80 research outputs found

    Identificación de la entomofauna en el transecto n° 5 parte a cantón Pujilí, provincia Cotopaxi, 2017

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    The following research aims to observe the compilation of entomofauna of the Parish La Esperanza del Cantón Pujilí. Where the surface of the study is 1ha, dividing into transects located at 812 m.s.n.m, between the coordinates Longitude: 1 ° 00.30,64 "S, Latitude: 79 ° 07,28,29 W. The main objective of the project is to determine the diversity and plenty entomofauna existing within the course No. 5 in the Bosque area, which designation was established by the person in charge of this project. Applying the trapping method to collect insect samples, which were classified and identified in the entomology laboratory, using dichotomous keys. for further application of conservation measures. 1078 individuals, correspondent to 27 families, were collected, determining that 14 families are dominant because they have a greater number of 10 individuals, related to total abundance. The Calliphoridae family was the largest reaching 38.78%. The Shannon index figured at number five through the forest equals 0.5945, which is interpreted as a sector of plenty diversity measured, it is crucial to make emphasis that all families were involved, this information analyzed in the project in the first approximation to the diversity of the entomofauna present in the analyzed forest; However it is recommended to expand the research in relation to the diversity of microfauna in the area.La presente investigación tiene como propósito observar la composición de entomofauna de la Parroquia La Esperanza del Cantón Pujilí. La superficie del estudio es 1ha, dividiendo en transectos y se ubica a 812 m.s.n.m, entre las coordenadas Longitud: 1°00.30,64"S, Latitud: 79°07,28,29 W. El principal objetivo del proyecto es identificar la diversidad y abundancia de la entomofauna existente dentro del transecto N° 5 en la zona de Bosque; área designada por el responsable de este proyecto. Aplicando el método de trampeo se recolectaron muestras de insectos, las mismas que se clasificaron e identificaron en el laboratorio de entomología, mediante el uso de claves dicotómicas; posteriormente se aplica medidas de conservación. Se colectaron 1078 individuos, correspondientes a 27 familias. Son dominantes 14 familias por disponer un número igual o mayor a 10 individuos, relacionado con la abundancia total. La familia Calliphoridae fue la más numerosa alcanzando el 38,78 %. El índice de Shannon estimado en el transecto número cinco, parte bosque, equivale al 0.5945, lo cual se interpreta como un sector de abundancia y diversidad media, cabe indicar que se han involucrado a todas las familias. Esta información analizada en el proyecto es la primera aproximación a la diversidad de la entomofauna presente en el bosque analizado; sin embargo se recomienda ampliar la investigación en relación a la diversidad de la microfauna de la zona.Universidad Técnica de Cotopax

    A reexamination of the effective fine structure constant of graphene, as measured in graphite

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    We present a refined and improved study of the influence of screening on the effective fine structure constant of graphene, α\alpha^*, as measured in graphite using inelastic x-ray scattering. This follow-up to our previous study [J. P. Reed, et al., Science 330, 805 (2010)] was carried out with two times better energy resolution, five times better momentum resolution, and improved experimental setup with lower background. We compare our results to RPA calculations and evaluate the relative importance of interlayer hopping, excitonic corrections, and screening from high energy excitations involving the σ\sigma bands. We find that the static, limiting value of α\alpha^* falls in the range 0.25 to 0.35, which is higher than our previous result of 0.14, but still below the value expected from RPA. We show the reduced value is not a consequence of interlayer hopping effects, which were ignored in our previous analysis, but of a combination of excitonic effects in the ππ\pi \rightarrow \pi^* particle-hole continuum, and background screening from the σ\sigma-bonded electrons. We find that σ\sigma-band screening is extremely strong at distances of the order of a few nm, and should be highly effective at screening out short-distance, Hubbard-like interactions in graphene, as well as other carbon allotropes.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Análisis y optimización del proceso del tratamiento del chocho en un lote de 500 Kg. en la corporación de alimentos CASA

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    The following qualifications work, has as objective principal the “Analysis and optimization for the processing of the chocho in a batch of 500 kg per day. In the corporation's food Casa”. That will facilitate the processing of the chocho from its dry state to the desalcalinised state to obtain a product of better quality. The present work is sponsored by the food Corporation Casa and it is composed by four chapters. It begins with the theory, analyzes the theoretical framework where you get the general knowledge as chemical composition, types, varieties and especially the process of the chocho’s dealkalization. In the second chapter, based on the processing of the chocho it presents several hypothetical alternatives that are evaluated by some factors such as cost, size and maintenance. Select the alternative that meets the requirements, giving step like that to the design criteria. The third chapter, is devoted in its entirety to perform the necessary calculations and pertinent of its elements of which it is composed. In the fourth chapter, a financial study is realized of the necessary costs to determine the investment and the viability of the project in the economic part. Finally, you have the respective conclusions and recommendations that serves for the normal operation and a possible improvement of this project that the sponsors could see pertinent.El siguiente Trabajo de Titulación, tiene como objetivo principal el “Análisis y optimización para el procesamiento del chocho en un lote de 500 kg. En la corporación de alimentos casa” que facilitará el procesamiento del chocho de su estado seco al estado de desalcalinizado para obtener un producto de mejor calidad. Este trabajo ha sido patrocinado por la Corporación de Alimentos Casa. Se inicia con la teoría, donde se obtienen los conocimientos generales como la composición química, tipos, variedades y, en especial, el proceso de desalcalinización del chocho. En el segundo capítulo, con base en el procesamiento del chocho, se presentan varias alternativas hipotéticas que son evaluadas por algunos factores como costo, tamaño y mantenimiento. Se seleccionó la alternativa que se ajustó a los requerimientos, dando paso, así, a los criterios de diseño. El tercer capítulo se dedica, en su totalidad, a realizar los cálculos necesarios y pertinentes de los elementos de los cuales está conformado el equipo de procesamiento del lupinos mutabilis sweet. En el cuarto capítulo: se realiza un estudio financiero de los costos necesarios para determinar la inversión y la viabilidad del proyecto en la parte económica. Finalmente, se tiene las respectivas conclusiones y recomendaciones que servirán para el normal funcionamiento y un posible mejoramiento de este proyecto, que los patrocinadores puedan ver pertinente

    Sistema de información cliente/servidor para la cooperativa de transportes copuigua del cantón Pujilí

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    An evaluation about the actual situation of ―COPUIGUA‖ Cooperative Transportation was made respecting the information management. This cooperative is located in Guápulo Pujilí Canton. The observation and interview techniques were used for data information. Through that, it was identified that there wasn’t an automatized method storage and Data Recovery. Which causes a poor management of the information which is daily produced in this Cooperative. It affects to the customer’s quality service and therefore the cooperative operation. As a result, a system was development in order to expedite the organization and information update. The development system was based on the Kanban Methodology which helped fundamentally in the development information system process. So, a contribution to the computer application was achieved which provides the Automation of Registration and information research process. In addition, this system is friendly with the environment, because the waste of natural resources such as paper was avoided.En la Cooperativa de Transportes COPUIGUA, ubicado el Barrio Guápulo del Cantón Pujilí, se realizó una evaluación de la situación actual de dicha cooperativa con respecto al manejo de información de la misma, para ello se utilizaron las técnicas de observación y entrevista, de esta manera se pudo identificar que no cuentan con un método automatizado de almacenamiento y recuperación de datos, lo que provoca un manejo deficiente de la información que a diario se produce en la Cooperativa, afectando en la calidad de atención al cliente y por ende al funcionamiento de la Cooperativa, por esta razón se desarrolló un sistema que permita agilizar la organización y actualización de dicha información, el desarrollo del sistema se realizó en base a la metodología Kanban la cual facilitó de manera fundamental en el proceso de desarrollo del sistema de información, logrando de esta manera aportar con una aplicación informática, que facilitó la automatización de procesos de registro y consulta de información, además se dedujo que este sistema aporta con el medio ambiente debido a que se pudo evitar el desperdicio de recursos naturales como el papel

    Implementación de un prototipo de robot antropomórfico para la introducción a la industria 4.0, mediante un entorno 3d de realidad virtual

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    Actually, most industrial processes are developed with conventional technology. Therefore, the 4.0 industry and intelligent manufacturing beginning provides technological applications such as physical Cyber Systems, whose allow the physical medium fusion with the virtual one, by giving a 16.1% low percentage, due to the knowledge lack, which still exists around the fourth revolution industrial. This project is based onto a design process, by using virtual reality as a complementary tool. This a didactic module consists into an industrial anthropomorphic robot system developed, through a physical prototype that simulates repetitive processes for user training around real work, the same one that is made, through CAD modeling and 3D printing based on filament (PLA) , the design of the virtual application is executed, by Unity 3D, whose allows an industrial environment simulation, being the environment friendly for interaction and immersion with user, it is important to indicate, which the module is based onto an immersion degree that is the system not immersive. This system is validated with a serial communication, whose allows the virtual application and the physical prototype to interact, simultaneously, further it, it is got the anthropomorphic robot freedom degrees, which are captured onto LCD screen, by means the I2C protocol, being a complementary module at a technological level into robotics area.En la actualidad la mayoría de los procesos industriales son desarrollados con la tecnología convencional. Por lo tanto, el inicio de la industria 4.0 y la manufactura inteligente proporciona aplicaciones tecnológicas como los Sistemas Ciber físicos que permite la fusión del medio físico con el virtual dando un porcentaje bajo del 16.1%, debido al desconocimiento que existe aún en torno a la cuarta revolución industrial. Este proyecto está basado en un proceso de diseño utilizando la realidad virtual como una herramienta complementaria. Esto consiste que un módulo didáctico de un sistema de robot antropomórfico industrial desarrollado mediante un prototipo físico simule procesos repetitivos para el entrenamiento del usuario entorno al trabajo real, el mismo que está realizado mediante un modelamiento CAD e impresión 3D a base de filamento (PLA), el diseño de la aplicación virtual se ejecuta mediante Unity 3D, el cual permite una simulación de ambiente industrial siendo el entorno amigable de interacción e inmersión con el usuario, es importante indicar que el módulo está basado a un grado de inmersión que es el sistema no inmersivo. Este sistema se valida con una comunicación serial, la cual permite interactuar de manera simultánea la aplicación virtual y el prototipo físico, además de ello, se obtiene los grados de libertad del robot antropomórfico que son plasmados en la pantalla LCD mediante el protocolo I2C, siendo un módulo complementario a nivel tecnológico en el área de la robótica

    A Multi-Code Analysis Toolkit for Astrophysical Simulation Data

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    The analysis of complex multiphysics astrophysical simulations presents a unique and rapidly growing set of challenges: reproducibility, parallelization, and vast increases in data size and complexity chief among them. In order to meet these challenges, and in order to open up new avenues for collaboration between users of multiple simulation platforms, we present yt (available at http://yt.enzotools.org/), an open source, community-developed astrophysical analysis and visualization toolkit. Analysis and visualization with yt are oriented around physically relevant quantities rather than quantities native to astrophysical simulation codes. While originally designed for handling Enzo's structure adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) data, yt has been extended to work with several different simulation methods and simulation codes including Orion, RAMSES, and FLASH. We report on its methods for reading, handling, and visualizing data, including projections, multivariate volume rendering, multi-dimensional histograms, halo finding, light cone generation and topologically-connected isocontour identification. Furthermore, we discuss the underlying algorithms yt uses for processing and visualizing data, and its mechanisms for parallelization of analysis tasks.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, emulateapj format. Resubmitted to Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series with revisions from referee. yt can be found at http://yt.enzotools.org

    New detailed characterization of the residual luminescence emitted by the GAGG:Ce scintillator crystals for the HERMES Pathfinder mission

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    The HERMES (High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites) Pathfinder mission aims to develop a constellation of nanosatellites to study astronomical transient sources, such as gamma-ray bursts, in the X and soft γ\gamma energy range, exploiting a novel inorganic scintillator. This study presents the results obtained describing, with an empirical model, the unusually intense and long-lasting residual emission of the GAGG:Ce scintillating crystal after irradiating it with high energy protons (70 MeV) and ultraviolet light (\sim 300 nm). From the model so derived, the consequences of this residual luminescence for the detector performance in operational conditions has been analyzed. It was demonstrated that the current generated by the residual emission peaks at 1-2 pA, thus ascertaining the complete compatibility of this detector with the HERMES Pathfinder nanosatellites

    Direct experimental observation of the molecular Jeff=3/2 ground state in the lacunar spinel GaTa4Se8

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    Strong spin-orbit coupling lifts the degeneracy of t2g orbitals in 5d transition-metal systems, leaving a Kramers doublet and quartet with effective angular momentum of Jeff = 1/2 and 3/2, respectively. These spin-orbit entangled states can host exotic quantum phases such as topological Mott state, unconventional superconductivity, and quantum spin liquid. The lacunar spinel GaTa4Se8 was theoretically predicted to form the molecular Jeff = 3/2 ground state. Experimental verification of its existence is an important first step to exploring the consequences of the Jeff = 3/2 state. Here, we report direct experimental evidence of the Jeff = 3/2 state in GaTa4Se8 by means of excitation spectra of resonant inelastic x-rays scattering at the Ta L3 and L2 edges. We found that the excitations involving the Jeff = 1/2 molecular orbital were suppressed only at the Ta L2 edge, manifesting the realization of the molecular Jeff = 3/2 ground state in GaTa4Se8.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures + Supplementary Materials [10 pages, 5 figures