7 research outputs found

    Cousins Of The Vendi Score: A Family Of Similarity-Based Diversity Metrics For Science And Machine Learning

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    Measuring diversity accurately is important for many scientific fields, including machine learning (ML), ecology, and chemistry. The Vendi Score was introduced as a generic similarity-based diversity metric that extends the Hill number of order q=1 by leveraging ideas from quantum statistical mechanics. Contrary to many diversity metrics in ecology, the Vendi Score accounts for similarity and does not require knowledge of the prevalence of the categories in the collection to be evaluated for diversity. However, the Vendi Score treats each item in a given collection with a level of sensitivity proportional to the item's prevalence. This is undesirable in settings where there is a significant imbalance in item prevalence. In this paper, we extend the other Hill numbers using similarity to provide flexibility in allocating sensitivity to rare or common items. This leads to a family of diversity metrics -- Vendi scores with different levels of sensitivity -- that can be used in a variety of applications. We study the properties of the scores in a synthetic controlled setting where the ground truth diversity is known. We then test their utility in improving molecular simulations via Vendi Sampling. Finally, we use the Vendi scores to better understand the behavior of image generative models in terms of memorization, duplication, diversity, and sample quality.Comment: Code for evaluating diversity using the Vendi scores can be found at https://github.com/vertaix/Vendi-Score. Code for using the scores within Vendi Sampling can be found at https://github.com/vertaix/Vendi-Samplin

    LLM-Prop: Predicting Physical And Electronic Properties Of Crystalline Solids From Their Text Descriptions

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    The prediction of crystal properties plays a crucial role in the crystal design process. Current methods for predicting crystal properties focus on modeling crystal structures using graph neural networks (GNNs). Although GNNs are powerful, accurately modeling the complex interactions between atoms and molecules within a crystal remains a challenge. Surprisingly, predicting crystal properties from crystal text descriptions is understudied, despite the rich information and expressiveness that text data offer. One of the main reasons is the lack of publicly available data for this task. In this paper, we develop and make public a benchmark dataset (called TextEdge) that contains text descriptions of crystal structures with their properties. We then propose LLM-Prop, a method that leverages the general-purpose learning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to predict the physical and electronic properties of crystals from their text descriptions. LLM-Prop outperforms the current state-of-the-art GNN-based crystal property predictor by about 4% in predicting band gap, 3% in classifying whether the band gap is direct or indirect, and 66% in predicting unit cell volume. LLM-Prop also outperforms a finetuned MatBERT, a domain-specific pre-trained BERT model, despite having 3 times fewer parameters. Our empirical results may highlight the current inability of GNNs to capture information pertaining to space group symmetry and Wyckoff sites for accurate crystal property prediction.Comment: Code for LLM-Prop can be found at: https://github.com/vertaix/LLM-Pro

    DMLR: Data-centric Machine Learning Research -- Past, Present and Future

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    Drawing from discussions at the inaugural DMLR workshop at ICML 2023 and meetings prior, in this report we outline the relevance of community engagement and infrastructure development for the creation of next-generation public datasets that will advance machine learning science. We chart a path forward as a collective effort to sustain the creation and maintenance of these datasets and methods towards positive scientific, societal and business impact.Comment: This editorial report accompanies the inaugural Data-centric Machine Learning Research (DMLR) Workshop that took place at ICML 2023 https://dmlr.ai

    Property-Guided Generation of Complex Polymer Topologies Using Variational Autoencoders

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    The complexity and diversity of polymer topologies, or chain architectures, present substantial challenges in predicting and engineering polymer properties. Although machine learning is increasingly used in polymer science, applications to address architecturally complex polymers are nascent. Here, we use a generative machine learning model based on variational autoencoders and data generated from molecular dynamics simulations to design polymer topologies that exhibit target properties. Following the construction of a dataset featuring 1,342 polymers with linear, cyclic, branch, comb, star, or dendritic structures, we employ a multi-task learning framework that effectively reconstructs and classifies polymer topologies while predicting their dilute-solution radii of gyration. This framework enables the generation of novel polymer topologies with target size, which is subsequently validated through molecular simulation. These capabilities are then exploited to contrast rheological properties of topologically distinct polymers with otherwise similar dilute-solution behavior. This research opens new avenues for engineering polymers with more intricate and tailored properties with machine learning

    Vendi Sampling For Molecular Simulations: Diversity As A Force For Faster Convergence And Better Exploration

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    Molecular dynamics (MD) is the method of choice for understanding the structure, function, and interactions of molecules. However, MD simulations are limited by the strong metastability of many molecules, which traps them in a single conformation basin for an extended amount of time. Enhanced sampling techniques, such as metadynamics and replica exchange, have been developed to overcome this limitation and accelerate the exploration of complex free energy landscapes. In this paper, we propose Vendi Sampling, a replica-based algorithm for increasing the efficiency and efficacy of the exploration of molecular conformation spaces. In Vendi sampling, replicas are simulated in parallel and coupled via a global statistical measure, the Vendi Score, to enhance diversity. Vendi sampling allows for the recovery of unbiased sampling statistics and dramatically improves sampling efficiency. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Vendi sampling in improving molecular dynamics simulations by showing significant improvements in coverage and mixing between metastable states and convergence of free energy estimates for four common benchmarks, including Alanine Dipeptide and Chignolin