50 research outputs found

    Quality of Grapes Grown Inside Paper Bags in Mediterranean Area

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of paper bagging of grape bunches on the morphological, mechanical, and chemical characteristics of berries of three table grapes varieties as an environmentally‐friendly technique for protecting clusters from biotic and abiotic agents. Clusters of Italia, Autumn Royal, and Regal Seedless grape cultivars were bagged and compared to a not‐bagged control. Air temperature inside and outside the bags was monitored. Bunch weight and length, number of berries per bunch, berry longitudinal and transversal diameter, berry mass, number of seeds per berry (normal in size and aborted), soluble solid content, titratable acidity, and skin color by CIEL*a*b* parameters were determined on four points of each berry. Berries were evaluated using texture analysis, and the main texture profile analysis parameters were compared. The air temperatures around not‐bagged clusters were slightly higher than inside the bags. In all the cultivars under evaluation, bagged bunches were heavier compared with not‐bagged ones. In Autumn Royal and Regal Seedless, these differences were mainly owing to the higher number of berries and higher berry weight of the bagged bunches. Regarding mechanical properties, in seedless varieties, the bagging treatment increased berry hardness (related to the berry firmness) and decreased berry cohesiveness and resilience, whereas an opposite behavior was found in cv. Italia. Berry skin break force was lower in the bagging treatment in all the analyzed varieties, indicating a softer and easier‐to‐chew berry skin. The findings demonstrate that the bagging technique affected the three variety parameters to different extents. The main differences were found in the seedless varieties in terms of berry size and bunch characteristics. For all varieties, bagged bunches achieved the quality level required by the market, confirming the suitability of this technique. However, the bag industry is proposing many different bag types (differing in material, shape, color, and closing system); therefore, further studies are needed to obtain more complete and exhaustive technical information

    Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of new 1-R-3-(2-Piridyl)-4-nitroso-5 carboxiethyl-1H-Pyrazoles

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    SYNTHESIS AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF NEW 1-R-3-(2-PIRIDYL)- 4-NITROSO- 5-CARBOXIETHYL-1H-PYRAZOLES. Stefania Aielloa , Carmelo Massimo Maidab, Fabio Venturellab, Diego Planetac Marco Giammancod, M.Milicib a Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Molecolari e Biomolecolari, Università degli Studi di Palermo bDipartimento di Scienze per la Promozione della Salute G. D’ Alessandro, Università degli Studi di Palermo cDipartimento dei Sistemi Agro-Abientali,Università degli Studi di Palermo d Dipartimednto di Studi Giuridici, Economici, Biomedici e Psicosociopedagogici delle Scienze Motorie e Sportive, Università degli Studi di Palermo Corresponding author: Stefania Aiello, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Molecolari e Biomolecolari, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Via Archirafi 32, 90123 Palermo, Italy; tel:+39.091 23896802; email: [email protected] In recent years, epidemiological studies confirm the significant impact on human health by infections caused by pathogenic fungi. In fact, although the Candida genus is commensal and a constituent of the normal gut flora, it is responsible for opportunistic infections and can become pathogenic secondary to predisposing factors related to the host, like a comprimised immune system (AIDS, anti-cancer therapy, transplants), excessive prophylaxis with antimicrobial agents, and use of invasive catheters. Large-scale surveillance for fungal infections has demonstrated an increasing incidence of drug-resistant fungal pathogens. As a matter of fact, a significant number of fungi species (especially Candida glabrata and Candida krusei) exhibited primary resistance to Fluconazole or were less susceptible to Amphotericin B. Furthermore, as a consequence of the toxicity of the currently used polyene antifungal drugs, which leads to interrupt the therapy, and the emergence of Candida species resistance to azole-based agents, there is an urgent need for developing alternative drug therapies. In our previous study we have disclosed the synthesis and antifungal activity of a series of 4-nitrosopyrazoles that mainly displayed in vitro potent antifungal activity at no cytotoxic concentrations and that some of these compounds were 4 times more potent than Amphotericine B and Fluconazole respectively against Cryptococcus neoformans and Candida Krusei [1-4] As part of our Structure Activity Relationships studies, we were interested in learning the influence of the steric and electronic effects of the substituent in position 5 of the 4-nitrosopyrazoles which had already showed powerful antimycotic activity. Therefore, we synthetized title compounds and evaluated their antimycotic activity (fig1). NNNCOOC2H5ONR R: a=H, b= CH3, c=C2H5 Fig 1. Synthetized compounds The 5-carboxiethylester group has made the antimycotic actity dramatically decay, confirming the necessity, for a good antimicotic activity, of derivatives in which the position 5 is free or substituted with little groups as a methyl shown the best antifungal activity. [1] E. Aiello, S. Aiello, F. Mingoia, A. Bacchi, G. Pelizzi, C. Musiu, M. G. Setzu, A. Pani, P. La Colla and M. E. Marongiu. Synthesis and Antimicrobial activity of New 3-(1-R -3-methyl-4-nitroso-1H-5-pyrazolyl)-5-methylisoxazole derivatives, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2000, 8, 2719-2728 [2] Stefania Aiello; Enrico Aiello, Marica Orioli, Marina Carini, 3-(1-R-3-methyl-4-nitroso-1H-5-pyrazolyl)-5-methylisoxazoles: a new class of antifungal compounds. In vitro metabolism by rat liver:LC and LC-MS studies. Convegno Nazionale, Sorrento 18-22 Settembre 2002. [3] S. Aiello, E. Aiello and M. Milici: “Synthesis and Antifungal Activity of new 3(5)-methyl-5(3)-(2-thiophenyl) and -(2-quinolyl)-1H-1-R-4-nitrosopyrazoles.Part V”. Polish-Austrian-German-Hungarian-Italian Joint Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, Krakow, October 15-18, 2003 [4] Stefania Aiello, Antonio Macchiarulo, Maria Milici and Enrico Aiello, Sintesi e studi QSAR di nuovi derivati 3(5)-(2-X)-1R-1H-4-nitrosopirazoli: una classe di composti con potente attività antifungina in vitro. Parte VI XVII Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Farmaceutica della SCI, Pisa 6-10 settembre 2004

    A method to discriminate between the Candida stellata and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in mixed fermentation on WLD and lysine agar media.

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    This paper presents a simple method to distinguish between Candida stellata and Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeasts during microbiological analyses. The method is based on differential yeast growth on a medium containing cycloheximide and a medium containing lysine as only nitrogen source (lysine agar). The cycloheximide resistance of 45 yeast strains belonging to Candida stellata, Hanseniaspora uvarum, Hanseniaspora guilliermondii, Metschnikowia pulcherrima, Torulaspora delbrueckii, Zygosaccharomyces bailii, Kluyveromyces thermotolerans and Zygoascus hellenicus, and 14 strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces bayanus on WL nutrient agar, was assayed. Cycloheximide resistance is characteristic of the species H. uvarum, H. guilliermondii and Z. hellenicus, while for the other yeasts it depends on the strain and the concentration of cycloheximide used. Two mg/L of cycloheximide allows selective counting of a strain of C. stellata (Cs3) compared to one of the sensitive S. cerevisiae strain (NDA21). Similar results can be obtained on lysine agar, but counts are reliable only with the additional spreading of a monolayer of Saccharomyces cells. The different cycloheximide resistance of C. stellata and S. cerevisiae can be used in the microbiological analysis of mixed cultures to monitor the individual growth of the two yeast species. This method can be applied to the study of mixed fermentations with other non-Saccharomyces species. The modified use of lysine agar is useful to a certain extent in the distinction of multistarter yeasts from the indigenous yeasts

    Influence of Different Dehydration Levels on Volatile Profiles, Phenolic Contents and Skin Hardness of Alkaline Pre-Treated Grapes cv Muscat of Alexandria (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    A dehydration experiment was carried out on Vitis vinifera L. cv Muscat of Alexandria (synonym Zibibbo) following the process for the production of renowned special dessert wines produced on Pantelleria island (Sicily, Italy). Harvested berries were pre-treated in a sodium hydroxide dipping solution (45 g/L, dipped for 185 s, 25 °C) to accelerate the drying process, rinsed, and dehydrated in simulated conditions (relative humidity 30%, 30 °C temperature, air speed 0.9 m/s). Three dehydration levels were achieved, corresponding to “Passolata”, “Bionda”, and “Malaga” stages (35%, 50%, and 65% of weight loss, respectively) of the Pantelleria denomination of origin (DOC). Grape skin mechanical properties, technological parameters, phenolics, and aroma profile varied considerably during dehydration. The most important aroma compounds for their olfactory impact, such as linalool, geraniol, nerol, and citronellol, especially in glycosylated forms, significantly increased in dried grapes compared to fresh ones, even if aroma profile modification occurred. A decrease in break skin force could have induced higher release of flavonoids. The findings showed relevant changes, allowing winemakers to better select the ratio of fresh and dehydrated grapes in the function of the final desired wine


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    I maggiori produttori mondiali di pistacchi al giorno d’oggi l’Iran con 100.000 t, pari al 40% della produzione mondiale, e gli Stati Uniti con il 32%, seguiti da Turchia ed Siria. L’Italia è in questa classifica nettamente distaccata con una produzione che si aggira intorno ai 30.000 q. l’anno.Il colore è stato valutato, secondo il sistema CIE-Lab. tramite il colorimetro a riflessione MINOLTA mod. METER CR-210 ver. 3.0 con area di misura pari ad un disco di 50 mm di diametro


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    La coltivazione dell’olivo (Olea europea, subsp. sativa) ha origini remote, riconducibili al 3500 a.C., così come evidenziano i ritrovamenti archeologici di noccioli e legname da costruzione. Si ritiene, però, che già dal 5000 a.C. la pianta di olivo fosse conosciuta ed utilizzata dall’uomo.Le analisi sono state condotte all’inizio dell’annata olivicola 2012 su 22 campioni di olio d’oliva seguendo il Reg. CEE 1989/03

    Cherry Tomato Drying: Sun Versus Convective Oven

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    Solar drying and convective oven drying of cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) were compared. The changes in the chemical parameters of tomatoes and principal drying parameters were recorded during the drying process. Drying curves were fitted to several mathematical models, and the effects of air temperature during drying were evaluated by multiple regression analyses, comparing to previously reported models. Models for drying conditions indicated a final water content of 30% (semidry products) and 15% (dry products) was achieved, comparing sun-drying and convective oven drying at three different temperatures. After 26–28 h of sun drying, the tomato tissue had reached a moisture content of 15%. However, less drying time, about 10–11 h, was needed when starting with an initial moisture content of 92%. The tomato tissue had high ORAC and polyphenol content values after convective oven drying at 60 °C. The dried tomato samples had a satisfactory taste, color and antioxidant values


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    La bietola, Beta vulgaris var. cicla, è una specie nativa dell'Europa meridionale, dove cresce spontanea nella regione del Mediterraneo; ne esistono numerose varietà dato che si coltiva in tutte le zone temperate del mondo. E' ampiamente coltivata per le sue foglie, utilizzate nelle insalate o cotte come gli spinaci. La pianta è più robusta e più facile da coltivare degli spinaci. Dal punto di vista nutrizionale le foglie di bietole contengono concentrazioni significative di vitamine A, C e B, calcio, ferro e fosforo. Le bietole hanno anche proprietà ipoglicemizzanti. Molte subspecie di Beta vulgaris L. sono utilizzate come rimedio popolare per malattie del fegato e dei reni, per la stimolazione del sistema immunitario ed ematopoietico. Le bietole da foglia possono essere impiegate per la preparazione di prodotti di IV gamma, ovvero prodotti orticoli freschi che, previa pulitura e taglio vengono confezionati e risultano quindi pronti per essere consumati. Le operazioni di mondatura ed il confezionamento in contenitori sigillati possono comportare delle alterazioni al metabolismo e di conseguenza anche variazioni nelle caratteristiche organolettiche e nutrizionali. Scopo della presente ricerca è stato quello di valutare l'adattabilità della bietola alla trasformazione in prodotto di IV gamma e le modificazioni qualitative nel corso della conservazione. Le bietole subito dopo la raccolta sono state mondate, lavate conservate in sacchetti di PE a 5°C. Sul prodotto appena confezionato e dopo 7 e 15 giorni sono stati valutati i seguenti parametri: Peso fresco e peso secco; colore delle foglie; contenuto di nitrati, di acido ascorbico e di clorofilla. Le bietole hanno mostrato una buona adattabilità alla trasformazione in prodotti di IV gamma con variazioni minime dei principali fattori qualitativi durante la conservazione

    Ochratoxin A in instant coffee in Italy

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    The occurrence of ochratoxin A (OTA) in instant coffee from different brands and types was assessed. The survey covered 44 soluble coffees, 10 of which were decaffeinated, and 6 coffee products; the samples were collected in supermarkets and retail stores of Italy in 2011. The OTA was extracted, cleaned-up by immunoaffinity columns, and detected by HPLC-fluorescence detection. The detection and quantification limits were 0.05 and 0.2 mg/kg, respectively. Recovery, from samples spiked at levels of 0.5, 3.0, and 6.0 mg/kg, was 86.0 7.1%, 91.0 4.2%, and 91.7 5.9% respectively. Forty-eight samples (96%) contained OTA at levels ranging from 0.32 to 6.40 mg/kg, always below the European legal limit. The high frequency of OTA occurrence in the instant coffee samples demonstrates the importance of an effective control of this product by government authorities and industries

    Aspetti sulla qualità microbiologica delle olive da mensa commercializzate sfuse

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    Il consumo delle olive da mensa in questi ultimi anni è notevolmente aumentato. Lo scopo del lavoro è stato quello di andare ad investigare la qualità microbiologica e la sicurezza d uso di olive