3 research outputs found

    Neutron diffraction investigation of strontianite, SrCO3

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    The crystal structure of strontianite (a = 5.1039(3), b = 8.4022(4), c = 6.0220(4) Å ; Z = 4 ; space group : Pmcn) was refined with 520 independent neutron diffraction data to RW = 0.011 . The aplanarity of the CO3 group, d = 0.0218(5) Å, is smaller by 0.006 Å than that in aragonite ; the average C-O bond length turns out to be greater by 0.003 Å than in aragonite.La structure de la strontianite ((a = 5,1039(3), b = 8,4022(4), c = 6.0220(4) Å ; Z = 4 ; groupe spatial : Pmcn) a été affinée en utilisant 520 données indépendantes de diffraction de neutrons, RW = 0,011. L'écart à la planéité du groupement CO3, d = 0,0218(5) Å, est réduit de 0,006 Å par rapport à l'aragonite ; la longueur moyenne de liaison C-O est plus grande de 0,003 Å que dans l'aragonite.Jarosch Dietmar, Heger Gernot. Neutron diffraction investigation of strontianite, SrCO3. In: Bulletin de Minéralogie, volume 111, 2, 1988. pp. 139-142