63 research outputs found

    New host and locality records for <i>Tetrameres (Gynaecophila) spirospiculum</i> Pinto & Vicente, 1995 (Nematoda: tetrameridae), with new morphological data

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    We report the finding of Tetrameres spirospiculum Pinto & Vicente, 1995 from Theristicus melanopis melanopis (Threskiornithidae) from Patagonia, Argentina. These constitute new host and locality records. We propose the assignation of this species to the subgenus T. (Gynaecophila) Gubanov, 1950, based on the presence of labia and the absence of cuticular flanges at the anterior end. Some new morphological data are provided, such as the arrangement of cuticular spines and the presence of a pair of somatic papillae at beginning of posterior third of body length. T. (G.) spirospiculum may probably be regarded as specific to birds of the genus Theristicus.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A new genus and species of Heligmonellidae (Nematoda: Trichostrongylina) parasitic in Delomys dorsalis (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) from Misiones, Argentina

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    Alippistrongylus bicaudatus gen. et sp. n. (Nematoda: Heligmonellidae) is described from the striped Atlantic forest rat, Delomys dorsalis (Hensel) (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae), from the province of Misiones in Argentina. The new genus and species is characterised by a synlophe of 21 unequal ridges in both sexes without a gradient in size, with two ridges weakly sclerotised and oriented perpendicularly in the dorsal left quadrant; males with a highly dissymmetrical bursa with a hypertrophied right lobe, and females with a dorsal conical appendage just posterior to the vulva, conferring a two-tailed appearance to the female worms.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Cosmocerca parva Travassos, 1925 (Nematoda: Cosmocercidae) in toads from Argentina

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    Cosmocerca parva Travassos 1925 (Asca-ridida, Cosmocercoidea, Cosmocercidae) was originally described from Helosia nasus (Leptodactylidae) of Angra dos Reis, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It has also been reported in Leptodactylus chaquensis, L. elenae, Hyla fuscovaria and Bufo paracnemis from Paraguay (MR Baker & C Vaucher 1984 Rev Suisse Zool 91: 299-307). This note enlarges the known morphological variability of C. parva in a new host and makes amend for previous descriptions with the aid of scanning electron microscope (SEM) at the same time that presents the first record of Cosmocerca species in Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Le pattern de la bourse caudale chez les Heligmonellidae (Nematoda: Trichostrongylina): Caractérisation et hypothèse sur son évolution

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    The different patterns of the caudal bursa of the Heligmonellidae (Nematoda) are redefined, taking into account the grouping of rays 2-6 and the sequence of origin of these rays from their common trunk. The type of symmetry of the caudal bursa is also redefined. The following patterns were observed and characterized: the basic patterns: types 2-3, 2-2-1, 1-3-1 and 1-4 and the intermediary patterns: type 2-3 tending to type 2-2-1, type 2-2-1 tending to type 1-3-1, type 1-3-1 tending to type 1-4 and type 2-2-1 tending to type 1-4. An evolutionary interpretation of the patterns is attempted and seems to follow the direction: 2-3 to 2-2-1 to 1-3-1 to 1-4. Seven atypical patterns are described. The caudal bursae were classified based on their symmetry: subsymmetrical, dissymmetrical and asymmetrical. Independently of the type of symmetry, the two latero-ventral lobes may have the same or different patterns. The type of symmetry, the ratio between the two latero-ventral lobes and a characteristic pattern were utilized to characterize the caudal bursae at the level of the genus and the subfamily. The combination of the right/left ratio and the type of symmetry gives heterogeneous results, with no real association between these characters. The most conspicuous asymmetries and dissymmetries were found among the Nippostrongylinae. The most frequent pattern in the Heligmonellidae is the basic type 2-2-1; types 1-3-1 and 1-4 are less frequent but are characteristic of several genera; type 1-4 is absent from the Heligmonellinae. Whatever the pattern, in the Heligmonellidae rays 4 and 5 are the last to diverge from the common trunk of rays 2-6.Les différents patterns de la bourse caudale chez les Heligmonellidae (Nematoda) sont redéfinis en tenant compte du groupement des côtes 2-6 et de la séquence d’apparition de ces côtes sur leur tronc commun. Le type de symétrie est également redéfini. Les patterns suivants sont observés et caractérisés : les patterns de base : type 2-3, 2-2-1, 1-3-1 et 1-4 et les patterns intermédiaires : type 2-3 à tendance 2-2-1, 2-2-1 à tendance 1-3-1, 1-3-1 à tendance 1-4 et 2-2-1 à tendance 1-4. Une interprétation évolutive des patterns est proposée et semble suivre la direction : 2-3 vers 2-2-1 vers 1-3-1 vers 1-4. Sept patterns atypiques sont décrits. Les bourses caudales sont classifiées selon leur symétrie en : subsymétrique, dissymétrique et asymétrique. Indépendamment du type de symétrie, les deux lobes latéro-ventraux peuvent avoir un pattern identique ou différent. Le type de symétrie, le rapport évolutif entre les deux lobes latéro-ventraux et un type de pattern caractéristique ont été utilisés pour caractériser les bourses caudales au niveau du genre et de la sous-famille. La combinaison du rapport droite/gauche et le type de symétrie donnent des résultats hétérogènes sans véritable lien entre ces caractères. Les asymétries et les dissymétries les plus manifestes sont trouvées parmi les Nippostrongylinae. Le pattern le plus fréquemment rencontré chez les Heligmonellidae est le type de base 2-2-1 ; les types 1-3-1 et 1-4 sont moins fréquents mais caractéristiques de plusieurs genres ; le type 1-4 est absent chez les Heligmonellinae. Chez les Heligmonellidae, quel que soit le pattern, les côtes 4 et 5 sont les dernières à diverger du tronc commun aux côtes 2-6.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    The systematic position of some ethiopian nippostrongylinae (nematoda, trichostrongylina, heligmosomoidea) from the National Collection of Animal Helminths, Onderstepoort, South Africa

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    The taxonomic status of some nippostrongyline nematodes deposited in the National Collection of Animal Helminths, Onderstepoort, is revised. Heligmonina boomkeri n. sp. is described from Aethomys chrysophilus from South Africa. The most closely related species by the body measurements and the pattern of the caudal bursa is Heligmonina bignonensis Diouf, Bâ & Durette-Desset, 1997, a parasite of Mastomys erythroleucus from Senegal. It differs from the new species mainly in the number of ventral cuticular ridges at mid-body (four versus five) and the left ala in the male is shorter than the body diameter. The systematic position of Heligmonina spira (Ortlepp, 1939) and Neoheligmonella capensis (Ortlepp, 1939) is confirmed here through their synlophe, which was not previously studied.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Révision taxonomique des Nippostrongylinae (Nematoda, Heligmonellidae) parasites de Muridae de la région australasienne. Le genre Odilia Durette-Desset, 1973

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    The species of the genus Odilia Durette-Desset, 1973 (Heligmonellidae, Nippostrongylinae) are re-distributed among eight genera of which five are new. This classification is mainly based on certain characters of the synlophe not previously taken into account at the supraspecific level. These characters mainly include the presence or absence of a careen, the relative size of the ridges forming the careen, the development and position of ridge 1', the development of the left ridge and right ridge, and the distribution of the largest ridges. Eighteen of the 20 known species are rearranged in the following genera: Odilia sensu stricto Durette-Desset, 1973 with Odilia mackerrasae (Mawson, 1961) as type species, Chisholmia n. gen. with Chisholmia bainae (Beveridge & Durette-Desset, 1992) n. comb. as type species, Equilophos n. gen. with Equilophos polyrhabdote (Mawson, 1961) n. comb. as type species, Hasegawanema n. gen. with Hasegawanema mamasaense (Hasegawa, Miyata & Syafruddin, 1999) n. comb. as type species, Hughjonestrongylus Digiani & Durette-Desset, 2014 with Hughjonestrongylus ennisae (Smales & Heinrich, 2010) as type species, Lesleyella n. gen. with Lesleyella wauensis (Smales, 2010) n. comb. as type and sole species, Parasabanema szalayi Smales & Heinrich, 2010, and Sanduanensis n. gen. with Sanduanensis dividua (Smales, 2010) as type and sole species. Odilia uromyos Mawson, 1961 and Odilia carinatae Smales, 2008 are not included in the new classification. A key to the proposed genera is provided. The new generic arrangement follows a distribution more related to the biogeographical areas than to the host groups.Les espèces du genre Odilia Durette-Desset, 1973 (Heligmonellidae, Nippostrongylinae) sont réparties en huit genres, dont cinq nouveaux. Cette classification s’appuie principalement sur certains caractères du synlophe non pris en compte jusqu’à présent au niveau supraspécifique. Ces caractères incluent principalement la présence ou l’absence d’une carène, la taille relative des crêtes formant la carène, le développement et la position de la crête 1’, le développement de la crête gauche et de la crête droite, et la répartition des crêtes les plus larges. Dix-huit espèces sur les 20 actuellement connues sont classées dans les genres suivants: Odilia sensu stricto Durette-Desset, 1973 avec Odilia mackerrasae (Mawson, 1961) comme espèce type, Chisholmia n. gen. avec Chisholmia bainae (Beveridge & Durette-Desset, 1992) n. comb. comme espèce type, Equilophos n. gen. avec Equilophos polyrhabdote (Mawson, 1961) n. comb. comme espèce type, Hasegawanema n. gen. avec Hasegawanema mamasaense (Hasegawa, Miyata & Syafruddin, 1999) n. comb. comme espèce type, Hughjonestrongylus Digiani & Durette-Desset, 2014 avec Hughjonestrongylus ennisae (Smales & Heinrich, 2010) comme espèce type, Lesleyella n. gen. avec Lesleyella wauensis (Smales, 2010) n. comb. comme espèce type et unique espèce, Parasabanema szalayi Smales & Heinrich, 2010 et Sanduanensis n. gen. avec Sanduanensis dividua (Smales, 2010) comme espèce type et unique espèce. Odilia uromyos Mawson, 1961 et Odilia carinatae Smales, 2008 ne sont pas incluses dans la nouvelle classification. Une clé dichotomique des genres proposés est fournie. Le nouvel arrangement générique suit une répartition plus liée aux aires biogéographiques qu’aux groupes d’hôtes.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Le pattern de la bourse caudale chez les Heligmonellidae (Nematoda: Trichostrongylina): Caractérisation et hypothèse sur son évolution

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    The different patterns of the caudal bursa of the Heligmonellidae (Nematoda) are redefined, taking into account the grouping of rays 2-6 and the sequence of origin of these rays from their common trunk. The type of symmetry of the caudal bursa is also redefined. The following patterns were observed and characterized: the basic patterns: types 2-3, 2-2-1, 1-3-1 and 1-4 and the intermediary patterns: type 2-3 tending to type 2-2-1, type 2-2-1 tending to type 1-3-1, type 1-3-1 tending to type 1-4 and type 2-2-1 tending to type 1-4. An evolutionary interpretation of the patterns is attempted and seems to follow the direction: 2-3 to 2-2-1 to 1-3-1 to 1-4. Seven atypical patterns are described. The caudal bursae were classified based on their symmetry: subsymmetrical, dissymmetrical and asymmetrical. Independently of the type of symmetry, the two latero-ventral lobes may have the same or different patterns. The type of symmetry, the ratio between the two latero-ventral lobes and a characteristic pattern were utilized to characterize the caudal bursae at the level of the genus and the subfamily. The combination of the right/left ratio and the type of symmetry gives heterogeneous results, with no real association between these characters. The most conspicuous asymmetries and dissymmetries were found among the Nippostrongylinae. The most frequent pattern in the Heligmonellidae is the basic type 2-2-1; types 1-3-1 and 1-4 are less frequent but are characteristic of several genera; type 1-4 is absent from the Heligmonellinae. Whatever the pattern, in the Heligmonellidae rays 4 and 5 are the last to diverge from the common trunk of rays 2-6.Les différents patterns de la bourse caudale chez les Heligmonellidae (Nematoda) sont redéfinis en tenant compte du groupement des côtes 2-6 et de la séquence d’apparition de ces côtes sur leur tronc commun. Le type de symétrie est également redéfini. Les patterns suivants sont observés et caractérisés : les patterns de base : type 2-3, 2-2-1, 1-3-1 et 1-4 et les patterns intermédiaires : type 2-3 à tendance 2-2-1, 2-2-1 à tendance 1-3-1, 1-3-1 à tendance 1-4 et 2-2-1 à tendance 1-4. Une interprétation évolutive des patterns est proposée et semble suivre la direction : 2-3 vers 2-2-1 vers 1-3-1 vers 1-4. Sept patterns atypiques sont décrits. Les bourses caudales sont classifiées selon leur symétrie en : subsymétrique, dissymétrique et asymétrique. Indépendamment du type de symétrie, les deux lobes latéro-ventraux peuvent avoir un pattern identique ou différent. Le type de symétrie, le rapport évolutif entre les deux lobes latéro-ventraux et un type de pattern caractéristique ont été utilisés pour caractériser les bourses caudales au niveau du genre et de la sous-famille. La combinaison du rapport droite/gauche et le type de symétrie donnent des résultats hétérogènes sans véritable lien entre ces caractères. Les asymétries et les dissymétries les plus manifestes sont trouvées parmi les Nippostrongylinae. Le pattern le plus fréquemment rencontré chez les Heligmonellidae est le type de base 2-2-1 ; les types 1-3-1 et 1-4 sont moins fréquents mais caractéristiques de plusieurs genres ; le type 1-4 est absent chez les Heligmonellinae. Chez les Heligmonellidae, quel que soit le pattern, les côtes 4 et 5 sont les dernières à diverger du tronc commun aux côtes 2-6.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A new species of <i>Stilestrongylus</i> (Nematoda, Heligmonellidae) from the Atlantic Forest of Misiones, Argentina, parasitic in <i>Euryoryzomys russatus</i> (Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae)

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    A new species of Heligmonellidae (Trichostrongylina, Heligmosomoidea), Stilestrongylus kaaguyporai n. sp. is described from the small intestine of Euryoryzomys russatus (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) from the Argentine Atlantic Forest, in the Misiones province. The new species was found at Campo Anexo Manuel Belgrano, Reserva de Vida Silvestre Urugua-í and Parque Provincial Urugua-í, with a prevalence of 73% in 15 hosts examined. Stilestrongylus includes 24 Neotropical species, all parasitic in rodents, mostly Sigmodontinae. Stilestrongylus kaaguyporai n. sp. can be differentiated from its congeners by the following characters: caudal bursa dissymmetrical with right lobe larger and pattern of type1–4 in both lobes, rays 6 not forming a lateral trident with rays 4 and 5, rays 8 with dissymmetrical pathway, genital cone hypertrophied with a conspicuous hood-like projection and females with a marked dorso-ventral torsion of the posterior end. This report is the second record of a Stilestrongylus species in E. russatus, increasing to nine the number of parasitic species known from this host.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoCentro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    New host and locality records for <i>Tetrameres (Gynaecophila) spirospiculum</i> Pinto & Vicente, 1995 (Nematoda: tetrameridae), with new morphological data

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    We report the finding of Tetrameres spirospiculum Pinto & Vicente, 1995 from Theristicus melanopis melanopis (Threskiornithidae) from Patagonia, Argentina. These constitute new host and locality records. We propose the assignation of this species to the subgenus T. (Gynaecophila) Gubanov, 1950, based on the presence of labia and the absence of cuticular flanges at the anterior end. Some new morphological data are provided, such as the arrangement of cuticular spines and the presence of a pair of somatic papillae at beginning of posterior third of body length. T. (G.) spirospiculum may probably be regarded as specific to birds of the genus Theristicus.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Cosmocerca parva Travassos, 1925 (Nematoda: Cosmocercidae) in toads from Argentina

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    Cosmocerca parva Travassos 1925 (Asca-ridida, Cosmocercoidea, Cosmocercidae) was originally described from Helosia nasus (Leptodactylidae) of Angra dos Reis, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It has also been reported in Leptodactylus chaquensis, L. elenae, Hyla fuscovaria and Bufo paracnemis from Paraguay (MR Baker & C Vaucher 1984 Rev Suisse Zool 91: 299-307). This note enlarges the known morphological variability of C. parva in a new host and makes amend for previous descriptions with the aid of scanning electron microscope (SEM) at the same time that presents the first record of Cosmocerca species in Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse
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