122 research outputs found

    Temperature preference & tolerance

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    Data from temperature preference and heat tolerance experiment


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    Multiple files corresponding to windows with expression above 50 reads in one taxon and absent in all others. Most regions represent only a single taxon, with the exception of those defined for Mus musculus musculus and Mus musculus domesticus populations, in which windows could be present in at least one population, but could also be present in more than one population, provided they would be absent in any other regions. Taxon codes as indicated in the main body of the manuscript. Tissue samples correspond to brain (B), liver (L), and testis (T), and to additional extensive sequencing of brain samples (UDS). Files are in bigWig format, for visualization together with the mm10 version of the mouse reference genome. We provide two IGV (Integrative Genomics Viewer) sessions XML files, which the user can directly load onto the genome browser. One session uses local files, and files have to be present in the same directory as the session file, another makes use of existing files in our local ftp server and does not require the local files, but does require internet connection. In addition to this we provide the expression values supporting the taxonomically-restricted status (*.dat), and a bed file of the relevant regions


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    Transcriptome coverage of the mm10 mouse reference genome. Computed from transcriptome alignments of three populations of Mus musculus domesticus (AH from Iran, CB from Germany, MC from France), two populations of Mus musculus musculus (KH from Kazakhstan, WI from Austria), Mus musculus castaneus (TA), Mus spicilegus (SC), Mus spretus (SP), Mus mattheyi (MA) and Apodemus uralensis (AP). This is a summary over three tissues (brain, liver, testis) for each of the taxa, resampled to obtain coverage rarefaction estimates by taxon and by fraction of data sequenced. Number in columns indicates the percentage, with total representing the maximum available sampling for each taxon. Each of the rows on this file corresponds to the rows of the transcriptome file, present together in this submission, and must be analyzed together to obtain genomic position information. Features were generated with bedtools, converted into SAF format, and extracted from BAM alignments using the featureCounts suite

    Primer sequences

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    Primers, which were used in the stud

    Prosoma width

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    Prosoma width of contemporary and historical specimen

    Sampling localities

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    Sampling localities of contemporary and historical specimens, including museum identifiers
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