1,304 research outputs found

    Low-speed aerodynamic performance of 50.8-centimeter-diameter noise-suppressing inlets for the Quiet, Clean, Short-haul Experimental Engine (QCSEE)

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    Two basic inlet concepts, a high throat Mach number (0.79) design and a low throat Mach number (0.60) design, were tested with four diffuser acoustical treatment designs that had face sheet porosity ranging from 0 to 24 percent for the high Mach number inlet and 0 to 28 percent for the low Mach number inlet. The tests were conducted in a low speed wind tunnel at free stream velocities of 0, 41, and 62 m/sec and angles of attack to 50 deg. Inlet throat Mach number was varied about the design value. Increasing the inlet diffuser face sheet porosity resulted in an increase in total pressure loss in the boundary layer for both the high and low Mach number inlet designs, however, the overall effect on inlet total pressure recovery of 0.991 at the design throat Mach number, a free stream velocity of 41 m/sec, and an angle of attack of 50 deg; Inlet flow separation at an angle of attack of 50 deg was encountered with only one inlet configuration the high Mach number design with the highest diffuser face sheet porosity (24 percent)

    Turbofan blade stresses induced by the flow distortion of a VTOL inlet at high angles of attack

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    A 51-cm-diameter turbofan with a tilt-nacelle VTOL inlet was tested in the Lewis Research Center's 9- by 15-Ft Low Speed Wind Tunnel at velocities up to 72 m/s and angles of attack up to 120 deg. Fan-blade vibratory stress levels were investigated over a full aircraft operating range. These stresses were due to inlet air flow distortion resulting from (1) internal flow separation in the inlet, and (2) ingestion of the exterior nacelle wake. Stress levels are presented, along with an estimated safe operating envelope, based on infinite blade fatigue life

    The study of luminophores base influence activated by europium on their acid-base and luminescent properties

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    Five samples of luminophores, activated by europium and synthesized by sol-gel and СВС methods were investigated. The researched samples have basic surface character, differing depending on the base of luminophor and percentage of europium. Excitation and photoluminescent spectra were obtained. Photoluminescent spectrum of the samples, containing Eu(III) ions have the similar character. They have 5 stripes with maximum at 580, 598, 622, 658 nm and the doublet with stripes at 702 and 706 nm which are referred to innerconfigurational 4f-4f transits if europium ion 7F0-5D4. The samples YVPO4(P10):Eu8% and YVO4:Eu10% have the most intense luminescence. Their intensity is about 60 times higher than the YPO4:Eu10% sample has

    Understanding the perceived conservation benefits of shark-marine tourism in the Global South

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    Shark and ray populations are declining due to the expansion of both target and non-target fisheries. Shark-marine tourism (SMT) has been advocated as a conservation approach to reduce pressure on shark populations by increasing their non-consumptive value and providing a potential livelihood option. However, diversification via tourism can create complex issues relating to the environment, policy, and local well-being. Additionally, little is known about the ecological or socio-economic effectiveness of shark-based marine tourism operations. This study explores how SMT programs may contribute to shark conservation by exploring practitioner perceptions of SMT and (a) its desired outcomes, success, and factors facilitating success; (b) how those outcomes were measured; (c) its effectiveness as a conservation tool; and (d) how alternative livelihoods or social engagement programs supported positive conservation gains. Semi-structured interviews (n = 15) were conducted with tourism operators and non-governmental organization (NGO) staff. NGOs measured success through population/impact studies or economic valuations of tourism, while operators cited conservation gains or skills training as success indicators. Project effectiveness was either unmeasured or inactively pursued due to insufficient capacity or resources. Tourism effectiveness is perceived to be highly dependent upon the local contexts and increases with active stakeholder engagement. Social and human capital enhancement was viewed as an important mechanism to increase tourism’s benefits beyond species protection. This study demonstrates that conservation requires a shift from a species-focus to one that engages effectively with those reliant on elasmobranch resources. Furthermore, it highlights the potential of SMT to generate innovative opportunities for improving elasmobranch conservation

    Solar Torque Management for the Near Earth Asteroid Scout CubeSat Using Center of Mass Position Control

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    A novel mechanism, the Active Mass Translator (AMT), has been developed for the NASA Near Earth Asteroid (NEA) Scout mission to autonomously manage the spacecraft momentum. The NEA Scout CubeSat will launch as a secondary payload onboard Exploration Mission 1 of the Space Launch System. To accomplish its mission, the CubeSat will be propelled by an 86 square-meter solar sail during its two-year journey to reach asteroid 1991VG. NEA Scout's primary attitude control system uses reaction wheels for holding attitude and performing slew maneuvers, while a cold gas reaction control system performs the initial detumble and early trajectory correction maneuvers. The AMT control system requirements, feedback architecture, and control performance will be presented. The AMT reduces the amount of reaction control propellant needed for momentum management and allows for smaller capacity reaction wheels suitable for the limited 6U spacecraft volume. The reduced spacecraft mass allows higher in-space solar sail acceleration, thus reducing time-of-flight. The reduced time-of-flight opens the range of possible missions, which is limited by the lifetime of typical non-radiation tolerant CubeSat avionics exposed to the deep-space environment

    Адаптация персонала организации на примере сети кафе «Пельмени Project»

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    Объектом исследования является–система адаптации персонала в кафе «Пельмени Project» и разработка путей ее совершенствования. Предметом исследования является – система адаптации персонала. Цель работы– оценка системы адаптации и разработка методов ее совершенствования в кафе «Пельмени Project». В процессе исследования проводился комплексный опрос. В результате исследования были разработаны рекомендации по улучшению системы адаптации персоналом в кафе «Пельмени Project». Степень внедрения:система адаптации молодых сотрудников в кафе «Пельмени Project» находится на хорошем уровне, проводятся различные мероприятия для благоприятной адаптации на работе, несмотря на это, все равно существует ряд недоработок в этой области, подтверждением тому является текучка кадров и неудовлетворенность новых сотрудников.The object of this study is to adapt the system-staff in the cafe "Dumplings Project» and to develop ways to improve it. The subject issledovaniyayavlyaetsya - personnel system adaptation. The purpose work- evaluation system to adapt and develop methods to improve it in the cafe "Dumplings Project». The study conducted a comprehensive survey. The study developed recommendations to improve the personnel system to adapt to the cafe "Dumplings Project». Degree of implementation: adapting the system of young staff in the cafe "Dumplings Project» is at a good level, hosts a variety of supportive measures for adaptation to work, in spite of this, all still there are some shortcomings in this area, confirming that is staff turnover and dissatisfaction with the new employees

    The Effect of absorbing sites on the one-dimensional cellular automaton traffic flow with open boundaries

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    The effect of the absorbing sites with an absorbing rate β0\beta_{0}, in both one absorbing site (one way out) and two absorbing sites (two ways out) in a road, on the traffic flow phase transition is investigated using numerical simulations in the one-dimensional cellular automaton traffic flow model with open boundaries using parallel dynamics.In the case of one way out, there exist a critical position of the way out ic1 i_{c1} below which the current is constant for β0\beta_{0}<<β0c2\beta_{0c2} and decreases when increasing β0\beta_{0} for β0\beta_{0}>>β0c2\beta_{0c2}. When the way out is located at a position greater than ic2 i_{c2}, the current increases with β0\beta_{0} for β0\beta_{0}<<β0c1\beta_{0c1} and becomes constant for any value of β0\beta_{0} greater than β0c1\beta_{0c1}. While, when the way out is located at any position between ic1 i_{c1} and ic2 i_{c2} (ic1 i_{c1}<<ic2 i_{c2}), the current increases, for β0\beta_{0}<<β0c1\beta_{0c1}, with β0\beta_{0} and becomes constant for β0c1\beta_{0c1}<<β0\beta_{0}<<β0c2\beta_{0c2} and decreases with β0\beta_{0} for β0\beta_{0}>>β0c2\beta_{0c2}. In the later case the density undergoes two successive first order transitions; from high density to maximal current phase at β0\beta_{0}==β0c1\beta_{0c1} and from intermediate density to the low one at β0\beta_{0}==β0c2\beta_{0c2}. In the case of two ways out located respectively at the positions i1 i_{1} and i2 i_{2}, the two successive transitions occur only when the distance i2i_{2}-i1i_{1} separating the two ways is smaller than a critical distance dcd_{c}. Phase diagrams in the (α,β0\alpha,\beta_{0}), (β,β0\beta,\beta_{0}) and (i1,β0i_{1},\beta_{0}) planes are established. It is found that the transitions between Free traffic, Congested traffic and maximal current phase are first order

    Quantum state engineering on an optical transition and decoherence in a Paul trap

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    A single Ca+ ion in a Paul trap has been cooled to the ground state of vibration with up to 99.9% probability. Starting from this Fock state |n=0> we have demonstrated coherent quantum state manipulation on an optical transition. Up to 30 Rabi oscillations within 1.4 ms have been observed. We find a similar number of Rabi oscillations after preparation of the ion in the |n=1> Fock state. The coherence of optical state manipulation is only limited by laser and ambient magnetic field fluctuations. Motional heating has been measured to be as low as one vibrational quantum in 190 ms.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Two-Photon Doppler cooling of alkaline-earth-metal and ytterbium atoms

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    A new possibility of laser cooling of alkaline-earth-metal and Ytterbium atoms using a two-photon transition is analyzed. We consider a 1S0^{1}S_{0} - 1S0^{1}S_{0} transition, with excitation in near resonance with the 1P1^{1}P_{1} level. This greatly increases the two-photon transition rate, allowing an effective transfer of momentum. The experimental implementation of this technique is discussed and we show that for Calcium, for example, two-photon cooling can be used to achieve a Doppler limit of 123 microKelvin. The efficiency of this cooling scheme and the main loss mechanisms are analyzed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure