20 research outputs found

    Money Kills Native Ecosystems: European Crayfish as an Example

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    Native European crayfish conservation was triggered by invasion of crayfish plague disease agent, Aphanomyces astaci, starting 1860s in Northern Italy. Resulting crayfish plague epidemics quickly spread over Continental Europe, then to Finland, Sweden and finally, after running amok around Europe, A. astaci was discovered also in Iberian Peninsula, Norway, Ireland, and United Kingdom in 1970s and 1980s. By that time significant proportion of native crayfish stocks had been lost, and while crayfish plague epidemics were still recorded, also industrialization and waterways construction were causing damage to remaining native crayfish stocks. While alien crayfish introductions, at least Faxonius limosus, already gave rise to first wave of crayfish plague epidemics in late 19th century, later in 1960s it was decided that introductions of alien Pacifastacus leniusculus should be initiated to replace native European crayfish populations. Decisions were based on presumed advantages for fishery, suitable habitat requirements and supposed immunity against A. astaci. Furthermore, conservation of native European crayfish species was sidelined and focus shifted toward alien crayfish stocking routine and consumption. Alien crayfish species introductions resulted in repeated waves of crayfish plague epidemics among remaining native crayfish stocks. It was soon discovered that alien crayfish of North American origin were, as suspected, permanent reservoirs for A. astaci, that some of those alien species were losing their resistance against selected strains of A. astaci and struggled in European aquatic ecosystems. In this article, we introduce numerous motives behind grand mistake of introducing alien crayfish species to Europe and then promoting their stocks instead of focusing on conservation of native crayfish species. We outline how false economical, biological and ecologic assumptions were used to justify a hasty introduction of alien crayfish, which has further devastated native crayfish and also permanently changed European aquatic ecosystems, both with disastrous consequences. Lesson to be learnt is that science-based warnings about alien species damage to native ecosystems and native crayfish must be taken with utmost caution. Protection of native European crayfish should be core issue, not commercial activities. Finally, we summarize main threats and actions needed to protect remaining native freshwater crayfish fauna in Europe

    Evaluation of potential transfer of the pathogen Saprolegnia parasitica between farmed salmonids and wild fish

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    Funding: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 634429. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein. Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author. Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the fish farmers/staff, veterinarians, biologists and local authorities who collaborated in the sample collection.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Impact of abiotic factors and husbandry on saprolegniosis in salmonid farms

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    Funding Information: This work was financially supported by the EU H2020 [ H2020-SFS-10a-2014 (ParaFishControl, grant agreement No. 634429) (PT, MS, RG, JD-U, PvW, BO & MF)], the BBSRC [ BB/P020224/1 (MS & PvW) & BB/M026566/1 (MS & PvW)] and the University of Aberdeen (MS & PvW). The authors would like to thank all the fish farmers/staff and colleagues who collaborated in the fieldwork and provided valuable information for the study. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The AuthorsPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    La investigación botánica y fúngica en el Real Jardín Botánico, cómo sobrevivir a los cambios ambientales

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    El Real Jardín Botánico (RJB) ocupa un lugar muy prominente en la ciencia botánica y de los hongos, y es un centro de excelencia del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) que lleva a cabo una investigación multidisciplinar en 5 de los 6 reinos de organismos eucariotas del árbol de la vida. Las investigaciones del RJB se enfocan en comprender la sistemática y evolución de la diversidad de organismos de estos 5 reinos, desde sus genes, las especies y los ecosistemas de los que forman parte. El RJB desarrolla líneas de investigación frontera enfocadas desde la sistemática y florística de plantas vasculares, la biodiversidad, biogeografía y sistemática molecular de hongos, hasta la biología evolutiva de plantas y sus patrones, procesos y mecanismos, la colonización y evolución en islas oceánicas, y la biodiversidad escondida, ahondando en el estudio de su ecología, evolución y conservación. El RJB está situado en un lugar privilegiado de Madrid, junto a la Glorieta de Atocha, y ha de sobrevivir a las nuevas como son el cambio global, incluido el cambio climático y la contaminación atmosférica. En este artículo se hace referencia a los objetivos y las actividades que desarrolla este importante centro de investigación botánic

    Finding needles in haystacks:Linking scientific names, reference specimens and molecular data for Fungi

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    DNA phylogenetic comparisons have shown that morphology-based species recognition often underestimates fungal diversity. Therefore, the need for accurate DNA sequence data, tied to both correct taxonomic names and clearly annotated specimen data, has never been greater. Furthermore, the growing number of molecular ecology and microbiome projects using high-throughput sequencing require fast and effective methods for en masse species assignments. In this article, we focus on selecting and re-annotating a set of marker reference sequences that represent each currently accepted order of Fungi. The particular focus is on sequences from the internal transcribed spacer region in the nuclear ribosomal cistron, derived from type specimens and/or ex-type cultures. Reannotated and verified sequences were deposited in a curated public database at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), namely the RefSeq Targeted Loci (RTL) database, and will be visible during routine sequence similarity searches with NR_prefixed accession numbers. A set of standards and protocols is proposed to improve the data quality of new sequences, and we suggest how type and other reference sequences can be used to improve identification of Fungi.The Intramural Research Programs of the National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine and the National Human Genome Research Institute, both at the National Institutes of Health.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/PRJNA177353am201

    Finding needles in haystacks : linking scientific names, reference specimens and molecular data for Fungi

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    DNA phylogenetic comparisons have shown that morphology-based species recognition often underestimates fungal diversity. Therefore, the need for accurate DNA sequence data, tied to both correct taxonomic names and clearly annotated specimen data, has never been greater. Furthermore, the growing number of molecular ecology and microbiome projects using high-throughput sequencing require fast and effective methods for en masse species assignments. In this article, we focus on selecting and re-annotating a set of marker reference sequences that represent each currently accepted order of Fungi. The particular focus is on sequences from the internal transcribed spacer region in the nuclear ribosomal cistron, derived from type specimens and/or ex-type cultures. Reannotated and verified sequences were deposited in a curated public database at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), namely the RefSeq Targeted Loci (RTL) database, and will be visible during routine sequence similarity searches with NR_prefixed accession numbers. A set of standards and protocols is proposed to improve the data quality of new sequences, and we suggest how type and other reference sequences can be used to improve identification of Fungi.The Intramural Research Programs of the National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine and the National Human Genome Research Institute, both at the National Institutes of Health.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/PRJNA177353am201

    Impact of abiotic factors and husbandry on saprolegniosis in salmonid farms

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    Oomycetes of the genus Saprolegnia are widespread in freshwater environment and are among the main pathogens causing economic losses in salmonid aquaculture. Infections by mycotic agents in fish farming are generally considered to result from chronic stress and poor fish condition associated with water quality problems, adverse environmental conditions, frequent/rough/incorrect handling, concurrent infections, physiological changes associated with reproduction and immunocompromised animals. To identify risk factors for Saprolegnia infections in trout and Atlantic salmon farming, longitudinal studies were carried out in different Italian, Spanish, and Scottish fish farms. Prevalence of saprolegniosis and fish mortality were monitored over time and statistically analysed with respect to husbandry and environmental factors. Overall, statistical results by production cycle (trout vs salmon farming) and by country indicate that the prevalence of Saprolegnia may be influenced by peculiarities of the culture system and farming environment. Nevertheless, a specific set of parameters, including lower water temperature, and handling procedures increased Saprolegnia prevalence in all the considered farms. Particularly, in trout farms Saprolegnia infections represented an important contribution to mortality, and prevalence was influenced by water temperature and pH, and by fish density within the tanks. Similarly, temperature and water quality were the main factors influencing the prevalence of Saprolegnia in Atlantic salmon farms. Moreover, molecular analyses confirmed the role of S. parasitica as the main pathogenic oomycete in trout and salmon farming in the considered countries. The identification of risk factors for introduction and increase of Saprolegnia infection in fish farms will allow the correct design of biosecurity and pathogen control strategies