15 research outputs found

    Genotype x environment interaction via models of reaction norms for growth traits in Nelore cattle

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sensibilidade ao ambiente em bovinos da raça Nelore por meio de diferentes modelos de normas de reação e estimar o progresso genético no gradiente ambiental. Determinaram-se os parâmetros ganho de peso da desmama ao sobreano (GP345) e o peso ajustado aos 205 dias de idade (P205). Um modelo animal padrão (MA), dois modelos hierárquicos de normas de reação com homocedasticidade de variância residual e dois com heterogeneidade foram utilizados. O modelo hierárquico de normas de reação homocedástico com um passo apresentou o melhor ajuste. Os coeficientes de herdabilidade diretos do ambiente baixo para o ambiente alto, no gradiente ambiental, foram de 0,03 a 0,63 e de 0,13 a 0,62, respectivamente, para GP345 e P205. As correlações entre o intercepto e a inclinação da norma de reação foram de: 0,93, para GP345 (direto); 0,95,para GP345 (materno); 0,92, para P205 (direto); e 0,82, para P205 (materno).As correlações indicam que animais com alto valor genético tendem a responder positivamente aos melhores ambientes. As tendências genéticas mostraram ganhos para os efeitos diretos, principalmente nos melhores ambientes. Há variação genética quanto à sensibilidade dos animais, nos diferentes ambientes, fato que permite a seleção de animais com genótipos mais adequados para a produção em determinado ambiente.The objective of this work was to evaluate the sensitivity of Nelore cattle to the environment by different models of reaction norms and to estimate the genetic progress in environmental gradient. The parameters weight gain from weaning to yearling (WG345) and adjusted weight at 205 days of age (W205) were determined. A standard animal model (AM), two reaction norm hierarchical models with residual variance homoscedasticity, and two with heterogeneity were used. The homoscedastic reaction norm hierarchical model with one step showed the best fit. The direct heritability coefficients from the low environment to the high one, in environmental gradient, were 0.03 to 0.63 and 0.13 to 0.62, respectively, for WG345 and W205. The correlations between the intercept and the slope of the reaction norm were: 0.93, for WG345 (direct); 0.95, for WG345 (maternal); 0.92, for W205 (direct); and 0.82, for W205 (maternal). The correlations indicate that animals with high genetic value tend to positively respond to better environments. The genetic trends showed gains for the direct effects, mainly in the best environments. There is genetic variation for sensitivity of animals, in different environments, a fact that allows of the selection of animals of more appropriate genotypes for the production in a particular environment

    Genotype × environment interaction for yearling weight in Polled Nellore cattle in Northeast Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a interação genótipo × ambiente (IGA) quanto ao peso ajustado aos 365 dias de idade, em bovinos da raça Nelore Mocha do Nordeste do Brasil, por meio de modelos de norma de reação, via regressão aleatória com abordagem bayesiana. Os modelos analisados incluíram o efeito fixo de idade da vaca (linear e quadrático) e os efeitos aleatórios genético aditivo e de grupo de contemporâneos. O modelo de norma de reação com variância residual homogênea e um passo (MHNRHO1P) proporcionou melhor ajuste aos dados do que os modelos com variância residual heterogênea e o modelo animal padrão (MA). As estimativas de variância genética (64,41±13,24 kg2 a 842,31±58,29 kg2) e herdabilidade (0,11±0,01 a 0,63±0,02) aumentaram com a melhoria do gradiente ambiental. As correlações de Spearman variaram de 0,69 a 0,99, entre as classificações dos reprodutores com maiores valores genéticos nos MA e MHNRHO1P, nos diferentes ambientes, o que indica alteração na classificação, especialmente dos valores genéticos obtidos pelo MA nos ambientes superiores. A identificação desse nível de IGA torna necessárias as avaliações específicas dos indivíduos e rebanhos para os ambientes de baixo, médio e alto nível de produção.The objective of this work was to evaluate the genotype × environment interaction (GEI), for the adjusted weight at 365 days of age, in Polled Nellore cattle from Northeastern Brazil, by using reaction norm models through random regression in a Bayesian approach. The analyzed models included the fixed effect of cow’s age (linear and quadratic), and the genetic additive and contemporary group random effects. The one‑step reaction norm models with homogeneous residual variance (RNHM1sHm) yielded better data adjustments than the models with heterogeneous residual variance, and the standard animal model (AM). The estimates of genetic variance (64.41±13.24 kg2 to 842.31±58.29 kg2) and heritability (0.11±0.01 to 0.63±0.02) increased as the environmental gradient improved. Spearman correlation values ranged from 0.69 to 0.99, among the classification of breeders with the highest breeding genetic values in AM and RNHM1sHm, in distinct environments, indicating changes in classification, particularly in the genetic values obtained by AM in high‑quality environments. The identification of such degree of GEI requires that specific evaluation of individuals and herds are performed for environments of low, medium and high production

    Interação genótipo x ambiente para peso aos 365 dias em bubalinos da raça Mediterrâneo

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a presença da interação genótipos x ambientes (GxA) para peso aos 365 dias de idade, em bubalinos da raça Mediterrâneo, com o uso de modelos de normas de reação via regressão aleatória. O modelo animal padrão e os modelos de normas de reação foram testados, tendo-se avaliado o modelo hierárquico norma de reação (MNR) com um e com dois passos. O modelo hierárquico homocedástico de norma de reação com um passo (MHNRHO1P) apresentou o melhor ajuste, com base em três critérios de comparação. As estimativas de herdabilidade direta para esse modelo variaram de 0,19 a 0,78, conforme a melhoria do ambiente. Além disso, houve mudança dos valores genéticos diretos (efeito escala) de alguns reprodutores, o que indica a existência de interação GxA. As correlações de Spearman foram altas, tanto na comparação do modelo animal padrão com os MNR, como na comparação entre os níveis de baixa, média e alta qualidade no MHNRHO1p. Portanto, embora haja interação GxA, a classificação dos reprodutores não é significativamente afetada pelos modelos. A maioria dos bubalinos é formada por animais de genótipo robusto, que são menos sensíveis a mudanças ambientais

    Interação genótipo × ambiente para peso ao ano em bovinos Nelore Mocho no Nordeste do Brasil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a interação genótipo × ambiente (IGA) quanto ao peso ajustado aos 365 dias de idade, em bovinos da raça Nelore Mocha do Nordeste do Brasil, por meio de modelos de norma de reação, via regressão aleatória com abordagem bayesiana. Os modelos analisados incluíram o efeito fixo de idade da vaca (linear e quadrático) e os efeitos aleatórios genético aditivo e de grupo de contemporâneos. O modelo de norma de reação com variância residual homogênea e um passo (MHNRHO1P) proporcionou melhor ajuste aos dados do que os modelos com variância residual heterogênea e o modelo animal padrão (MA). As estimativas de variância genética (64,41±13,24 kg² a 842,31±58,29 kg²) e herdabilidade (0,11±0,01 a 0,63±0,02) aumentaram com a melhoria do gradiente ambiental. As correlações de Spearman variaram de 0,69 a 0,99, entre as classificações dos reprodutores com maiores valores genéticos nos MA e MHNRHO1P, nos diferentes ambientes, o que indica alteração na classificação, especialmente dos valores genéticos obtidos pelo MA nos ambientes superiores. A identificação desse nível de IGA torna necessárias as avaliações específicas dos indivíduos e rebanhos para os ambientes de baixo, médio e alto nível de produção

    Population structure and genetic variability in the Murrah dairy breed of water buffalo in Brazil accessed via pedigree analysis

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    The objective of this study was to use pedigree analysis to evaluate the population structure and genetic variability in the Murrah dairy breed of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Brazil. Pedigree analysis was performed on 5,061 animals born between 1972 and 2002. The effective number of founders (fe) was 60, representing 6.32 % of the potential number of founders. The effective number of ancestors (fa) was 36 and the genetic contribution of the 17 most influent ancestors explained 50 % of the genetic variability in the population. The ratio fe/fa (effective number of founders/effective number of ancestors), which expresses the effect of population bottlenecks, was 1.66. Completeness level for the whole pedigree was 76.8, 49.2, 27.7, and 12.8 % for, respectively, the first, second, third, and fourth known parental generations. The average inbreeding values for the whole analyzed pedigree and for inbreed animals were, respectively, 1.28 and 7.64 %. The average relatedness coefficient between individuals of the population was estimated to be 2.05 %-the highest individual coefficient was 10.31 %. The actual inbreeding and average relatedness coefficient are probably higher than estimated due to low levels of pedigree completeness. Moreover, the inbreeding coefficient increased with the addition of each generation to the pedigree, indicating that incomplete pedigrees tend to underestimate the level of inbreeding. Introduction of new sires with the lowest possible average relatedness coefficient and the use of appropriate mating strategies are recommended to keep inbreeding at acceptable levels and increase the genetic variability in this economically important species, which has relatively low numbers compared to other commercial cattle breeds. The inclusion of additional parameters, such as effective number of founders, effective number of ancestors, and fe/fa ratio, provides better resolution as compared to the inclusion of inbreeding coefficient and may help breeders and farmers adopt better precautionary measures against inbreeding depression and other deleterious genetic effects.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Reaction norms models in the adjusted weight at 550 days of age for Polled Nellore cattle in Northeast Brazil

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the genotype-environment interaction (GEI) in the body weight adjusted to 550 days of age (W550) of Polled Nellore cattle raised in Northeastern Brazil using reaction norms (RN) models. Hierarchical RN models included fixed effects for age of cow (linear and quadratic) and random effects for contemporary groups (CG) and additive genetic RN level and slope. Four RN hierarchical models (RNHM) were used. The RNHM2S uses the solutions of contemporary groups estimated by the standard animal model (AM) and considers them as environmental level for predicting the reaction norms and the RNHM1S, which jointly estimate these two sets of unknowns. Two versions were considered for both models, one with a homogeneous (Hm) and another with a heterogeneous (He) residual variance. The one-step homogeneous residual variance model (RNHM1SHm) offered better adjustment to the data when compared with other models. For the RNHM1SHm model, estimates of additive genetic variance and heritability increased with environment improvement (260.75±75.80 kg2 to 4298.39±356.56 kg2 and 0.22±0.05 to 0.82±0.01, for low- and high-performance environments, respectively). High correlation (0.97±0.01) between the intercept and the slope of RN shows that animals with higher genetic values respond better to environment improvement. In the evaluation of breeding sires with higher genetic values in the various environments using Spearman's correlation, values between 0 and 0.98 were observed, pointing to high reclassification, especially among genetic values obtained by the animal model in comparison with those obtained via RNHM1SHm. The existence of GEI is confirmed, and so is the need for specific evaluations for low, medium and high level production environments

    Population structure of Nellore cattle in northeastern Brazil

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the population genetic structure of Nellore cattle in northeastern Brazil. Pedigree information was collected from 175,231 animals born from 1967 to 2007. Probability of gene origin, inbreeding, average relatedness coefficient (AR), completeness pedigree, effective population size and generation interval were calculated. Generation interval was high due to the long period of time animals were used as reproducers. The bottleneck effect was evidenced as a result of intensive use of limited breeders over the last years. Low values were observed ​​in the effective number of founder animals (434) and ancestors (427) comparing with the number on the base (175,231) and reference populations (130,038). Generally, the variability explained by the founders and ancestors is considered low. The average coefficient of inbreeding (0.11%) and AR (0.14%) estimated for this population is considered low and can be partly explained by the increased population effective number in recent periods; however, it may be underestimated by shallow pedigree