585 research outputs found

    Fate mapping identifies the origin of SHF/AHF progenitors in the chick primitive streak

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    Heart development depends on the spatio-temporally regulated contribution of progenitor cells from the primary, secondary and anterior heart fields. Primary heart field (PHF) cells are first recruited to form a linear heart tube; later, they contribute to the inflow myocardium of the four-chambered heart. Subsequently cells from the secondary (SHF) and anterior heart fields (AHF) are added to the heart tube and contribute to both the inflow and outflow myocardium. In amniotes, progenitors of the linear heart tube have been mapped to the anterior-middle region of the early primitive streak. After ingression, these cells are located within bilateral heart fields in the lateral plate mesoderm. On the other hand SHF/AHF field progenitors are situated anterior to the linear heart tube, however, the origin and location of these progenitors prior to the development of the heart tube remains elusive. Thus, an unresolved question in the process of cardiac development is where SHF/AHF progenitors originate from during gastrulation and whether they come from a region in the primitive streak distinct from that which generates the PHF. To determine the origin and location of SHF/AHF progenitors we used vital dye injection and tissue grafting experiments to map the location and ingression site of outflow myocardium progenitors in early primitive streak stage chicken embryos. Cells giving rise to the AHF ingressed from a rostral region of the primitive streak, termed region ‘A’. During development these cells were located in the cranial paraxial mesoderm and in the pharyngeal mesoderm. Furthermore we identified region ‘B’, located posterior to ‘A’, which gave rise to progenitors that contributed to the primary heart tube and the outflow tract. Our studies identify two regions in the early primitive streak, one which generates cells of the AHF and a second from which cardiac progenitors of the PHF and SHF emerge.Esther Camp, Susanne Dietrich, Andrea Münsterber

    RGMa and RGMb expression pattern during chicken development suggest unexpected roles for these repulsive guidance molecules in notochord formation, somitogenesis, and myogenesis

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    Background: Repulsive guidance molecules (RGM) are high-affinity ligands for the Netrin receptor Neogenin, and they are crucial for nervous system development including neural tube closure; neuronal and neural crest cell differentiation and axon guidance. Recent studies implicated RGM molecules in bone morphogenetic protein signaling, which regulates a variety of developmental processes. Moreover, a role for RGMc in iron metabolism has been established. This suggests that RGM molecules may play important roles in non-neural tissues. Results: To explore which tissues and processed may be regulated by RGM molecules, we systematically investigated the expression of RGMa and RGMb, the only RGM molecules currently known for avians, in the chicken embryo. Conclusions: Our study suggests so far unknown roles of RGM molecules in notochord, somite and skeletal muscle development. Developmental Dynamics, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.AFMAFMCNPqCNPqFAPESPFAPES

    Metabolic engineering of the purine biosynthetic pathway in Corynebacterium glutamicum results in increased intracellular pool sizes of IMP and hypoxanthine

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    Background: Purine nucleotides exhibit various functions in cellular metabolism. Besides serving as building blocks for nucleic acid synthesis, they participate in signaling pathways and energy metabolism. Further, IMP and GMP represent industrially relevant biotechnological products used as flavor enhancing additives in food industry. Therefore, this work aimed towards the accumulation of IMP applying targeted genetic engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum. Results: Blocking of the degrading reactions towards AMP and GMP lead to a 45-fold increased intracellular IMP pool of 22 mumol gCDW-1. Deletion of the pgi gene encoding glucose 6-phosphate isomerase in combination with the deactivated AMP and GMP generating reactions, however, resulted in significantly decreased IMP pools (13 mumol gCDW-1). Targeted metabolite profiling of the purine biosynthetic pathway further revealed a metabolite shift towards the formation of the corresponding nucleobase hypoxanthine (102 mumol gCDW-1) derived from IMP degradation. Conclusions: The purine biosynthetic pathway is strongly interconnected with various parts of the central metabolism and therefore tightly controlled. However, deleting degrading reactions from IMP to AMP and GMP significantly increased intracellular IMP levels. Due to the complexity of this pathway further degradation from IMP to the corresponding nucleobase drastically increased suggesting additional targets for future strain optimization

    Lehrstellenkrise: Ausbildung muss sich lohnen - auch für die Betriebe

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    In dem Beitrag wird gefragt, warum das Angebot an betrieblichen Ausbildungsplätzen immer mehr hinter der Nachfrage zurückbleibt und nach Lösungsansätzen für die Ausbildungsmarktkrise gesucht. Es wird festgestellt, dass Betriebe deshalb nicht ausbilden, weil die Kosten zu hoch und die erwarteten Erträge zu niedig sind. Die diskutierte Idee einer Ausbildungsabgabe versucht, dem Mangel an Ausbildungsplätzen durch Veränderungen der relativen Kosten der Ausbildung zu begegnen. Sie weist jedoch konstruktionsbedingte Mängel auf, so dass ihr Erfolg fraglich wäre. Lösungsansätze sind deshalb vor allem auf der Ertragsseite der Ausbildung zu suchen. So könnten wirtschaftspolitische Maßnahmen die Erträge der Unternehmen stabilisieren und die Ausbildungsbereitschaft erhöhen. Langfristig lässt sich die vorwiegend durch den Strukturwandel bedingte Krise am Ausbildungsmarkt aber nur beheben, wenn das duale System grundlegend reformiert wird

    Component-Resolved Diagnosis (CRD) of Type I Allergy with Recombinant Grass and Tree Pollen Allergens by Skin Testing

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    The diagnosis of Type I allergy is based on the measurement of allergen-specific IgE antibodies and on provocation with allergens, most frequently conducted by skin testing. Both forms of diagnosis are currently performed with allergen extracts that are difficult to standardize regarding their allergen contents, and which contain additional undefined nonallergenic components. We report the expression in Escherichia coli and purification of some of the most relevant timothy grass- and birch pollen allergens. Recombinant timothy grass- (rPhl p 1, rPhl p 2, rPhl p 5) and birch pollen (rBet v 1, rBet v 2) allergens were purified and used for the measurement of allergen-specific IgE and IgG subclass responses as well as for skin prick testing in 55 pollen allergic patients and 10 nonatopic individuals. Results obtained showed that the recombinant allergens allowed in vivo allergy diagnosis in 52 of 54 of the grass pollen and in 35 of 36 of the birch pollen allergic patients. Positive skin reactions were observed almost exclusively in patients containing detectable allergen-specific IgE antibodies but not in the nonatopic group; however, sensitivity to a given allergen as measured by skin reactivity was weakly correlated with the levels of allergen-specific IgE. Our results demonstrate that recombinant allergens can be used for component-resolved skin test diagnosis (CRD) of the patients’ allergen sensitization profile, whereas allergen extracts at best allow to identify allergen-containing sources. CRD may thus represent the basis for novel forms of patient-tailored immunotherapy

    Democratic prospects in Imperial Russia : the revolution of 1905 and the political stock market

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    This paper assesses the attitude of investors towards Democratic change by performing an event study using Russian government bonds. The Revolution of 1905 offers an ideal occasion as, alongside the related revolutionary events, it was accompanied by two opposing constitutional changes within a short period of time. This study contributes to the debate as to whether Imperial Russia could possibly have followed other Western European states, i.e. gradually adopting a democratic rule, or whether a revolution was inevitable as the writing of Soviet history suggests. Furthermore, the Russo-Japanese War is taken into consideration. The results are basically in line with the literature on the impact of wars on capital markets. Prices of two types of bonds on both the Saint Petersburg and the Berlin stock exchange are employed. As it turns out, investors in the East and West were largely consistent in their reactions