9 research outputs found

    Pigmentation and production of vitamins in mango (Mangifera indica L.)

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    Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is the fifth most cultivated vegetable in the world. One way to classify the mango is according to the color of the peel, they are classified as green, yellow and red. Color is a visual attribute that defines consumer preference in some countries. This diversity of pigmentation is defined by families of genes that code for the production of proteins, which lead to biosynthetic pathways responsible for the production of vitamins and their precursors. In Mexico there is a wide range of colors in the native mango germplasm, which could represent an important source of antioxidants, pigments and would bring benefits for the human health of Mexicans, through the consumption of fresh fruit, or commercial / industrial exploitation of these. According to the literature, this diversity of colors represents a genetic wealth that could be exploited in the genetic improvement programs of the species in the country, to generate new varieties with desirable characteristics in the national and international market. In order to gather and discuss information that contributes to understanding the biochemical and genetic processes that determine said pigmentation and the production of vitamins in mango, this review makes a description of the main genes involved and the biosynthetic pathways of the most common pigments, considering the impact on human health when consuming them, and highlighting the challenges and opportunities that could arise from the use of pigments from Mexican germplasm.Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is the fifth most cultivated plant in the world. One way to classify mango is according to the color of the skin; mangoes are classified as green,  yellow and red. Color is a visual attribute that defines consumer preference in some countries. This pigmentation diversity is defined by families of genes that encode for protein production, which lead to biosynthetic pathways responsible for the production of vitamins and vitamin precursors. In Mexico there is a wide range of colors in the native mango germplasm, which could represent an important source of antioxidants, pigments and would bring benefits to the human health of Mexicans, through the consumption of the fresh fruits, or the commercial/industrial exploitationof these. According to the literature, this diversity of colors represents a genetic richness that could be exploited in the genetic breeding programs of the species in the country, to generate new varieties with desirable characteristics in the national and international market. In order to gather and discuss information that contributes to the understanding of the biochemical and genetic processes that determine such pigmentation and the production of vitamins in mango, this review describes the main genes involved and the biosynthetic pathways of the most common pigments, considering the impact on human health when they are consumed, and highlighting the challenges and opportunities that could be derived from the utilization of pigmentsfrom the Mexican germplasm

    Postharvest characteristics of Ataulfo mango grown in Soconusco, Chiapas

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    Objective: To determine the main indices of evolution of postharvest maturity of the Ataulfo mango from Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: The analyzed variables were color of skin L*, a* and b*, starch, total soluble solids (°Brix), pH, skin instrumental firmness, and color/skin firmness correlation. Results: It was found that, as fruit maturity progresses, from stage 1 to stage 5, the values of the variables skin color L, a* and b*, TSS and pH also increase, but starch concentration and instrumental firmness of the fruit decrease. The negative correlation between color L, a* and b* with the firmness of the fruit, suggest the use of the color variable, as a measure of the maturity of the Ataulfo mango. Limitations on study/implications: The evolution of mango ripening has been studied in varieties such as Tommy Atkins, Keitt, Alphonso, among others, and in Ataulfo grown in other regions of Mexico. Knowing the physicochemical evolution process of the Ataulfo mango grown in Soconusco, Chiapas, is essential for producers. Findings/conclusions: The results obtained could be useful to determine the maturity stage of the Ataulfo mango fruit under the environmental conditions of Soconusco, Chiapas.Objective: To determine the main indices of evolution of postharvest maturity of theAtaulfo mango from Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico.Design/methodology/approach: The analyzed variables were color of skin L*, a* and b*, starch, total soluble solids (°Brix), pH, skin instrumental firmness, and color/skin firmness correlation.Results: It was found that, as fruit maturity progresses, from stage 1 to stage 5, the values of the variables skin color L, a* and b*, TSS and pH also increase, but starch concentration and instrumental firmness of the fruit decrease. The negative correlation between color L, a* and b* with the firmness of the fruit, suggest the use of the color variable, as a measure of the maturity of the Ataulfo mango.Limitations on study/implications: The evolution of mango ripening has been studied in varieties such as Tommy Atkins, Keitt, Alphonso, among others, and in Ataulfo grown in other regions of Mexico. Knowing the physicochemical evolution process of the Ataulfo mango grown in Soconusco, Chiapas, is essential for producers.Findings/conclusions: The results obtained could be useful to determine the maturity stage of the Ataulfo mango fruit under the environmental conditions of Soconusco, Chiapas

    Retos y controversias del mango Ataulfo

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    The Ataulfo mango (Mangifera indicaL. var Ataulfo) is a tropical fruit native to the Soconuscoregion, Chiapas, Mexico. This represents a pillar of the economic-social development of the state and specifically of the region. Over the years, the production of this fruit has experienced significant increases that benefit its commercial chain, due to the tropical soils and environmental conditions typical of the area. Another aspect that has benefited development is the implementation of appropriate technologies for cultivation, such as integrated management of orchards, high planting densities, among others. In recent years, the Ataulfo variety has become the most important Mexican variety in the international market due to the high demand for exports to North America and Japan, making Mexico the main mango exporting country. The high international demand derives from the desirable organoleptic characteristics of the variety, such as sweet flavor, fleshy pulp and little fibrous, among other aroma and texture properties. However, in the Ataulfo mango production chain there are some problems that must be addressed in order to improve its profitability, as well as its commercialization and its correct valuation. Therefore, the objective of this work is to show the current situation of the production chain and the challenges to be faced in order to sustainitEl mango Ataulfo (Mangifera indica L. var Ataulfo) es una fruta tropical originaria de la región Soconusco, Chiapas, México. Este representa un pilar del desarrollo económico-social del estado y específicamente de la región. A través de los años, la producción de este fruto ha experimentado aumentos importantes que benefician a la cadena comercial del mismo, debido a los suelos y condiciones ambientales tropicales propias de la zona. Otro aspecto que ha beneficiado al desarrollo es la implementación de tecnologías adecuadas para el cultivo, tales como el manejo integrado de huertos, altas densidades de plantación, entre otros. En los últimos años, la variedad Ataulfo se ha convertido en la variedad mexicana de mayor relevancia en el mercado internacional por la alta demanda de exportación a Norteamérica y Japón, convirtiendo a México como el principal país exportador de mango. La alta demanda internacional deriva de las características organolépticas deseables propias de la variedad, tales como sabor dulce, pulpa carnosa y poca fibrosa, entre otras propiedades de aroma y textura. Sin embargo, en la cadena productiva del mango Ataulfo existen algunas problemáticas que deben ser atendidas para mejorar la rentabilidad de este, así como su comercialización y su correcta valoración. Por lo anterior, el objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar la situación actual de la cadena productiva y los retos a afrontar para el sostenimiento de esta