56 research outputs found

    Ecological and Economic Effects of Extensive Agricultural Development

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    Magistro studijų baigiamasis darbas, 71 lapas, 6 lentelės, 15 paveikslų, 66 literatūros šaltiniai, lietuvių kalba. RAKTINIAI ŽODŽIAI: darnus žemės ūkio vystymasis, ekonominis išorės efektas, ekologinis žemės ūkis, gamybos intensyvinimas, ekstensyvaus ūkininkavimo sistemos. Tyrimo objektas – ekstensyvaus žemės ūkio vystymo ekonominiai ir ekologiniai efektai. Hipotezė – intensyvaus žemės ūkio žalingą poveikį socialinei ir ekologinei aplinkai galima sumažinti neigiamus jo efektus laipsniškai keičiant ekstensyviu ūkininkavimu. Darbo tikslas – apibrėžti ekstensyvios žemės ūkio veikos sampratą, nustatyti ekstensyvaus ūkininkavimo kitimo tendencijas, identifikuoti tokios veiklos ekonominius ir ekologinius efektus. Uždaviniai: 1. išanalizuoti ekstensyvios žemės ūkio veiklos sampratos apibrėžimą literatūros šaltiniuose; 2. identifikuoti ekstensyvaus ūkininkavimo sistemas; 3. nustatyti ekstensyvaus žemės ūkio vystymo tendencijas; 4. nustatyti ekstensyvios žemės ūkio veiklos sąlygojamus ekonominius ir ekologinius efektus. Tyrimo metodai – mokslinės literatūros apžvalga, loginė ir lyginamoji jos analizė bei sintezė, aprašomosios statistikos, hipotezių tikrinimo metodai, ekonometrijos bei grafinio vaizdavimo metodai.Master’s degree thesis, 71 pages, 6 tables, 15 figures, 66 references, in Lithuanian. KEY WORDS: sustainable agricultural development, external economic effect, organic agriculture, reinforcement of production, extensive farming systems. Object of the research – economic and ecological effects of agricultural activity extensification. Hypothesis – by fixing various negative impacts of social and ecological environment, these negative impacts could be reduced by gradual change from intensive agriculture to extensive agriculture. Aim of the research – to define the concept of extensive agricultural activity, to foresee the extensive farming trends, to identify economic and ecological effects of this activity. Objectives of the research: 1. to analyze the concept of extensive agricultural activity, defined in literature; 2. to determine economic and ecological effects, conditioned by extensive agricultural activity; 3. to identify the extensive farming systems, to propose the extensive agricultural production trends; 4. to define economic and ecological effects, conditioned by extensive agricultural activity. Research methods – a logical and comparative analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, statistics, hypothesis testing methods, econometrics and graphical representation techniques.Žemės ūkio akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Elektrinių apkrovų formavimasis biotechnocenozinėje sistemoje

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    Santr.anglBibliogr.:p.236 (5 pavad.)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Energijos imtuvų grupės galimų būsenų ir apkrovos laipsnių ryšys

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    Santr. anglBibliogr.: p. 174 (7 pavad.)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    EU Digital Content Directive And Evolution Of Lithuanian Contract Law

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    Lithuania’s national legislature is once more facing the task of implementing another consumer protection directive into national law. This time it is not as easy as it may seem because by adopting the Digital Content Directive, the European Parliament and the Council intentionally left issues of legal classification of digital content contracts and their systemic ties with other bodies of law, such as intellectual property law, for regulation by national law. Hence, the proper time is now to reconsider basic trends of consumer legislation in Lithuania and to identify systemic challenges of implementation of the Directive. Within the internal structure of Lithuanian civil law, consumer relations belong to the subject matter of the law of obligations. Most often consumer legal relations arise from the contract, less often – in cases of defective production – from the tort. The author proposes to extract almost all consumer private law rules (leaving untouched only marginal exceptions such as private international law rules) from Lithuanian Civil Code and other statutes to a newly created Book 7 “Consumer law”. From one side, it could facilitate concentration and systematization of whole consumer private law in one place, without impairing coherence of other sections in Lithuanian Civil Code. From another side, this option would still maintain consumer law within the scope of Lithuanian Civil Code and influence of civil law doctrine, thus avoiding legal dualism and preventing insufficient academic attention. According to its legal nature, movable and controllable digital content under Lithuanian law may be treated and protected as a novel form of property. However, normative content of existing Lithuanian Civil Code regarding contractual rules is not specifically tailored for digital goods. In general, Digital Content Directive rules are far more developed and detailed than current Lithuanian Civil Code rules on consumer sales, which transpose various EU directives and are applicable mostly for the sale of tangible goods. Therefore, contracts for supply of digital content deserve to be named sui generis by their nature and should be classified and regulated separately from other nominate contracts. Such a solution would overcome the full set of problems related to complex characterization and cross application of various rules regulating other types of contracts. Despite that, the Lithuanian Pre-draft mostly reflects a cautious and conservative approach for implementation of the Digital Content Directive within Lithuanian private law. However, Digital Content Directive should significantly enhance protection of consumer rights in Lithuania. Legal innovations and rules specifically tailored for a digital environment will lead to optimization and development of the existing contractual regime. In turn, all this should provide legal certainty on rights and duties of the trader and consumer with the obvious benefit for development of digital markets