27 research outputs found


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    File containing the aligned sequences of 16S gene in NEXUS forma

    Additional file 1: of First insights on the retroelement Rex1 in the cytogenetics of frogs

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    Alignment of the fragments of the retroelement Rex1 isolated from species of Physalaemus with corresponding sequences available in GenBank and Repbase. Note that the sequence CR1 of Gallus gallus (GenBank accession number U88211.1) significantly differs from all other sequences. The primers used to isolate the sequences are indicated in gray. Black areas indicate identical sites, while variable sites are colored white. Premature stop codons are shown in blue. U18939.1 is the GenBank accession number of a Babar sequence (a Rex1-related element) of Battrachocottus baikalensis. AJ288466.1, AJ288450.1, AJ288444.1 and AJ288442.1 are GenBank accession numbers of retroelement Rex1 sequences isolated from Anguilla japonica (AJ288466.1) or Xiphophorus helleri. Xenopus tropicalis REX1-5, REX1-2 and REX1-3 are sequences isolated from Xenopus tropicalis and available at the Repbase database ( http://www.girinst.org/censor/index.php ). (DOCX 33 kb


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    Alignment for Lepidobatrachus asper, L. laevis and L. llanensis (outgroup: Ceratophrys aurita) sequences less than 200 base pairs long at locus MVZ 39/40 X. laevis MGC82783 protein (Intron)

    Summary of <i>Melanophryniscus</i> species data and results.

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    <p>Estimation of percent reduction in the number of known presence sites and in the potential distribution area of <i>Melanophryniscus</i> species between present and 2080, considering two different climate scenarios (A2a and A2a), and a consensus between the scenarios.</p

    Reduction in climatic suitability area for <i>Melanophryniscus</i> species (2080) according to major habitat types in South America, and to phylogenetic groups.

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    <p>No significant differences were found in either situations (t-tests, TSGSS vs. TSMBF, p>0;19; stelzneri vs tumifrons, p>0.39). TSGSS, Tropical and Subtropical Grasslands, Savannas and Shrublands; TSMBF, Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests.</p

    Scatterplot showing the relation between % reduction in known occurrence sites and % reduction in range area by 2080 (consensus scenario for IPCC A2A and B2A climate models).

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    <p>Conservation priority is high for species with high loss values measured in both % area and % occurrence points. 1 - <i>M. montevidensis</i>, 2 - <i>M. spectabilis</i>, 3 - <i>M. stelzneri</i>, 4 - <i>M</i>. sp.2, 5 - <i>M. cambaraensis</i>, 6 - <i>M</i>. sp.3, 7 - <i>M. tumifrons</i>, 8 - <i>M. macrogranulosus</i>, 9 - <i>M.atroluteus</i>, 10 - <i>M. sanmartini</i>, 11 - <i>M. rubriventris</i>, 12 - <i>M</i>. sp.1, 13 - <i>M. simplex</i>, 14 - <i>M. pachyrhynus</i>, 15 - <i>M. fulvoguttatus</i>, 16 - <i>M. moreirae</i>, 17 - <i>M. dorsalis</i>, 18 - <i>M. langonei</i>, 19 - <i>M. krauczuki</i>, 20 - <i>M. estebani</i>, 21 - <i>M. devincenzii</i>, 22 - <i>M. klappenbachi</i>, 23 - <i>M. paraguayensis</i> and 24 - <i>M. cupreuscapularis</i>.</p

    Occurrence records of <i>Melanophryniscus</i>.

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    <p>Points in the map represent the known distribution of the studied <i>Melanophryniscus</i> species throughout the major habitat types of South America.</p

    Summary of models.

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    <p>AUC mean and threshold values, and the percentage contribution of three most important bioclimatic variables to the distribution models for each <i>Melanophryniscus</i> species. See the meaning of bioclimatic variables in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0094625#pone.0094625.s010" target="_blank">Dataset S4</a>; threshold and AUC are explained in the Methods section.</p