219 research outputs found

    CSM-400 - Multi-agent Foreign Exchange Market Modelling via GP

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    In this work we combine Genetic Programming (GP) and intelligent agents to build a realistic foreign exchange currency market simulator. GP is used to express and evolve trading strategies. In the paper we analyse the decisions made in the design of the simulator with respect to authenticity of the representation and the efficiency of the system. A number of experimental results are also reported

    Using domain models for context-rich user logging

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    This paper describes the prototype interactive search sys- Tem being developed within the AutoAdapt project1. The AutoAdapt project seeks to enhance the user experience in searching for information and navigating within selected do- main collections by providing structured representations of domain knowledge to be directly explored, logged, adapted and updated to refject user needs. We propose that this structure is a valuable stepping-stone in context-rich logging of user activities within the information seeking environment. Here we describe the primary components that have been implemented and the user interactions that it will support

    CSM-464: On the Limiting Distribution of Program Sizes in Tree-based Genetic Programming

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    We provide strong theoretical and experimental evidence that standard sub-tree crossover with uniform selection of crossover points pushes a population of a-ary GP trees towards a distribution of tree sizes of the form: [see document for formula] where n is the number of internal nodes in a tree and pa is a constant. This result generalises the result previously reported in [7, 10, 8, 9] for the case a = 1

    Moving towards Adaptive Search

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    Information retrieval has become very popular over the last decade with the advent of the Web. Nevertheless, searching on the Web is very different to searching on smaller, often more structured collections such as intranets and digital libraries. Such collections are the focus of the recently started AutoAdapt project1. The project seeks to aid user search by providing well-structured domain knowledge to assist query modification and navigation. There are two challenges: acquiring the domain knowledge and adapting it automatically to the specific interest of the user community. At the workshop we will demonstrate an implemented prototype that serves as a starting point on the way to truly adaptive search


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    Comprehensive models for organizations must, on the one hand, be able to specify global goals and requirements but, on the other hand, cannot assume that particular actors will always act according to the needs and expectations of the system design. Concepts as organizational rules (Zambonelli 2002), norms and institutions (Dignum and Dignum 2001; Esteva et al. 2002), and social structures (Parunak and Odell 2002) arise from the idea that the effective engineering of organizations needs high-level, actor-independent concepts and abstractions that explicitly define the organization in which agents live (Zambonelli 2002).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    La contribución de la música tradicional del cariri cearense a la música popular brasileña por medio del baiao de Luiz Gonzaga

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    Con este trabajo de investigación pretendo exponer cual ha sido la contribuición de la música tradicional del Cariri cearense a la música popular brasileña por medio del género musical baião, creado en 1946 en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro (Brasil) por los compositores Luiz Gonzaga y Humberto Teixeira. A tal respecto, tomando como base el estado de la cuestión, presento las hipótesis de trabajo que dieron lugar al inicio de la investigación en 2010, a partir de la bibliografía disponible tanto de este género musical como de su creador y principal intérprete (Luiz Gonzaga). Dentro de los objetivos de la investigación, por medio del estudio de la discografía de este músico (limitada a las grabaciones desde 1941 hasta 1959) y la investigación que llevé a cabo - de las agrupaciones musicales del Cariri cearense - busco establecer un diálogo que permita mostrar la relación entre ellos. Por otro lado, de acuerdo a las condiciones socioculturales que ambientaron el proceso de creación del género – que resulta en una fusión de diversos elementos culturales – intento plasmar como la experiencia musical previa de los compositores fue importante para la creación artística (no obstante, en la creación de un género musical intervienen varios factores, más allá de voluntades individuales). En relación con el espacio geográfico, realizo una descripción etnográfica de la región conocida como Cariri cearense (Ceará) presentándola como una zona especialmente rica en manifestaciones musicales tradicionales, así como dentro de la región de Pernanbuco la ciudad de Exu, que adquiere importancia por ser el lugar de nacimiento de Luiz Gonzaga..

    Analysis of Dialogical Argumentation via Finite State Machines

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    Dialogical argumentation is an important cognitive activity by which agents exchange arguments and counterarguments as part of some process such as discussion, debate, persuasion and negotiation. Whilst numerous formal systems have been proposed, there is a lack of frameworks for implementing and evaluating these proposals. First-order executable logic has been proposed as a general framework for specifying and analysing dialogical argumentation. In this paper, we investigate how we can implement systems for dialogical argumentation using propositional executable logic. Our approach is to present and evaluate an algorithm that generates a finite state machine that reflects a propositional executable logic specification for a dialogical argumentation together with an initial state. We also consider how the finite state machines can be analysed, with the minimax strategy being used as an illustration of the kinds of empirical analysis that can be undertaken.Comment: 10 page
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