75 research outputs found

    Efeito do genótipo e da idade de ovinos na reatividade medida em pista de venda

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento de ovinos e relacionar aspectos comportamentais com a raça e idade dos animais. Foram observados 5.971 animais divididos em 181 lotes quanto às raças – Corriedale (n = 2.731), Ideal (n = 1.574), Merino (n = 168), Texel (n = 717), Suffolk (n = 247) e 6 mestiços (n = 534) – e quanto à idade – cordeiras (1,5 ano, n = 3.021), ovelhas (acima de 1,5 ano, n = 2457) e cordeiras dente-de-leite (média de 6 meses de idade, n = 493). O comportamento médio dos lotes foi avaliado pela atribuição de escores de movimentação e resistência à condução na entrada, permanência e saída da pista de comercialização. Os animais das raças mais especializadas para produção de carne (Suffolk e Texel) e os animais jovens foram os mais agitados e apresentaram maior resistência à condução pelo homem em comparação àqueles das raças produtoras de lã e aos mais velhos. Os escores comportamentais foram positivamente relacionados entre si, o que permite a escolha de qualquer um deles para medir o comportamento dos ovinos. O comportamento de ovinos em pista de venda é influenciado pela idade e raça.The objective of this work was to evaluate behavior of sheep and to relate behavioral aspects with breed and age of animals. It was observed 5,971 animals distributed in 181 plots regarded to: breed - Corriedale (n=2,731), Ideal (n=1,574), Merino (n=168), Texel (n=717), Suffolk (n=247) and six crossbreds (n=534); age - yearlings (1.5 year, n=3,021), ewes (above 1.5 year, n =2,457) and lambs (average 6 months of age, n=493). Average behavior of plots was evaluated by attributing scores of movement and resistance to conduction at entrance, permanence and exit from the market auction. Animals from more specialized breeds for meat production (Sulfock and Texel) and young animals were the most agitated and they showed more resistance to human conduction compared to those wool producer breeds and to the older ones. Behavior scores positively correlated among each other, allowing to choose any of them to measure sheep behavior. Sheep on market auction behavior is influenced by age and breed

    Once a gambler - always a gambler? A longitudinal analysis of gambling patterns in young people making the transition from adolescence to adulthood

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    Although a number of previous studies have speculated about the relationship between adolescent and adult gambling, there is very little prospective longitudinal data available to examine whether under-aged gambling makes a person more likely to gamble as an adult. To investigate this issue, the gambling habits of 578 young people were tracked for four years from mid-adolescence (age 15 years) into adulthood (18– 19 years) with standardised participation data collected every year. The results showed that gambling patterns in young people are subject to considerable individual variability. Only 1 in 4 young people who gambled at the age of 15 continued gambling every year and it was rare to find young people whose participation in specific activities was consistent from one year to the next. Participation patterns observed when young people were closer to leaving school were more predictive of adult gambling patterns than those obtained at a young age. The findings emphasise the potential divergence in results that arise from basing conclusions on individual-level and longitudinal analyses as opposed to cross-sectional designs and/or group level analyses.Paul H. Delfabbro, Anthony H. Winefield and Sarah Anderso