4,719 research outputs found

    Tunability of Critical Casimir Interactions by Boundary Conditions

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    We experimentally demonstrate that critical Casimir forces in colloidal systems can be continuously tuned by the choice of boundary conditions. The interaction potential of a colloidal particle in a mixture of water and 2,6-lutidine has been measured above a substrate with a gradient in its preferential adsorption properties for the mixture's components. We find that the interaction potentials at constant temperature but different positions relative to the gradient continuously change from attraction to repulsion. This demonstrates that critical Casimir forces respond not only to minute temperature changes but also to small changes in the surface properties.Comment: 4 figures; http://www.iop.org/EJ/article/0295-5075/88/2/26001/epl_88_2_26001.htm

    Holographic Conformal Window - A Bottom Up Approach

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    We propose a five-dimensional framework for modeling the background geometry associated to ordinary Yang-Mills (YM) as well as to nonsupersymmetric gauge theories possessing an infrared fixed point with fermions in various representations of the underlying gauge group. The model is based on the improved holographic approach, on the string theory side, and on the conjectured all-orders beta function for the gauge theory one. We first analyze the YM gauge theory. We then investigate the effects of adding flavors and show that, in the holographic description of the conformal window, the geometry becomes AdS when approaching the ultraviolet and the infrared regimes. As the number of flavors increases within the conformal window we observe that the geometry becomes more and more of AdS type over the entire energy range.Comment: 20 Pages, 3 Figures. v2: references adde

    Komplexe proximale Humerusfraktur beim alten Menschen: Winkelstabile Plattenosteosynthese vs. Hemiarthroplastik

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist ein direkter Vergleich der Schulterhemiarthroplastik (SHA) mit der winkelstabilen Plattenosteosynthese (WSPOS) beim alten Patienten mit komplexer proximaler Humerusfraktur. Patienten und Methoden: Zwischen 2003 und 2005 wurden alle Patienten (n=52, Alter ≥70Jahre) mit 3- und 4-Segment-Frakturen des proximalen Humerus, welche mit einer WSPOS (PHILOS®) versorgt wurden, prospektiv erfasst und nach einem Jahr mittels Constant-Score (CS), Oxford Shoulder Score (OSS) und radiologisch nachkontrolliert. Verglichen wurde die WSPOS mit einem historischen Kollektiv mit identischen Einschlusskriterien, welches zwischen 1995 und 1997 an der gleichen Institution mittels SHA versorgt wurde (n=59). Ergebnisse: Beide Patientenkollektive zeigten keine Unterschiede bezüglich Alter, Geschlechterverteilung und Frakturtypen. Der CS war signifikant besser für die WSPOS (median 71 vs. 41). Bezüglich Schmerzen zeigte sich im OSS kein Unterschied zwischen den Gruppen. In der WSPOS-Gruppe mussten signifikant mehr Revisionseingriffe durchgeführt werden (25% vs. 2%). Schlussfolgerung: Die WSPOS liefert beim alten Patienten, bei komplexen proximalen Humerusfrakturen deutlich bessere funktionelle Resultate, ist jedoch mit mehr Rezidiveingriffen behaftet. Die Selbständigkeit der Patienten kann bei beiden Operationsmethoden bei guter Schmerzfreiheit meist erhalten werde

    Longitudinal magnetic excitations in classical spin systems

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    Using spin dynamics simulations we predict the splitting of the longitudinal spin wave peak in all antiferromagnets with single site anisotropy into two peaks separated by twice the energy gap at the Brillouin zone center. This phenomenon has yet to be observed experimentally but can be easily investigated through neutron scattering experiments on MnF2_2 and FeF2_2. We have also determined that for all classical Heisenberg models the longitudinal propagative excitations are entirely multiple spin-wave in nature.Comment: four pages three figures, the last two postscript files are two parts of the third figur

    Why Are Alkali Halide Solid Surfaces Not Wetted By Their Own Melt?

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    Alkali halide (100) crystal surfaces are anomalous, being very poorly wetted by their own melt at the triple point. We present extensive simulations for NaCl, followed by calculations of the solid-vapor, solid-liquid, and liquid-vapor free energies showing that solid NaCl(100) is a nonmelting surface, and that its full behavior can quantitatively be accounted for within a simple Born-Meyer-Huggins-Fumi-Tosi model potential. The incomplete wetting is traced to the conspiracy of three factors: surface anharmonicities stabilizing the solid surface; a large density jump causing bad liquid-solid adhesion; incipient NaCl molecular correlations destabilizing the liquid surface. The latter is pursued in detail, and it is shown that surface short-range charge order acts to raise the surface tension because incipient NaCl molecular formation anomalously reduces the surface entropy of liquid NaCl much below that of solid NaCl(100).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Critical Casimir effect in classical binary liquid mixtures

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    If a fluctuating medium is confined, the ensuing perturbation of its fluctuation spectrum generates Casimir-like effective forces acting on its confining surfaces. Near a continuous phase transition of such a medium the corresponding order parameter fluctuations occur on all length scales and therefore close to the critical point this effect acquires a universal character, i.e., to a large extent it is independent of the microscopic details of the actual system. Accordingly it can be calculated theoretically by studying suitable representative model systems. We report on the direct measurement of critical Casimir forces by total internal reflection microscopy (TIRM), with femto-Newton resolution. The corresponding potentials are determined for individual colloidal particles floating above a substrate under the action of the critical thermal noise in the solvent medium, constituted by a binary liquid mixture of water and 2,6-lutidine near its lower consolute point. Depending on the relative adsorption preferences of the colloid and substrate surfaces with respect to the two components of the binary liquid mixture, we observe that, upon approaching the critical point of the solvent, attractive or repulsive forces emerge and supersede those prevailing away from it. Based on the knowledge of the critical Casimir forces acting in film geometries within the Ising universality class and with equal or opposing boundary conditions, we provide the corresponding theoretical predictions for the sphere-planar wall geometry of the experiment. The experimental data for the effective potential can be interpreted consistently in terms of these predictions and a remarkable quantitative agreement is observed.Comment: 30 pages, 17 figure

    Fission of a multiphase membrane tube

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    A common mechanism for intracellular transport is the use of controlled deformations of the membrane to create spherical or tubular buds. While the basic physical properties of homogeneous membranes are relatively well-known, the effects of inhomogeneities within membranes are very much an active field of study. Membrane domains enriched in certain lipids in particular are attracting much attention, and in this Letter we investigate the effect of such domains on the shape and fate of membrane tubes. Recent experiments have demonstrated that forced lipid phase separation can trigger tube fission, and we demonstrate how this can be understood purely from the difference in elastic constants between the domains. Moreover, the proposed model predicts timescales for fission that agree well with experimental findings

    X-Ray Scattering at FeCo(001) Surfaces and the Crossover between Ordinary and Normal Transitions

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    In a recent experiment by Krimmel et al. [PRL 78, 3880 (1997)], the critical behavior of FeCo near a (001) surface was studied by x-ray scattering. Here the experimental data are reanalyzed, taking into account recent theoretical results on order-parameter profiles in the crossover regime between ordinary and normal transitions. Excellent agreement between theoretical expectations and the experimental results is found.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, 1 PostScript figure, to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Mean-field dynamical density functional theory

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    We examine the out-of-equilibrium dynamical evolution of density profiles of ultrasoft particles under time-varying external confining potentials in three spatial dimensions. The theoretical formalism employed is the dynamical density functional theory (DDFT) of Marini Bettolo Marconi and Tarazona [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 110}, 8032 (1999)], supplied by an equilibrium excess free energy functional that is essentially exact. We complement our theoretical analysis by carrying out extensive Brownian Dynamics simulations. We find excellent agreement between theory and simulations for the whole time evolution of density profiles, demonstrating thereby the validity of the DDFT when an accurate equilibrium free energy functional is employed.Comment: 8 pagers, 4 figure
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