805 research outputs found

    Leftover Consumption as a Means of Food Waste Reduction in Public Space? : Qualitative Insights from Online Discussions

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    A considerable amount of food is discarded in canteens every day. This waste has created a countermovement, where groups of mainly students purposefully choose to eat other consumers’ plate leftovers instead of buying fresh meals. This phenomenon highlights two opposing narratives: leftovers as food waste versus leftovers as edible food resources. Using a thematic analysis, we investigated 1579 comments from German news sites and their corresponding Facebook sites related to this countermovement. Thereby, we aim to better understand what consumers associate with the consumption of other consumers’ plate leftovers. Our study demonstrates that the consumption of plate leftovers is shaped by the regulatory, normative, and cultural-cognitive system. Furthermore, associations with the consumption of plate leftovers depend on whether this food decision is perceived as a collective or individual consumer decision. From a consumer movement perspective, food leftover consumption is associated with a sense of community and food waste reduction for idealistic or environmental and social reasons. From an individual consumer behavior perspective, food leftover consumption is associated with satisfying hunger but considered a threat to health and social order. Our findings can inspire food service organizations to develop targeted interventions for plate leftover reduction

    Sub-pm/Hz\mathrm{\mathbf{\sqrt{\rm Hz}}} non-reciprocal noise in the LISA backlink fiber

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    The future space-based gravitational wave detector Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) requires bidirectional exchange of light between its two optical benches on board of each of its three satellites. The current baseline foresees a polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber for this backlink connection. Phase changes which are common in both directions do not enter the science measurement, but differential ("non-reciprocal") phase fluctuations directly do and must thus be guaranteed to be small enough. We have built a setup consisting of a ZerodurTM^{\rm TM} baseplate with fused silica components attached to it using hydroxide-catalysis bonding and demonstrated the reciprocity of a polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber at the 1 pm/Hz\sqrt{\textrm{Hz}} level as is required for LISA. We used balanced detection to reduce the influence of parasitic optical beams on the reciprocity measurement and a fiber length stabilization to avoid nonlinear effects in our phase measurement system (phase meter). For LISA, a different phase meter is planned to be used that does not show this nonlinearity. We corrected the influence of beam angle changes and temperature changes on the reciprocity measurement in post-processing

    Development of core elements for the LISA optical bench : electro-optical measurement systems and test devices

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    Segrosome assembly at the pliable parH centromere

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    The segrosome of multiresistance plasmid TP228 comprises ParF, which is a member of the ParA ATPase superfamily, and the ParG ribbon–helix–helix factor that assemble jointly on the parH centromere. Here we demonstrate that the distinctive parH site (∼100-bp) consists of an array of degenerate tetramer boxes interspersed by AT-rich spacers. Although numerous consecutive AT-steps are suggestive of inherent curvature, parH lacks an intrinsic bend. Sequential deletion of parH tetramers progressively reduced centromere function. Nevertheless, the variant subsites could be rearranged in different geometries that accommodated centromere activity effectively revealing that the site is highly elastic in vivo. ParG cooperatively coated parH: proper centromere binding necessitated the protein's N-terminal flexible tails which modulate the centromere binding affinity of ParG. Interaction of the ParG ribbon–helix–helix domain with major groove bases in the tetramer boxes likely provides direct readout of the centromere. In contrast, the AT-rich spacers may be implicated in indirect readout that mediates cooperativity between ParG dimers assembled on adjacent boxes. ParF alone does not bind parH but instead loads into the segrosome interactively with ParG, thereby subtly altering centromere conformation. Assembly of ParF into the complex requires the N-terminal flexible tails in ParG that are contacted by ParF

    Step-wise assembly, maturation and dynamic behavior of the human CENP-P/O/R/Q/U kinetochore sub-complex

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    Kinetochores are multi-protein megadalton assemblies that are required for attachment of microtubules to centromeres and, in turn, the segregation of chromosomes in mitosis. Kinetochore assembly is a cell cycle regulated multi-step process. The initial step occurs during interphase and involves loading of the 15-subunit constitutive centromere associated complex (CCAN), which contains a 5-subunit (CENP-P/O/R/Q/U) sub-complex. Here we show using a fluorescent three-hybrid (F3H) assay and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) in living mammalian cells that CENP-P/O/R/Q/U subunits exist in a tightly packed arrangement that involves multifold protein-protein interactions. This sub-complex is, however, not pre-assembled in the cytoplasm, but rather assembled on kinetochores through the step-wise recruitment of CENP-O/P heterodimers and the CENP-P, -O, -R, -Q and -U single protein units. SNAP-tag experiments and immuno-staining indicate that these loading events occur during S-phase in a manner similar to the nucleosome binding components of the CCAN, CENP-T/W/N. Furthermore, CENP-P/O/R/Q/U binding to the CCAN is largely mediated through interactions with the CENP-N binding protein CENP-L as well as CENP-K. Once assembled, CENP-P/O/R/Q/U exchanges slowly with the free nucleoplasmic pool indicating a low off-rate for individual CENP-P/O/R/Q/U subunits. Surprisingly, we then find that during late S-phase, following the kinetochore-binding step, both CENP-Q and -U but not -R undergo oligomerization. We propose that CENP-P/O/R/Q/U self-assembles on kinetochores with varying stoichiometry and undergoes a pre-mitotic maturation step that could be important for kinetochores switching into the correct conformation necessary for microtubule-attachment

    Eine Thünen-Evaluierung von fisch- und fischereibezogenen Indikatoren der EU Meeresstrategie-Rahmenrichtlinie (MSRL)

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    Dieser Bericht stellt ein Bewertungsverfahren für die nationalen Indikatoren der Meeresstrategie-Rahmenrichtlinie (MSRL) vor, welche fischökologische Aspekte der Meeresumwelt oder die Auswirkungen von Fischerei erfassen sollen. Die Bewertung der MSRL-Indikatoren wurde vorgenommen, um den derzeit noch stattfindenden Auswahlprozess und die Operationalisierung der Indikatoren durch eine fachliche Einschätzung zu unterstützen. Es wurden insgesamt 23 MSRL-Indikatoren nach einem international erprobten Bewertungssystem gegen 15 Kriterien bewertet. Diese Kriterien berücksichtigten die Datenqualität, die Management-Praktikabilität und die konzeptionellen Qualitäten jedes Indikators. Die 15 Kriterien erlaubten somit eine genauere Betrachtung möglicher Defizite und die gezielte Erarbeitung von Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung der vorgestellten Indikatoren. Die exemplarische Bewertung durch die sieben Thünen-Expertinnen und -Experten zeigte, dass Indikatoren aus dem Fischereimanagement und den fischereiwissenschaftlichen Forschungsreisen grundsätzlich sehr gut bewertet wurden. Dies liegt daran, dass viele Indikatoren aus dem Fischereimanagement schon seit Jahrzehnten etabliert sind, als wissenschaftlich abgesichert gelten, sowie einen hohen Grad internationaler Abstimmung und eine relativ gute Datengrundlage aufweisen. Die Bewertungen von Indikatoren zu dem Zustand von Nahrungsnetzen oder benthischen Lebensräumen, sowie der Beifangintensitäten von Seevögeln und Meeressäugetieren wurden als schlechter eingeschätzt. Dies lag zum einen an der bisher mangelhaften Festlegung von Zielvorgaben (benthische Lebensräume), unzureichenden bzw. unpräzisen technischen Beschreibungen der Indikatoren und ihrer Messgrößen (Nahrungsnetze), sowie fehlender internationaler Abstimmung (Nahrungsnetze & benthische Lebensräume). Für Beifänge von Seevögeln und Meeressäugetieren fiel die Bewertung aufgrund der geringen Datenverfügbarkeit negativ aus. Um die Indikatoren mit schlechter Bewertung zu operationalisieren, sollte die technische Entwicklung auf internationaler Ebene vorangetrieben (Nahrungsnetze) und die Datengrundlagedurch intensiviertes Monitoring verbessert werden (benthische Lebensräume, Beifangindikatoren). Ein wesentlicher Teil der ausstehenden Arbeiten betrifft Bewertungsmethoden, sowie Bestimmung und Festlegung von Grenz- bzw. Zielwerten. Zwar liegen für viele Indikatoren Bewertungrschläge aus der wissenschaftlichen Literatur vor, es bedarf aber einer finalen politischen Abstimmung

    The CENP-T C-terminus is exclusively proximal to H3.1 and not to H3.2 or H3.3.

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    The kinetochore proteins assemble onto centromeric chromatin and regulate DNA segregation during cell division. The inner kinetochore proteins bind centromeres while most outer kinetochore proteins assemble at centromeres during mitosis, connecting the complex to microtubules. The centromere-kinetochore complex contains specific nucleosomes and nucleosomal particles. CENP-A replaces canonical H3 in centromeric nucleosomes, defining centromeric chromatin. Next to CENP-A, the CCAN multi-protein complex settles which contains CENP-T/W/S/X. These four proteins are described to form a nucleosomal particle at centromeres. We had found the CENP-T C-terminus and the CENP-S termini next to histone H3.1 but not to CENP-A, suggesting that the Constitutive Centromere-Associated Network (CCAN) bridges a CENP-A- and a H3-containing nucleosome. Here, we show by in vivo FRET that this proximity between CENP-T and H3 is specific for H3.1 but neither for the H3.1 mutants H3.1(C96A) and H3.1(C110A) nor for H3.2 or H3.3. We also found CENP-M next to H3.1 but not to these H3.1 mutants. Consistently, we detected CENP-M next to CENP-S. These data elucidate the local molecular neighborhood of CCAN proteins next to a H3.1-containing centromeric nucleosome. They also indicate an exclusive position of H3.1 clearly distinct from H3.2, thus documenting a local, and potentially also functional, difference between H3.1 and H3.2

    Dem Vertrauen auf der Spur: die Rekonstruktion von Vertrauensverhältnissen in unternehmensübergreifenden Kooperationen

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    Das Forschungsprojekt TRUST untersucht die Rolle von Vertrauen in unternehmensübergreifenden Kooperationen in der Automobilindustrie. In diesem Beitrag stellen wir eine spezifische methodologische Herangehensweise vor, die eine enge Verzahnung von Theorie und Empirie vorsieht und einen explorativen Charakter hat. Statt einen vordefinierten Begriff abzufragen, wird mittels eines dreistufigen Verfahrens die Entstehung, Bedeutung und Pflege von Vertrauen über die Kontexte erschlossen, in denen Vertrauen innerhalb der sozialen Praxis eingebunden und entfaltet wird.The research project TRUST seeks to analyse the impact of trust on cross-organisational engineering cooperations in the automotive industry. The paper presents a special methodological approach based on the interdependency of theoretical and empirical data. The analysis is explorative. We argue that analysing trust by exploring its socio-practical context with a three-step method gives deeper insight than to simply interrogate pre-defined terms of trust

    Traumatized German soldiers with moral injury – value-based cognitive-behavioral group therapy to treat war-related shame

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    IntroductionDuring deployment, soldiers are confronted with potentially morally injurious events. In many cases, these events violate their personal values and belief systems, resulting in feelings of anger, alienation, guilt, and shame. The psychological distress caused by such transgressions is defined as moral injury. It remains unclear to date, which therapeutic interventions are most appropriate for addressing this specific psychological condition. This study examines the effectiveness of value-based cognitive-behavioral group therapy combining elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, spiritual care, and adaptive disclosure therapy.Materials and methodsThis controlled study uses the Compass of Shame Scale to assess symptom severity among participants both before and after a three-week inpatient group therapy regimen for moral injury. An intervention group (n = 45) was compared to a waiting-list control group (n = 40). A one-way between subjects ANOVA was conducted to determine the differences between the two measurement points in the intervention group compared to the control group. A positive ethics vote from the Humboldt University Berlin (Charité) was available (No.EA1/092/15).ResultsA significant difference was found on the shame-associated maladaptive strategies subscales of attack self (F (1, 83) = 5.942, p = 0.017, Cohen’s f = 0,27), withdrawal (F (1, 83) = 8.263, p = 0.005, Cohen’s f = 0,32), and attack others (F (1, 83) = 10.552, p = 0.002, Cohen’s f = 0,36) of the Compass of Shame Scale between the intervention group and the control group at the p < 0.05 level in the pre- and post-treatment (t1-t2) comparison.ConclusionThis study suggests that the special therapeutic focus in cognitive-behavioral group therapy can alter shame-based maladaptive coping behaviors in response to war-related moral injury. This study provides further evidence that therapeutic approaches – through fostering a reconciliatory, compassionate, and forgiving approach toward oneself and others – target the underlying mechanisms of moral injury. Therefore, value-based cognitive-behavioral interventions should be considered as a standard element of trauma care in a military setting. Future studies should further examine such interventions in randomized control trials. It would also be particularly valuable for future studies to include a follow-up time point