38 research outputs found

    Schematic overview of the study design.

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    <p>Participants were followed for approximately two months during periods of both high and low/no exposure. The study starts 3 weeks prior to, and ends 3 weeks after, the low/no exposure period. Nasal and throat swabs were taken in the morning and evening once a week in high exposure periods, and twice a week in low exposure period. * Nasal samples taken in the evening of sampling day 2 (high exposed), 5 and 7 (low exposed) were additionally screened for MSSA.</p

    Screening af Kulturmiljøer:Langeland Kommune

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    Pharmacokinetics of cephalosporins in food producing and companion animal species obtained from literature and presented in a table with literature references. We also provide additional graphs displaying the allometric analysis of cefepime, ceftriaxone, ceftiofur and ceftazidime. (PDF 666 kb

    Mean daily MRSA and MSSA prevalence.

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    ∧<p>CI, confidence interval.</p><p>* mean prevalence over 10 sampling days based on nasal/throat swabs taken in morning.</p><p>** mean prevalence over sampling days in either low (on average 3.4 sampling days) or high exposed period (on average 5.8 sampling days).</p><p>*** mean prevalence over 3 sampling days based on nasal swabs taken in evening.</p

    Associations between MRSA nasal and throat carriage and determinants in a multiple regression analysis.

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    <p>* p<0.05,</p><p>** Expressed per 10 years,</p><p>*** Refers to duration in days of either empty barn (low exposure) or holiday period (no exposure),</p><p>**** Expressed per 24 hours. Refers to duration of exposure to animals in 3 days before sampling.</p

    Data_Sheet_1_Use of a new antimicrobial consumption monitoring system (Vet-AMNet): Application to Dutch dairy sector over a 9-year period.docx

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    IntroductionThe urgency of preventing the increase of antimicrobial resistance has been emphasized by international authorities such as the World Health Organization, European Medicines Agency, and World Organization for Animal Health. Monitoring systems capable of reporting antimicrobial consumption data are regarded as a crucial pillar of this fight. The Vet-AMNet system was developed to collect and analyze national antimicrobial consumption data in Portuguese dairy farms to support the veterinary authority in stewardship actions and to assist both veterinarians and farmers in daily decisions related to antimicrobials.MethodsTo evaluate the robustness of the system and other identified critical success factors, it was used to analyze antimicrobial consumption data available from the Dutch dairy cow sector over the period from 2012 to 2020. The data previously used for publications by the Netherlands Veterinary Medicines Institute (SDa) were imported and pre-processed by the Vet-AMNet system according to the SDa's standard operating procedure and the Dutch metrics to measure antimicrobial consumption were calculated.ResultsBy comparing the outputs with the figures generated by the system established in the Netherlands, the Portuguese system was validated. Antimicrobial consumption data from the Dutch dairy sector during the 9-year period will be presented in unpublished graphs and tables, where each molecule's pharmaceutical formulation, pharmacotherapeutic group and line of choice will be related and discussed, illustrating the evolution of sectorial antimicrobial consumption against a background of a strong national antimicrobial policy initiated by public-private cooperation and supported by legislation.</p

    Associations between MRSA carriage and determinants, including MSSA nasal carriage in a multivariate analysis.

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    <p>Analysis based on samples taken in the evening of sampling day 2, 5 and 7. Associations shown for different dependent variables separately (nasal and/or throat carriage).</p><p>* p<0.05,</p><p>** p<0.10,</p><p>*** Expressed per 10 years,</p><p>**** Refers to duration in days of either empty barn (low exposure) or holiday period (no exposure),</p><p>***** Expressed per 24 hours. Refers to duration of exposure to animals in 3 days before sampling.</p

    Characteristics of persistent-, intermittent- and non-carriers of MRSA.

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    <p>* mean prevalence over 10 sampling days.</p><p>** mean prevalence over 3 sampling days.</p

    Persistence of MRSA carriage in farmers, family members and others.

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    <p>* MRSA positive means MRSA detected in at least one out of 4 samples (nasal and/or throat) taken per sampling day.</p><p>** Persistent carriers in bold (Persistent carrier: MRSA positive results on all sampling days; number of sampling days dependent on duration of low exposed period).</p