31, 2019, were identified. Patients were included if ODD were diagnosed by any method, or if ODD were excluded by enhanced-depth imaging optical coherence tomography (EDI-OCT) using ODDS Consortium guidelines. NA-AION eyes with ODD were termed "ODD-AION"; those without were termed "NODD-AION". RESULTS: A total of 65 patients (127 eyes) with NA-AION were included (mean 41 years old). Of the 74 eyes with NA-AION, 51% had ODD-AION, whereas 43% of fellow eyes without NA-AION had ODD (P = .36). No significant differences were found between ODD-AION and NODD-AION eyes in terms of Snellen best-corrected VA or perimetric mean deviation. According to EDI-OCT results, 28% of eyes with NODD-AION had peripapillary hyperreflective ovoid mass-like structures (PHOMS); 7% had hyperreflective lines, whereas 54% with ODD-AION had PHOMS; and 66% had hyperreflective lines (P = .006 and P < .001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Most of these young NA-AION patients had ODD. This indicates that ODD may be an independent risk factor for the development of NA-AION, at least in younger patients. This study suggests ODD-AION be recognized as a novel diagnosis

    Design and methods for a quasi-experimental pilot study to evaluate the impact of dual active ingredient insecticide-treated nets on malaria burden in five regions in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Background Vector control tools have contributed significantly to a reduction in malaria burden since 2000, primarily through insecticidal-treated bed nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying. In the face of increasing insecticide resistance in key malaria vector species, global progress in malaria control has stalled. Innovative tools, such as dual active ingredient (dual-AI) ITNs that are effective at killing insecticide-resistant mosquitoes have recently been introduced. However, large-scale uptake has been slow for several reasons, including higher costs and limited evidence on their incremental effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. The present report describes the design of several observational studies aimed to determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of dual-AI ITNs, compared to standard pyrethroid-only ITNs, at reducing malaria transmission across a variety of transmission settings. Methods Observational pilot studies are ongoing in Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Rwanda, leveraging dual-AI ITN rollouts nested within the 2019 and 2020 mass distribution campaigns in each country. Enhanced surveillance occurring in select study districts include annual cross-sectional surveys during peak transmission seasons, monthly entomological surveillance, passive case detection using routine health facility surveillance systems, and studies on human behaviour and ITN use patterns. Data will compare changes in malaria transmission and disease burden in districts receiving dual-AI ITNs to similar districts receiving standard pyrethroid-only ITNs over three years. The costs of net distribution will be calculated using the provider perspective including financial and economic costs, and a cost-effectiveness analysis will assess incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for Interceptor® G2, Royal Guard®, and piperonyl butoxide ITNs in comparison to standard pyrethroid-only ITNs, based on incidence rate ratios calculated from routine data. Conclusions Evidence of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the dual-AI ITNs from these pilot studies will complement evidence from two contemporary cluster randomized control trials, one in Benin and one in Tanzania, to provide key information to malaria control programmes, policymakers, and donors to help guide decision-making and planning for local malaria control and elimination strategies. Understanding the breadth of contexts where these dual-AI ITNs are most effective and collecting robust information on factors influencing comparative effectiveness could improve uptake and availability and help maximize their impact

    Impact of a Self-Help Intervention on Performance of Headache Management Behaviors: A Self-Efficacy Approach

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    This study evaluated the importance of modeling and performance accomplishment of behavior on enhancing headache management self-efficacy and increasing acquisition and implementation of four headache self-management behaviors: headache diary use, limiting medication overuse, relaxation, and stretching. Primary headache disordered patients (n = 51) were randomly assigned to 3 conditions: self-efficacy videotape treatment (SET; education + modeling and performance of behavior), information-only videotape treatment (IOT; education only), or no-treatment comparison (NTC). The SET group reported higher self-efficacy scores than the NTC at immediate post-treatment. At 1-month follow-up, the SET group reported more headache diary use than the IOT and NCT groups, whereas both the SET and IOT groups reported more frequent performance of the relaxation and stretching behaviors than the NTC group. Despite a smaller sample size, the SET treatment produced a slight increase in headache management self-efficacy immediately after treatment, as well as increased performance of three of the four headache management behaviors at 1-month follow-up. A reduction in self-efficacy following the immediate posttreatment period suggests that multiple treatment exposure may be necessary to effect long-lasting change with respect to self-efficacy, behavioral performance and ultimately changes in headache activity. Although limited in their ability to provide feedback and reinforcement, the potential benefits for patients and health care professionals warrant continued development and study of behavior theory-driven self-help treatment for headache. Future studies should include a larger sample that consists of motivated patients with less severe headache problems who may be more apt to benefit from such theory-driven strategies

    Clinic–based study of family history of vascular risk factors and migraine

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    The objective was to evaluate the presence of a positive family history (FH) of vascular risk factors between patients with migraine with aura (MA) and migraine without aura (MO), and in chronic migraine (CM) compared to other headache types. As migraine patients are typically too young to have developed vascular events, studying older relatives of migraine patients may be a practical means of evaluating associations between vascular risk factors and migraine. A cross-sectional study of a clinic-based sample of adults with migraine headache was carried out at the University of Utah. Predictor variables comprised first or second degree relatives with stroke, hypertension, diabetes or hypercholesterolaemia. Outcome measures comprised diagnosis of MA, MO or CM according to the revised International Headache Society criteria. There was no significant difference in FH of vascular risk factors in MA compared to MO (adjusted OR 1.04, 95% CI 0.61-1.78). CM was associated with a decreased risk of FH of stroke (OR=0.11, 95% CI 0.02-0.87, p=0.036). There was no significant difference in FH of vascular risk factors in MA patients compared to MO. CM patients were more likely to have a negative FH of stroke compared to other headache types, suggesting that CM is likely a neuronal disease rather than a vascular one
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