183 research outputs found

    In Vitro Kidney Preservation Techniques

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    The advantages of adding hyperbaria, low flow perfusion, and protein colloid to hypothermia at 0° C for kidney preservation are described. The possibilities of longer preservation at higher temperatures are discussed

    Effect of Acute Posttransplant Renal Failure on the Survival of Perfused Cadaver Kidneys

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    Between 7973 and 7977 we encountered 22 cases of acute renal failure after transplantation in 70 patients who received perfused cadaver kidneys. Nearly two-thirds of 76 nonfunctioning grafts were lost due to subsequent superimposed rejection, often undetected and, hence, untreated. Thirty-one percent of the 76 recovered function. The recovery rate, we believe, can be improved by earlier diagnosis and treatment of rejection and by avoiding invasive diagnostic procedures in the early postoperative period. If the oliguric period extends beyond two weeks, a closed percutaneous renal biopsy is justified. The diagnosis of rejection and/or other abnormality as well as subsequent treatment are very important in these patients

    Binding of the RNA chaperone Hfq to the type IV pilus base is crucial for its function in Synechocystis sp PCC 6803

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    This work was supported by the DFG priority program SPP1258 Sensory and Regulatory RNAs in Prokaryotes (Wi-2014/3-1, 3-2) to A.W. D.J.N. was supported by a Queen Mary college studentship

    Increased impedance near cut-off in plasma-like media leading to emission of high-power, narrow-bandwidth radiation

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    Ultra-intense, narrow-bandwidth, electromagnetic pulses have become important tools for exploring the characteristics of matter. Modern tuneable high-power light sources, such as free-electron lasers and vacuum tubes, rely on bunching of relativistic or near-relativistic electrons in vacuum. Here we present a fundamentally different method for producing narrow-bandwidth radiation from a broad spectral bandwidth current source, which takes advantage of the inflated radiation impedance close to cut-off in a medium with a plasma-like permittivity. We find that by embedding a current source in this cut-off region, more than an order of magnitude enhancement of the radiation intensity is obtained compared with emission directly into free space. The method suggests a simple and general way to flexibly use broadband current sources to produce broad or narrow bandwidth pulses. As an example, we demonstrate, using particle-in-cell simulations, enhanced monochromatic emission of terahertz radiation using a two-colour pumped current source enclosed by a tapered waveguide.ope

    Ethnic differences in total and HDL cholesterol among Turkish, Moroccan and Dutch ethnic groups living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High total cholesterol and low HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol are important determinants of cardiovascular disease. Little is known about dyslipidemia among Turkish and Moroccan migrants, two of the largest ethnic minority groups in several European countries. This study examines ethnic differences in total and HDL cholesterol levels between Dutch, Turkish and Moroccan ethnic groups.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data were collected in the setting of a general health survey, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 2004. Total response rate was 45% (Dutch: 46%, Turks: 50%, Moroccans: 39%). From 1,220 adults information on history of hypercholesterolemia, lifestyle and demographic background was obtained via health interviews. In a physical examination measurements of anthropometry and blood pressure were performed and blood was collected. Total and HDL cholesterol were determined in serum.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Total cholesterol levels were lower and hypercholesterolemia was less prevalent among the Moroccan and Turkish than the Dutch ethnic population. HDL cholesterol was also relatively low among these migrant groups. The resulting total/HDL cholesterol ratio was particularly unfavourable among the Turkish ethnic group. Controlling for Body Mass Index and alcohol abstinence substantially attenuated ethnic differences in HDL cholesterol levels and total/HDL cholesterol ratio.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Total cholesterol levels are relatively low in Turkish and Moroccan migrants. However part of this advantage is off-set by their relatively low levels of HDL cholesterol, resulting in an unfavourable total/HDL cholesterol ratio, particularly in the Turkish population. Important factors in explaining ethnic differences are the relatively high Body Mass Index and level of alcohol abstinence in these migrant groups.</p

    Effect of cross exercise on quadriceps acceleration reaction time and subjective scores (Lysholm questionnaire) following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

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    Abstract Background Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury or reconstruction can cause knee impairments and disability. Knee impairments are related to quadriceps performance – accelerated reaction time (ART) – and disability to performance of daily living activities which is assessed by questionnaires such as the Lysholm knee score. The purposes of this study were to investigate the effect of cross exercise, as supplementary rehabilitation to the early phase of ACL reconstruction: a) on quadriceps ART at the angles 45°, 60° and 90° of knee flexion and, b) on the subjective scores of disability in ACL reconstructed patients. Methods 42 patients who underwent ACL reconstruction were randomly divided into 3 groups, two experimental and one control. All groups followed the same rehabilitation program. The experimental groups followed 8 weeks of cross eccentric exercise (CEE) on the uninjured knee; 3 d/w, and 5 d/w respectively. Quadriceps ART was measured at 45°, 60° and 90° of knee flexion pre and nine weeks post-operatively using an isokinetic dynamometer. Patients also completed pre and post operatively the Lysholm questionnaire whereby subjective scores were recorded. Results Two factor ANOVA showed significant differences in ART at 90° among the groups (F = 4.29, p = 0.02, p Significant differences were also found in the Lysholm score among the groups (F = 4.75, p = 0.01, p Conclusion CEE showed improvements on quadriceps ART at 90° at a sequence of 3 d/w and in the Lysholm score at a sequence of 3 d/w and 5 d/w respectively on ACL reconstructed patients.</p

    Changes in articular cartilage after meniscectomy and meniscus replacement using a biodegradable porous polymer implant

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    Purpose: To evaluate the long-term effects of implantation of a biodegradable polymer meniscus implant on articular cartilage degeneration and compare this to articular cartilage degeneration after meniscectomy. Methods: Porous polymer polycaprolacton-based polyurethane meniscus implants were implanted for 6 or 24 months in the lateral compartment of Beagle dog knees. Contralateral knees were meniscectomized, or left intact and served as controls. Articular cartilage degeneration was evaluated in detail using India ink staining, routine histology, immunochemistry for denatured (Col2-ŸM) and cleaved (Col2-ŸCshort) type II collagen, Mankin’s grading system, and cartilage thickness measurements. Results: Histologically, fibrillation and substantial immunohistochemical staining for both denatured and cleaved type II collagen were found in all three treatment groups. The cartilage of the three groups showed identical degradation patterns. In the 24 months implant group, degradation appeared to be more severe when compared to the 6 months implant group and meniscectomy group. Significantly more cartilage damage (India ink staining, Mankin’s grading system, and cartilage thickness measurements) was found in the 24 months implant group compared to the 6 months implant group and meniscectomy group. Conclusion: Degradation of the cartilage matrix was the result of both mechanical overloading as well as localized cell-mediated degradation. The degeneration patterns were highly variable between animals. Clinical application of a porous polymer implant for total meniscus replacement is not supported by this study.

    "CAN Stop" - Implementation and evaluation of a secondary group prevention for adolescent and young adult cannabis users in various contexts - study protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Current research shows that overall numbers for cannabis use among adolescents and young adults dropped in recent years. However, this trend is much less pronounced in continuous cannabis use. With regard to the heightened risk for detrimental health- and development-related outcomes, adolescents and young adults with continuous cannabis use need special attention. The health services structure for adolescents and young adults with substance related problems in Germany, is multifaceted, because different communal, medical and judicial agencies are involved. This results in a rather decentralized organizational structure of the help system. This and further system-inherent characteristics make the threshold for young cannabis users rather high. Because of this, there is a need to establish evidence-based low-threshold help options for young cannabis users, which can be easily disseminated. Therefore, a training programme for young cannabis users (age 14-21) was developed in the "CAN Stop" project. Within the project, we seek to implement and evaluate the training programme within different institutions of the help system. The evaluation is sensitive to the different help systems and their specific prerequisites. Moreover, within this study, we also test the practicability of a training provision through laypersons.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The CAN Stop study is a four-armed randomized wait-list controlled trial. The four arms are needed for the different help system settings, in which the CAN Stop training programme is evaluated: (a) the drug addiction aid and youth welfare system, (b) the out-patient medical system, (c) the in-patient medical system and (d) prisons for juvenile offenders. Data are collected at three points, before and after the training or a treatment as usual, and six months after the end of either intervention.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The CAN Stop study is expected to provide an evidence-based programme for young cannabis users seeking to reduce or quit their cannabis use. Moreover, we seek to gain knowledge about the programme's utility within different settings of the German help system for young cannabis users and information about the settings' specific clientele. The study protocol is discussed with regard to potential difficulties within the different settings.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ISRCTN: <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN57036983">ISRCTN57036983</a></p

    Genome Sequencing Shows that European Isolates of Francisella tularensis Subspecies tularensis Are Almost Identical to US Laboratory Strain Schu S4

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    BACKGROUND: Francisella tularensis causes tularaemia, a life-threatening zoonosis, and has potential as a biowarfare agent. F. tularensis subsp. tularensis, which causes the most severe form of tularaemia, is usually confined to North America. However, a handful of isolates from this subspecies was obtained in the 1980s from ticks and mites from Slovakia and Austria. Our aim was to uncover the origins of these enigmatic European isolates. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We determined the complete genome sequence of FSC198, a European isolate of F. tularensis subsp. tularensis, by whole-genome shotgun sequencing and compared it to that of the North American laboratory strain Schu S4. Apparent differences between the two genomes were resolved by re-sequencing discrepant loci in both strains. We found that the genome of FSC198 is almost identical to that of Schu S4, with only eight SNPs and three VNTR differences between the two sequences. Sequencing of these loci in two other European isolates of F. tularensis subsp. tularensis confirmed that all three European isolates are also closely related to, but distinct from Schu S4. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The data presented here suggest that the Schu S4 laboratory strain is the most likely source of the European isolates of F. tularensis subsp. tularensis and indicate that anthropogenic activities, such as movement of strains or animal vectors, account for the presence of these isolates in Europe. Given the highly pathogenic nature of this subspecies, the possibility that it has become established wild in the heartland of Europe carries significant public health implications
