23 research outputs found

    <i>N</i>‑Arylation of Tertiary Amines under Mild Conditions

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    A transition-metal-free procedure for the <i>N</i>-arylation of tertiary amines to sp<sup>3</sup> quaternary ammonium salts is described. The presented conditions allow for the isolation of trialkylaryl, dialkyldiaryl, and novel triarylalkyl ammonium salts, including <i>N</i>-chiral quaternary ammonium salts. The reaction works at room temperature, open to air with electron-rich or -poor benzyne precursors and different tertiary amines, allowing the synthesis of a broad range of <i>N-</i>aryl ammonium salts that have applications in a variety of fields

    Flow Photochemistry for Single-Chain Polymer Nanoparticle Synthesis

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    Single chain polymer nanoparticles (SCNP) are an attractive polymer architecture that provides functions seen in folded biomacromolecules. The generation of SCNPs, however, is limited by the requirement of a high dilution chemical step, necessitating the use of large reactors to produce processable quantities of material. Herein, the chemical folding of macromolecules into SCNPs is achieved in both batch and flow photochemical processes by the previously described photodimerization of anthracene units in polymethylmethacrylate (100 kDa) under UV irradiation at 366 nm. When employing flow chemistry, the irradiation time is readily controlled by tuning the flow rates, allowing for the precise control over the intramolecular collapse process. The flow system provides a route at least four times more efficient for SCNP formation, reaching higher intramolecular cross-linking ratios five times faster than batch operation.</p

    Flow Photochemistry for Single‐Chain Polymer Nanoparticle Synthesis

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    Single chain polymer nanoparticles (SCNP) are an attractive polymer architecture that provides functions seen in folded biomacromolecules. The generation of SCNPs, however, is limited by the requirement of a high dilution chemical step, necessitating the use of large reactors to produce processable quantities of material. Herein, the chemical folding of macromolecules into SCNPs is achieved in both batch and flow photochemical processes by the previously described photodimerization of anthracene units in polymethylmethacrylate (100 kDa) under UV irradiation at 366 nm. When employing flow chemistry, the irradiation time is readily controlled by tuning the flow rates, allowing for the precise control over the intramolecular collapse process. The flow system provides a route at least four times more efficient for SCNP formation, reaching higher intramolecular cross-linking ratios five times faster than batch operation.</p

    Following Homolytic Mechanochemical Kinetics with a Pyrenyl Nitrone Spin Trap

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    The mechanochemical stability of a polymer is a fundamental parameter when choosing the ideal material for many different uses where mechanical loading may induce molecular weight reduction. The use of mechanophores has significantly improved the detection of mechanochemical reaction, but their incorporation to different polymers can be synthetically challenging. Alternatively, we return to the old strategy of using spin traps to quantify the radicals produced as a consequence of mechanochemical homolytic bond scission events. Several new spin traps have been developed in recent decades, and pyrenyl nitrones have been shown to effectively bind radicals, providing a spectroscopic methodology to follow radical concentration. Here we demonstrate the use of these probes as excellent tools to follow mechanochemical chain scission

    Dynamic Covalent Macrocyclic Poly(phthalaldehyde)s: Scrambling Cyclic Homopolymer Mixtures Produces Multi-Block and Random Cyclic Copolymers

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    We recently reported the cationic polymerization of <i>o</i>-phthalaldehyde to macrocyclic poly­(phthalaldehyde) polymers. Resubjecting the cyclic polymers to the polymerization conditions led to a redistribution of the polymer to a new cyclic structure consistent with thermodynamic equilibrium. We now report the synthesis of cyclic poly­(phthalaldehyde) derivatives and demonstrate the scrambling of distinct homopolymer mixtures to copolymers under the cationic polymerization conditions. Homopolymer mixtures are found to rapidly redistribute, first to multiblock cyclic copolymers. With extended reaction time, random macrocyclic copolymers are obtained. Evolution of the microstructure was monitored by NMR spectroscopy, MALDI–TOF mass spectrometry, and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The reported scrambling method leads to the rapid preparation of macrocyclic copolymers of high molecular weight with variable microstructure depending on reaction times and catalyst loadings

    End Group Characterization of Poly(phthalaldehyde): Surprising Discovery of a Reversible, Cationic Macrocyclization Mechanism

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    End-capped poly­(phthalaldehyde) (PPA) synthesized by anionic polymerization has garnered significant interest due to its ease of synthesis and rapid depolymerization. However, alternative ionic polymerizations to produce PPA have been largely unexplored. In this report, we demonstrate that a cationic polymerization of <i>o</i>-phthalaldehyde initiated by boron trifluoride results in cyclic PPA in high yield, with high molecular weight, and with extremely high cyclic purity. The cyclic structure is confirmed by NMR spectroscopy, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, and triple-detection GPC. The cyclic polymers are reversibly opened and closed under the polymerization conditions. Owing to PPA’s low ceiling temperature, cyclic PPA is capable of chain extension to larger molecular weights, controlled depolymerization to smaller molecular weights, or dynamic intermixing with other polymer chains, both cyclics and end-capped linears. These unusual properties endow the system with great flexibility in the synthesis and isolation of pure cyclic polymers of high molecular weight. Further, we speculate that the absence of end groups enhances the stability of cyclic PPA and makes it an attractive candidate for lithographic applications

    Long-term Stability of Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Studied on Membrane Electrode Assemblies

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    Reproducible batch production of catalyst loading and performance enabled the systematic investigation of MEAs long-term stability. An low cathode humidity and increased temperature led to preferential aging of the ionomeric components while load cycling procedure accelerated the degradation of the catalyst layer

    BF[subscript 3]-Promoted Electrochemical Properties of Quinoxaline in Propylene Carbonate

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    Electrochemical and density functional studies demonstrate that coordination of electrolyte constituents to quinoxalines modulates their electrochemical properties. Quinoxalines are shown to be electrochemically inactive in most electrolytes in propylene carbonate, yet the predicted reduction potential is shown to match computational estimates in acetonitrile. We find that in the presence of LiBF[subscript 4] and trace water, an adduct is formed between quinoxaline and the Lewis acid BF[subscript 3], which then displays electrochemical activity at 1–1.5 V higher than prior observations of quinoxaline electrochemistry in non-aqueous media. Direct synthesis and testing of a bis-BF[subscript 3] quinoxaline complex further validates the assignment of the electrochemically active species, presenting up to a ~26-fold improvement in charging capacity, demonstrating the advantages of this adduct over unmodified quinoxaline in LiBF[subscript 4]-based electrolyte. The use of Lewis acids to effectively “turn on” the electrochemical activity of organic molecules may lead to the development of new active material classes for energy storage applications