10 research outputs found

    Філософсько-правові проблеми реалізації права на працю

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    Розкривається зміст категорії «праця». Досліджуються філософсько-правові про­блеми у сфері здійснення права на працю.Раскрывается содержание категории «труд». Исследуются философско-правовые проблемы в сфере осуществления права на труд.In the article the content of the category «labour» is revealed. The philosophical and legal problems in the field of realization of the right to work are being researched

    Delay and Impairment in Brain Development and Function in Rat Offspring After Maternal Exposure to Methylmercury

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    Maternal exposure to the neurotoxin methylmercury (MeHg) has been shown to have adverse effects on neural development of the offspring in man. Little is known about the underlying mechanisms by which MeHg affects the developing brain. To explore the neurodevelopmental defects and the underlying mechanism associated with MeHg exposure, the cerebellum and cerebrum of Wistar rat pups were analyzed by [F-18]FDG PET functional imaging, field potential analysis, and microarray gene expression profiling. Female rat pups were exposed to MeHg via maternal diet during intrauterinal and lactational period (from gestational day 6 to postnatal day (PND)10), and their brain tissues were sampled for the analysis at weaning (PND18-21) and adulthood (PND61-70). The [F-18]FDG PET imaging and field potential analysis suggested a delay in brain activity and impaired neural function by MeHg. Genome-wide transcriptome analysis substantiated these findings by showing (1) a delay in the onset of gene expression related to neural development, and (2) alterations in pathways related to both structural and functional aspects of nervous system development. The latter included changes in gene expression of developmental regulators, developmental phase associated genes, small GTPase signaling molecules, and representatives of all processes required for synaptic transmission. These findings were observed at dose levels at which only marginal changes in conventional developmental toxicity endpoints were detected. Therefore, the approaches applied in this study are promising in terms of yielding increased sensitivity compared with classical developmental toxicity tests

    Developmental immunotoxicity of ethanol in an extended one-generation reproductive toxicity study

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    The susceptibility of developing immune system to chemical disruption warrants the assessment of immune parameters in reproductive and developmental testing protocols. In this study, a wide range of immune endpoints was included in an extended one-generation reproduction toxicity study (EOGRTS) design to determine the relative sensitivity of immune and developmental parameters to ethanol (EtOH), a well-known developmental toxicant with immunomodulatory properties. Adult Wistar rats were exposed to EtOH via drinking water (0, 1.5, 4, 6.5, 9, 11.5 and 14 % (w/v EtOH)) during premating, mating, gestation and lactation and continuation of exposure of the F-1 from weaning until killed. Immune assessments were performed at postnatal days (PNDs) 21, 42 and 70. Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)-specific immune responses were evaluated following subcutaneous immunizations on PNDs 21 and 35. EtOH exposure affected innate as well as adaptive immune responses. The most sensitive immune parameters included white blood cell subpopulations, ConA-stimulated splenocyte proliferation, LPS-induced NO and TNF-alpha production by adherent splenocytes and KLH-specific immune responses. Most parameters showed recovery after cessation of EtOH exposure after weaning in the 14 % exposure group. However, effects on LPS-induced NO and TNF-alpha production by adherent splenocytes and KLH-specific parameters persisted until PND 70. The results demonstrate the relative sensitivity to EtOH of especially functional immune parameters and confirm the added value of immune parameters in the EOGRTS. Furthermore, this study identified an expanded KLH-specific parameter set and LPS-induced NO and TNF-alpha production by adherent splenocytes as valuable parameters that can provide additional information on functional immune effects

    Developmental immunotoxicity of di-n-octyltin dichloride (DOTC) in an extended one-generation reproductive toxicity study

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    Developmental immunotoxicity assessment is considered ready for inclusion in developmental toxicity studies. Further evaluation of proposed and additional assays is needed to determine their utility in assessing developmental immunotoxicity. In this study, a wide range of immunological parameters was included in an extended one-generation reproductive toxicity protocol. F0 Wistar rats were exposed to DOTC via the feed (0, 3, 10, and 30mg/kg) during pre-mating, mating, gestation and lactation and subsequently F1 were exposed from weaning until sacrifice. Immune assessments by several immune parameters were performed at PNDs 21, 42 and 70. The T cell-dependent antibody response to Keyhole Limpet hemocyanin (KLH) was assessed following subcutaneous immunizations with KLH on PNDs 21 and 35 and the delayed-type hypersensitivity response (DTH) against KLH was evaluated at PND 49. No effects were found on PND 21. While effects on lymphocyte subpopulations in the thymus were only observed in the 30. mg/kg group on PND 42, effects on lymphocyte subpopulations in the spleen were found in the 30. mg/kg group on both PNDs 42 and 70. The DTH response already showed an effect at 3. mg/kg and was the overall critical endpoint. The results from this study support the inclusion of splenocyte subpopulation parameters in developmental toxicity studies and identified the DTH response as an important functional parameter. © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd

    Perinatal exposure to the immune-suppressant di-n-octyltin dichloride affects brain development in rats.

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    Disruption of the immune system during embryonic brain development by environmental chemicals was proposed as a possible cause of neurodevelopmental disorders. We previously found adverse effects of di-n-octyltin dichloride (DOTC) on maternal and developing immune systems of rats in an extended one-generation reproductive toxicity study according to OECD 443 test guideline. We hypothesize that the DOTC-induced changes in the immune system can affect neurodevelopment. Therefore, we used in-vivo MRI and PET imaging and genomics, in addition to behavioral testing and neuropathology as proposed in OECD test guideline 443, to investigate the effect of DOTC on structural and functional brain development. Male rats were exposed to DOTC (0, 3, 10, or 30 mg/kg of diet) from 2 weeks prior to mating of the F0-generation until sacrifice of F1-animals. The brains of rats, exposed to DOTC showed a transiently enlarged volume of specific brain regions (MRI), altered specific gravity and transient hyper-metabolism ([18F]FDG PET). The alterations in brain development concurred with hyper-responsiveness in auditory startle response and slight hyperactivity in young adult animals. Genomics identified altered transcription of key regulators involved in neurodevelopment and neural function (e.g. Nrgrn, Shank3, Igf1r, Cck, Apba2, Foxp2); and regulators involved in cell size, cell proliferation and organ development, especially immune system development and functioning (e.g. LOC679869, Itga11, Arhgap5, Cd47, Dlg1, Gas6, Cml5, Mef2c). The results suggest involvement of immunotoxicity in the impairment of the nervous system by DOTC and support the hypothesis of a close connection between the immune and nervous systems in brain development