2,293 research outputs found

    Versatile antibody-sensing Boolean logic for the simultaneous detection of multiple bacterial toxins

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    We present an OR gate based on monoclonal antibodies for the simultaneous detection of multiple toxins in a single tube. To further simplify the operating procedure, the Boolean rule of simplification was used to guide the selection of a marker toxin among the natural toxin profiles

    Food Intake, Diet Quality and Behavioral Problems in Children: Results from the GINI-plus/LISA-plus Studies

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    Background/Aims: To assess the association between food intake and diet quality and behavioral problems at the 10-year follow-up of the two population-based birth cohorts of the studies German Infant Nutritional Intervention and `Influences of lifestyle-related factors on the immune system and the development of allergies in childhood'. Methods: Cross-sectional data on food intake over the past year were collected by a parent-reported food frequency questionnaire. Diet quality was based on reference values of food amounts of the optimized mixed diet. Behavioral problems were assessed by a parent-reported Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Relationships between food category intake, diet quality and behavior problems were examined using multivariable regression modeling adjusted for gender, sociodemographic characteristics, body mass index, physical exercise, television viewing/PC use and total energy intake. A total of 3,361 children with complete data were analyzed. Results: Children with increased intake of confectionery had increased odds of having emotional symptoms {[}adjusted odds ratio (ORadj) 1.19, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.08-1.32] compared to children with low intake. A higher diet quality score was associated with lower likelihood of emotional symptoms (ORadj 0.89, 95% CI 0.80-0.98). The un-adjusted significant relationship between diet quality and hyperactivity/inattention was attenuated by adjusting for several confounders to an ORadj of 0.92 (95% CI 0.82-1.03). Conclusions: Increased consumption of high-sugar products and lower diet quality are associated with a higher likelihood of emotional symptoms in children. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    Bottom-up cost modelling for bitstream services in broadband access networks

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    This contribution provides a definition of Bitstream Access Services and shows its importance inside the European Regulation. For this purpose a traffic model for the bitstream services is developed and a network structure for the corresponding broadband access network is determined. Additionally the contribution provides a model for a cost optimal Network planning and dimensioning and indicates a corresponding tool implementation. The cost model to be applied is exposed and applied to a network example. Additionally some problems arising for QoS differentiation in providing bitstream access services are shown and a first approach is indicated

    Elend und Euphorie

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    Mit Beiträgen von: Hans Ulrich Reck, Julia Scher, Matthias Müller, Dietrich Leder, Marc Pfaff, Joscha Steffens, Konstantin Butz, Georg Trogemann, Gabriele Gramelsberger, Anneka Metzger, Andreas Henric

    Impact of family history for endometriosis, migraine, depression and early menopause on endometriosis symptoms, localization and stage: A case control study

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    Introduction Endometriosis is a common disabling pain condition in women of childbearing age, frequently showing familial clustering. Nevertheless, little is known about whether familial predispositions influence its severity or presentation. In this study, we investigate disease characteristics in endometriosis patients with a family history (FH) for endometriosis or the comorbidities migraine, depression and early menopause (EMP). Materials and methods We performed an observational case-control study enrolling women with histologically confirmed endometriosis in a tertiary center. Based on surgical findings, patient records and phone interviews, we examined the relations between a FH for endometriosis, migraine, depression or EMP and endometriotic signs and symptoms, such as response to combined hormonal contraceptives (CHC) and analgesics, disease localization, infiltration depth, Enzian- and rASRM-scores. Results A positive FH for endometriosis, migraine, depression or EMP was reported by 10.2 %, 33.4 %, 32.6 % and 9.9 % of the 344 patients. A positive FH of endometriosis was associated with an increased risk for high rASRM-scores (rASRM 3 + 4: OR 2.74 (95 % CI 1.16–6.49), p = 0.017) and the presence of endometriomas (OR 2.70 (1.22–5.95), p = 0.011). A positive FH for migraine was associated with less response of endometriosis symptoms to CHC (OR 0.469 (0.27–0.82) p = 0.025). Depression in the family was linked to less severe rASRM-scores (rASRM 3 + 4: OR 0.63 (0.39–0.99), p = 0.046) and less endometriomas (OR 0.58 (0.67–0.92), p = 0.02), but increased the risk of both migraine (OR 1.66 (1.01–2.73), p = 0.043) and depression (OR 3.04 (1.89–4.89), p 5 days of non-cyclic pain (OR 3.58 (1.72–7.44), p < 0.001). Conclusions Around 30% reported a positive FH for migraine or depression. Patients with a positive FH for endometriosis, migraine, depression or EMP differ in symptoms and surgical findings when compared to controls. While a FH for endometriosis is associated with higher rASRM scores and more endometriomas, women with a FH for depression had lower rASRM scores and less endometriomas while responding better to CHC. In contrast, women with a FH for migraine showed less response to CHC

    Endometriosis features and dienogest tolerability in women with depression: a case-control study

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    Objective Primary aim of this study was to investigate endometriosis characteristics of patients with psychiatric conditions or depression. The secondary aim was to study tolerability of dienogest in this context. Methods This observational case-control study included endometriosis data from patients visiting our clinic from 2015–2021. We collected information from patient charts and in phone interviews based on a structured survey. Patients with surgical confirmed endometriosis were included. Results 344 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria: n = 255 no psychiatric disorder, n = 119 any psychiatric disorder and n = 70 depression. Patients with depression (EM-D, p=.018; p=.035) or psychiatric condition (EM-P, p=.020; p=.048) suffered more often from dyspareunia and dyschezia. EM-P patients had more often primary dysmenorrhoea with higher pain scores (p=.045). rASRM stage or localisation of lesions did not differ. EM-D and EM-P patients discontinued dienogest treatment more often related to worsening of mood (p= .001, p=.002). Conclusion EM-D or EM-P had a higher prevalence of pain symptoms. This could not be attributed to differences in rASRM stage or location of endometriosis lesions. Strong primary dysmenorrhoea might predispose to develop chronic pain-based psychological symptoms. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment are relevant. Gynaecologist should be aware of the potential impact of dienogest on mood. SHORT CONDENSATION Women with endometriosis and psychiatric disorders especially have more dyschezia and dyspareunia, independent from rASRM stage, depth of infiltration and localisation of endometriosis lesions. Dienogest has an impact on mood especially in already prone patients

    Toll-Like Receptor Expression in Human Keratinocytes: Nuclear Factor κB Controlled Gene Activation by Staphylococcus aureus is Toll-Like Receptor 2 But Not Toll-Like Receptor 4 or Platelet Activating Factor Receptor Dependent

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    Cultured primary human keratinocytes were screened for their expression of various members of the toll-like receptor (TLR) family. Keratinocytes were found to constitutively express TLR1, TLR2, TLR3, TLR5, and TLR9 but not TLR4, TLR6, TLR7, TLR8, or TLR10 as shown by polymerase chain reaction analysis. The expression of the crucial receptor for signaling of staphylococcal compounds TLR2 was also confirmed by immunohistochemistry, in contrast to TLR4, which showed a negative staining pattern. Next, we analyzed the activation of the proinflammatory nuclear transcription factor κB by Staphylococcus aureus strain 8325-4. Using nuclear extract gel shifts, RelA staining, and luciferase reporter transfection plasmids we found a clear induction of nuclear factor κB translocation by the bacteria. This translocation induced the transcription of nuclear factor κB controlled genes such as inducible nitric oxide synthetase, COX2, and interleukin-8. Transcription of these genes was followed by production of increased amounts of interleukin-8 protein and NO. Inhibition experiments using monoclonal antibodies and the specific platelet activating factor receptor inhibitor CV3988 showed that nuclear factor κB activation by S. aureus was TLR2 but not TLR4 or platelet activating factor receptor dependent. In line, the purified staphylococcal cell wall components lipoteichoic acid and peptidoglycan, known to signal through TLR2, also showed nuclear factor κB translocation in human keratinocytes, indicating a crucial role of the staphylococcal cell wall in the innate immune stimulation of human keratinocytes. These results help to explain the complex activation of human keratinocytes by S. aureus and its cell wall components in various inflammatory disorders of the skin

    Evaluierung und Optimierung biologischer Verfahren zur Regulierung des Pflaumenwicklers (Cydia funebrana) und der Monilia-Krankheit im ökologischen Steinobstanbau

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    Im Verbundforschungsprojekt FKZ 06OE198, FKZ 06OE057 und FKZ 06OE348 wurden Möglichkeiten der Regulierung des Pflaumenwicklers (Cydia funebrana) an Zwetschgen in Labor-, Halbfreiland und Freilandversuchen in Geisenheim, Darmstadt, Klein-Altendorf und Weinsberg untersucht. Labor- und Freilandversuche zur Regulierung der Monilia-Krankheit wurden in Geisenheim, Weinsberg und Dresden durchgeführt. Sauerkirschsorten-Versuche sind in Weinsberg und Dresden aufgepflanzt. Umfangreiche Freilandversuche zur Verwirrung des Pflaumenwicklers mit „Isomate OFM Rosso“ in Baden-Württemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz bestätigten mit Wirkungsgraden von bis zu 70 % die Wirksamkeit dieser Methode bei ausreichend großen Flächen und niedrigem Befallsniveau. Für den kleinparzellierten Anbau und bei höherem Befallsdruck wurden entomopathogene Nematoden im Freiland gegen überwinternde Larven mit heterogenen Wirkungsgraden erprobt. Es gelang nicht Pflaumenwickler ganzjährig unter Laborbedingen zu züchten, jedoch wurden mit Tieren aus Freilandsammlungen bzw. deren Eiern nach der Überwinterung Versuche zur Infektion der neonaten Larven mit dem Apfelwicklergranulosevirus, Eiparasitierungsversuche mit Trichogramma cacoeciae, zu Applikationen mit NeemAzal-T/S und zum Einsatz von insektenpathogen Pilzen gegen überwinternde Larven durchgeführt. Bei weiterführenden Versuchen im Freiland wurden mit dem Apfelwicklergranulosevirus V15 sehr heterogene Ergebnisse erzielt. Der Einsatz von Trichogramma in Form von Trichokarten ergab Wirkungsgrade von bis zu 47 %. Eine bessere Verteilung der Trichogramma in der Anlage sollte mit einer spritzfähigen Formulierung erreicht werden, dafür liegen jedoch erst einjährige Ergebnisse vor. Für die Bekämpfung der überwinternden Pflaumenwickler mit insektenpathogenen Pilzen stellte sich Isaria fumosorosea, als am geeignetsten heraus. Jedoch gestaltete sich bisher ein Nachweis der Wirksamkeit des mit dem Pilz infizierten Mulches im Freiland sehr schwierig. Die Pflaumenwicklerlarve sucht sich zur Überwinterung kleinste Ritzen am Stamm aus. Mit Wellpappe, die um den Stamm gewickelt wurde, konnte den Larven ein attraktives Überwinterungsquartier angeboten werden. Durch Entfernen und Verbrennen der Pappringe im Winter kann der Befallsdruck im Folgejahr minimiert werden. Für die Monilia-Regulierung an Zwetschgen konnte im Labor unter einer Vielzahl an getesteten Präparaten lediglich Serenade mit einer antagonistischen Wirkung überzeugen. Es hat jedoch keine Zulassung als Pflanzenschutzmittel im Steinobst. Versuche im Freiland ergaben außerdem, dass das konsequente Eliminieren von möglichen Infektionsquellen durch das Entfernen von Monilia-Nestern vor der Ernte und von Fruchtmumien nach der Ernte letztlich bessere Effekte erzielte, als Behandlungen mit mittelgut wirksamen Pflanzenstärkungsmitteln. Für die Behandlung der Monilia-Spitzendürre an Sauerkirschen wurden verschiedene Präparate im Freiland überprüft. Die Handelsprodukte BoniProtect® forte und BoniProtect® reduzierten tendenziell die Blüteninfektionen. Da für SPU 2720 und Cuprozin bisher nur aus einem Jahr Versuchsergebnisse vorliegen, ist keine abschließende Beurteilung möglich. Jedoch lässt sich bereits durch den konsequenten Rückschnitt befallener Triebe der Befallsdruck erheblich reduzieren. An beiden Standorten erscheinen die Sauerkirschsorten ‘Morina‘, ‘Jade‘, ‘Coralin‘ und ‘Safir‘ als geeignet für den ökologischen Anbau, in Weinsberg zusätzlich ‘Topas‘ und ‘Ungarische Traubige‘. Allerdings war der Monilia-Druck nur in wenigen Jahren hoch. Bis jetzt wurden keine Infektionen mit Gloeosporium sp., einer weiteren bedrohlichen Krankheit im ökologischen Sauerkirschanbau, beobachtet
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