7 research outputs found

    Scree plot showing distribution of factors by their eigenvalues.

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    <p>A Scree plot of eigenvalues of the unrotated factors displaying an ‘elbow’ of the plot (shown by the red arrow). This point of the curve represents the threshold chosen for retention of the initial factors extracted from the observed variables and which maximize the variance accounted for. Three factors, each respectively with eigenvalues of 5.78; 4.29; 2.99 were retained. These factors cumulatively accounted for 29.1% of the total variance (12.9%; 9.5%; 6.7%) with final communality estimates being 13.06. The shallow “scree” distal to the arrow demonstrates small extent of variance accounted for by the subsequent minor factors, which were deleted.</p

    Item-Level Quality of VMMC Surgical Care from Initial Year (2011) to Expansion Year (2012).

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    [A]<p>Includes only percent of surgical observations with total score ( = 1 point). Items receiving a partial score ( = 0.5 point) during observation were not counted as correctly done.</p>*<p>Differences from T<sub>0</sub> to T<sub>1</sub> reported at p<0.05 statistical significance.</p