6 research outputs found

    Penambahan Tepung Daun Katuk (Saurupus Androgynus L. Merr) dalam Ransum Terhadap Pertambahan Berat Badan dan Lingkar Scrotum Kambing Jantan Peranakan Ettawa

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    The addition of katuk leaf meal (saurupus androgynus l.merr) in feeds on body weight gain and scrotal circumference  male ettawa grade goatsABSTRACT. This research was aimed to study the effect of addition of katuk leaf meal (Sauropus androgynus L. Merr)  in feed on body weight gain and scrotal circumference of male Ettawa grade goat. The research lasted for eight months, starting Agustus 2012 to Maret 2013, with feeding trial for two months. Twenty male Ettawa grade goats of 18 to 24 months old, were divided into 4 treatment groups. Treatment groups were added with 0% Katuk leaf meal (R0);  5% (R1);  10%  (R2) and 15%  (R3), with 5  goats in each replication. Treatment diets were feed in the morning and afternoon for 60 days. Weighing body weight and measuring scrotal circumference was done every week. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and if there was significantly different, the data were further tested using Duncan multiple range test. The result shows that the body weight gain of the treatment were, R0 (2,39 ± 0,43 kg); R1 (2,84 ± 0,36 kg); R2 (2,85 ± 0,20 kg) and R3 (3,42 ± 0,78 kg) respectively. Scrotal circumference were, R0 (0,74 ± 0,10 cm); R1 (1,24 ± 0,26 cm); R2 (1,26 ± 0,40 cm) dan R3 (1,32 ± 0,32 cm) respectively. The result of this research indicated that the addition of katuk leaf meal in feed had significant effects (P0,05) on body weight gain and scrotal circumference of Ettawa grade goat

    The Description of The Physiological Response and Milk Production of Etawah Crossbreed (PE) Goats Injected With The Oxytocin Hormone

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    This study aimed to know the physiological response and milk production of Etawah Crossbreed (PE) goat injected with the hormone oxytocin. The mechanism of action of the oxytocin hormone in the body will suppress the production of the cortisol hormone, which causes livestock stress. For now, there are not many publications about the induction of oxytocin hormone in PE goats. In this research, the researchers will provide the latest information. The research material is 18 lactation PE goats divided into 2 groups, namely control and hormone treatment. This research is in the form of an experimental research design with a control group post-test only design. The design used is an independent t-test. Hormone injection is carried out intramuscular, as much as 1 ml with a dose of 10 IU. The parameters measured were milk production (ml), heart rate (times/minutes), and respiration frequency (times/minutes).  Oxytocin injection had no significant effect (P>0.05). Still, it tended to increase the milk production of PE goats in the morning and evening with total milk production of 1103.65±145.72ml compared to without injection of 884.38±90.49ml in 1 day. Similarly, the injection of the hormone oxytocin did not affect the frequency of respiration in the morning and evening. However, it was different from the PE goats heart rate, which had a significant effect (P0.05) in the afternoon. The indicators of stress in dairy cattle are respiration frequency and heart rate outside normal limits, affecting milk production. This study concluded that the induction of the oxytocin hormone did not affect milk production, and the cattle did not experience stress because the heart rate and respiration frequency were in the normal range due to the injection of the oxytocin hormone

    IPTEKS bagi kewirausahaan (IbK) di Universitas Syiah Kuala

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    iii.;53 hlm.;ilus.;tab.;29 cm

    Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Ceker Ayam pada Ransum terhadap Produktivitas Kambing Peranakan Etawa

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    ABSTRACT. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji pengaruh penambahan tepung ceker ayam dengan persentase berbeda pada ransum terhadap produktivitas kambing Peranakan Etawa. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan acak kelompok yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dengan 3 kelompok kambing yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan berat badan. Perlakuan terdiri dari R0 (kontrol tanpa penambahan tepung ceker ayam), R1(penambahan tepung ceker ayam sebanyak 2,5%), R2 (penambahan tepung ceker ayam sebanyak 5%), R3 (penambahan tepung ceker ayam sebanyak 7,5%) dan R4 (penambahan tepung ceker ayam sebanyak 10%). Parameter pada penelitian ini meliputi produksi susu, pertambahan bobot badan, volume ambing, dan konsumsi pakan. Tahapan penelitian dimulai dari tahap persiapan, tahap pemeliharaan, dan tahap pengambilan data. Data yang telah diperoleh di analisis dengan metode analisis sidik ragam (Anova). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa penambahan tepung ceker ayam pada perlakuan R2(5%) meningkatkan konsumsi pakan dan berpengaruh terhadap produksi susu dan juga kelompok dari pertambahan berat badan, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap volume ambing.    (Effect of addition chicken claw flour with different percentage on rations to productivity of PE goats)  ABSTRAK. This research was conducted to examine the effect of adding chicken claw flour with different proportions on the productivity of Etawa crossbreed goats. The research used in this study was a randomized block design consisting of 5 treatments and 3 groups of design based on body weight. The treatments consisted of R0 (control without adding chicken claw flour), R1 (addition of chicken claw flour as much as 2.5%), R2 (addition of chicken claw flour as much as 5%), R3 (addition of chicken claw flour as much as 7.5 %) and R4 (addition of chicken claw flour by 10%). Parameters in this study include milk production, body weight gain, udder volume, and feed consumption. The research stages start from the preparation stage, the maintenance stage, and the data collection stage. The data that has been obtained were analyzed using the method of analysis of variance (Anova). The results showed that the addition of chicken claw flour in treatment R2 (5%) increased consumption and affected milk production and also the group of weight gain, but had no effect on udder volume