314 research outputs found

    Video on the Web: Experiences from SMIL and from the Ambulant Annotator

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    Since the arrival of YouTube on the desktop, video has entered its second lifetime on the Web. The main difference between this incarnation of video and its predecessors is at the source: where first generation video was about repurposing content, the YouTube generation is all about usergenerated content and few-to-few (rather than one-to-many) sharing. The fact that video is not new to the Web is a great advantage. It means that much of the work from the past can be reused and updated to meet current needs. This paper provides an overview of how video (and audio) have been processed on the Web using SMIL. It also provides a discussion of some extensions to SMIL functionality that show how video is processed as a first-class object in a video interaction framework within the Ambulant Annotator

    Workflow support for live object-based broadcasting

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    This paper examines the document aspects of object-based broadcasting. Object-based broadcasting augments traditional video and audio broadcast content with additional (temporally-constrained) media objects. The content of these objects - as well as their temporal validity - are determined by the broadcast source, but the actual rendering and placement of these objects can be customized to the needs/constraints of the content viewer(s). The use of object-based broadcasting enables a more tailored end-user experience than the one-size-fits-all of traditional broadcasts: the viewer may be able to selectively turn off overlay graphics (such as statistics) during a sports game, or selectively render them on a secondary device. Object-based broadcasting also holds the potential for supporting presentation adaptivity for accessibility or for device heterogeneity.From a technology perspective, object-based broadcasting resembles a traditional IP media stream, accompanied by a structured multimedia document that contains timed rendering instructions. Unfortunately, the use of object-based broadcasting is severely limited because of the problems it poses for the traditional television production workflow (and in particular, for use in live television production). The traditional workflow places graphics, effects and replays as immutable components in the main audio/video feed originating from, for example, a production truck outside a sports stadium. This single feed is then delivered near-live to the homes of all viewers. In order to effectively support dynamic object-based broadcasting, the production workflow will need to retain a familiar creative interface to the production staff, but also allow the insertion and delivery of a differentiated set of objects for selective use at the receiving end.In this paper we present a model and implementation of a dynamic system for supporting object-based broadcasting in the context of a motor sport application. We define a new multimedia document format that supports dynamic modifications during playback; this allows editing decisions by the producer to be activated by agents at the receiving end of the content. We describe a prototype system to allow playback of these broadcasts and a production system that allows live object-based control within the production workflow. We conclude with an evaluation of a trial using near-live deployment of the environment, using content from our partners, in a sport environment.</p

    Pain in Intellectually Disabled Children: Towards Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy?

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    This critical opinion article deals with the challenges of finding the most effective pharmacotherapeutic options for the management of pain in intellectually disabled children and provides recommendations for clinical practice and research. Intellectual disability can be caused by a wide variety of underlying diseases and may be associated with congenital anomalies such as cardiac defects, small-bowel obstructions or limb abnormalities as well as with comorbidities such as scoliosis, gastro-esophageal reflux disease, spasticity, and epilepsy. These conditions themselves or any necessary surgical interventions are sources of pain. Epilepsy often requires chronic pharmacological treatment with antiepileptic drugs. These antiepileptic drugs can potentially cause drug–drug interactions with analgesic drugs. It is unfortunate that children with intellectual disabilities often cannot communicate pain to caregivers. Although these children are at high risk of experiencing pain, researchers nevertheless often have to exclude them from trials on pain management because of ethical considerations. We therefore make a plea for prescribers, researchers, patient organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and policy makers to study evidence-based, safe and effective pharmacotherapy in these children through properly designed studies. In the meantime, parents and clinicians must resort to validated pain assessment tools such as the revised FLACC scale

    Synchronizing Web Documents with Style

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    In this paper we report on our efforts to define a set of document extensions to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) that allow for structured timing and synchronization of elements within a Web page. Our work considers the scenario in which the temporal structure can be decoupled from the content of the Web page in a similar way that CSS does with the layout, colors and fonts. Based on the SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) temporal model we propose CSS document extensions and discuss the design and implementation of a proof of concept that realizes our contributions. As HTML5 seems to move away from technologies like Flash and XML (eXtensible Markup Language), we believe our approach provides a flexible declarative solution to specify rich media experiences that is more aligned with current Web practices

    Genetic risk estimation by healthcare professionals

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess whether healthcare professionals correctly incorporate the relevance of a favourable test outcome in a close relative when determining the level of risk for individuals at risk for Huntington's disease. DESIGN AND SETTING: Survey of clinical geneticists and genetic counsellors from 12 centres of clinical genetics (United Kingdom, 6; The Netherlands, 4; Italy, 1; Australia, 1) in May-June 2002. Participants were asked to assess risk of specific individuals in 10 pedigrees, three of which required use of Bayes' theorem. PARTICIPANTS: 71 clinical geneticists and 41 other healthcare professionals involved in genetic counselling. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Proportion of respondents correctly assessing risk in the three target pedigrees; proportion of respondents who were confident of their estimate. RESULTS: 50%-64% of respondents (for the three targets separately) did not include the favourable test information and inc
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