569 research outputs found

    Social studies in secondary schools in Western Germany after World War II

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston Universit

    Image Completion for View Synthesis Using Markov Random Fields and Efficient Belief Propagation

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    View synthesis is a process for generating novel views from a scene which has been recorded with a 3-D camera setup. It has important applications in 3-D post-production and 2-D to 3-D conversion. However, a central problem in the generation of novel views lies in the handling of disocclusions. Background content, which was occluded in the original view, may become unveiled in the synthesized view. This leads to missing information in the generated view which has to be filled in a visually plausible manner. We present an inpainting algorithm for disocclusion filling in synthesized views based on Markov random fields and efficient belief propagation. We compare the result to two state-of-the-art algorithms and demonstrate a significant improvement in image quality.Comment: Published version: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?tp=&arnumber=673843

    Plasticity genes in gene x environment interactions

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    Plasticity genes in gene x environment interactions

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    Environmental manipulations generate bidirectional shifts in both behavior and gene regulation in a crossbred mouse model of extremes in trait anxiety

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    Although gene-environment interactions are known to significantly influence psychopathology related disease states, only few animal models cover both the genetic background and environmental manipulations. Therefore, we have taken advantage of the bidirectionally inbred high (HAB) and low (LAB) anxiety-related behavior mouse lines to generate HAB x LAB F1 hybrids that intrinsically carry both lines' genetic characteristics, and subsequently raised them in three different environments standard, enriched (EE) and chronic mild stress (CMS). Assessing genetic correlates of trait anxiety, we focused on two genes already known to play a role in HAB vs. LAB mice, corticotropin releasing hormone receptor type 1 (Crhr1) and high mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 3 (Hmgn3). While EE F1 mice showed decreased anxiety related and increased explorative behaviors compared to controls, CMS sparked effects in the opposite direction. However, environmental treatments affected the expression of the two genes in distinct ways. Thus, while expression ratios of Hmgn3 between the HAB- and LAB-specific alleles remained equal, total expression resembled the one observed in HAB vs. LAB mice, i.e., decreased after EE and increased after CMS treatment. On the other hand, while total expression of Crhr1 remained unchanged between the groups, the relative expression of HAB- and LAB-specific alleles showed a clear effect following the environmental modifications. Thus, the environmentally driven bidirectional shift of trait anxiety in this F1 model strongly correlated with Hmgn3 expression, irrespective of allele-specific expression patterns that retained the proportions of basic differential HAB vs. LAB expression, making this gene a match for environment-induced modifications. An involvement of Crhr1 in the bidirectional behavioral shift could, however, rather be due to different effects of the HAB- and LAB specific alleles described here. Both candidate genes therefore deserve attention in the complex regulation of anxiety-related phenotypes including environment-mediated effects

    Theory of the n=2 levels in muonic deuterium

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    The present knowledge of Lamb shift, fine- and hyperfine structure of the 2S\mathrm{2S} and 2P\mathrm{2P} states in muonic deuterium is reviewed in anticipation of the results of a first measurement of several 2S2P\mathrm{2S-2P} transition frequencies in muonic deuterium (μd\mu\mathrm{d}). A term-by-term comparison of all available sources reveals reliable values and uncertainties of the QED and nuclear structure-dependent contributions to the Lamb shift, which are essential for a determination of the deuteron rms charge radius from μd\mu\mathrm{d}. Apparent discrepancies between different sources are resolved, in particular for the difficult two-photon exchange contributions. Problematic single-sourced terms are identified which require independent recalculation.Comment: 26 pages, add missing feynman diagrams (Fig. 3), renumber items (Tab. IV), correct a sum (column 5, Tab. IV

    Analysis Operator Learning and Its Application to Image Reconstruction

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    Exploiting a priori known structural information lies at the core of many image reconstruction methods that can be stated as inverse problems. The synthesis model, which assumes that images can be decomposed into a linear combination of very few atoms of some dictionary, is now a well established tool for the design of image reconstruction algorithms. An interesting alternative is the analysis model, where the signal is multiplied by an analysis operator and the outcome is assumed to be the sparse. This approach has only recently gained increasing interest. The quality of reconstruction methods based on an analysis model severely depends on the right choice of the suitable operator. In this work, we present an algorithm for learning an analysis operator from training images. Our method is based on an p\ell_p-norm minimization on the set of full rank matrices with normalized columns. We carefully introduce the employed conjugate gradient method on manifolds, and explain the underlying geometry of the constraints. Moreover, we compare our approach to state-of-the-art methods for image denoising, inpainting, and single image super-resolution. Our numerical results show competitive performance of our general approach in all presented applications compared to the specialized state-of-the-art techniques.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Einleitung: Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik 5. Evaluation und Analyse

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    Evaluationsmethoden für E-Learning, Forschungsmethoden zur Mediennutzung und zur Analyse von Medienkulturen sind Gegenstand dieses Jahrbuchs Medienpädagogik. Dabei reicht das Spektrum der Medien von Fernsehen über Video bis zum Internet. Die Auswahl dieses Themenschwerpunkts kommt dabei nicht von ungefähr. Zum einen hat wissenschaftliche Medienforschung bereits eine lange Tradition und ist in vielen Disziplinen etabliert. Forschungsmethoden lieferten der medienpädagogischen Praxis empirisch fundierte Ergebnisse und Instrumente. Forschungsdesigns und Methodologien wurden entwickelt, um Mediennutzungsverhalten und Medienwirkungen zu erklären, Evaluationsmethoden eingesetzt, um Lernprozesse zu beurteilen. Zum anderen gewinnen Qualitätssicherung und Leistungsmessungen im Bildungssystem generell immer mehr an Bedeutung. In den Ergebnissen aktueller Evaluationen zeigen sich Bestrebungen nach Qualität von Bildungs- und Lernprozessen. Empirische Forschung kommt die Aufgabe zu medienpädagogische Wirkungsgrade und Zielerreichung zu überprüfen und zu kontrollieren. Quantitative Forschungsmethoden ermöglichen es Mediennutzungsverhalten bestimmter Zielgruppen in Wechselwirkung mit Programmstrukturen und -inhalten zu ermitteln. Nutzungsmuster von Medienangeboten – vor allem bei Kindern und Jugendlichen – sind auch bei der Entwicklung medienpädagogischer Ansätze wichtig. Qualitative Medienforschung dient als Planungsinstrument für medienpädagogische Konzeptionen sowie für medienpädagogische Praxis und hilft bei der Entwicklung neuer, mehr als bisher an inhaltlichen Kriterien orientierter Angebote eingesetzt werden. Eine der zentralen Fragestellungen war und ist dabei, mit welchen kognitiven und ästhetischen Vermittlungsformen die Inhalte einer Sendung am besten kommuniziert werden können. Dies ist zugleich eine der Grundfragen im Hinblick auf den Medieneinsatz in pädagogisch orientierten Lernprozessen (vgl. Dichanz 1998)