9 research outputs found

    Serial assessment of peak VO2 and VO2 kinetics early after heart transplantation

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    PURPOSE: Serial evaluation of aerobic metabolism and exercise tolerance early after heart transplantation (HT). METHODS: Fifteen heart transplant recipients (HTR), aged 52.0 +/- 9.9 yr (mean +/- SD), not undergoing structured rehabilitation programs, were tested two to four times during the first 2 yr post-HT. As a reference, a group of 11 healthy untrained controls (C) was utilized. Peak heart rate (peak HR), peak O2 uptake (peak VO2), and ventilatory threshold (VT) were determined during incremental bicycle exercise to voluntary exhaustion. VO2 kinetics were evaluated during constant-load exercise below VT, with determination of the duration of the "cardiodynamic" component (TDp) and of the time constant of the "primary" component (taup). RESULTS: Peak VO2 (L.min-1) was positively related to months post-HT (y=1.17 + 0.02x, P=0.003), and it increased by approximately 30% during the investigated period, although values in HTR were lower than in C (2.19 +/- 0.24). Peak HR was lower in HTR (136 +/- 15 beats.min-1) than in C (168 +/- 5), and it was not related to time post-HT. TDp was longer in HTR (31.4 +/- 6.3 s) than in C (23.2 +/- 6.1), and it was not related to time post-HT. A subgroup of HTR with markedly longer taup during the first months post-HT showed a significant decrease of this parameter as a function of time post-HT. CONCLUSIONS: Aerobic metabolism is impaired in HTR. Both central (cardiovascular) and peripheral (skeletal muscle) factors contribute to the reduced exercise tolerance. HTR showed, during the first 2 yr post-HT, a significant increase in peak VO2 and (in the patients with the slowest VO2 kinetics during the first months after HT) a significant improvement of the VO2 kinetics. The main gains seem to occur at the peripheral level

    First World Report of Internal Power Cable Repair in Left Ventricular Assist Device Jarvik 2000: Case Report

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    Background There are limited clinical reports concerning internal power cable fixing in left ventricular assist device (L-VAD) patients. Actually there are no reports in the literature about Jarvik 2000 internal cable repair. We show the first description of a technique for surgical reparation of such a fatal complication. Patient History The patient was a 62-year-old woman who had L-VAD implantation (Jarvik 2000) with outflow graft apposition in descending thoracic aorta through left thoracotomy access, in 2009. She arrived urgently on January 25, 2014 for Jarvik 2000 dysfunction correlated with head movements. The neck X-rays revealed the rupture of one of the nine power cables located inside the neck and the damaging of two more cables nearby to be ruptured. On the same day she got pump failure due to the final interruption of the remaining two cables, we were obliged to install femoro-femoral extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) assistance, to repair the power cables, approaching them through a pacemaker extension cable. The L-VAD outflow was occluded with vascular ball occluder inserted via right axillary artery under fluoroscopy before ECMO installation. At the end the ECMO assistance was interrupted and the Jarvik 2000 was turned back on. The patient was dismissed from the hospital 12 days after the procedure. Discussion At the moment the international literature is poor regarding this issue. This case provides evidence that in emergency conditions ECMO assistance is mandatory and a hybrid surgical and radiological approach could help to repair the damage in safe conditions

    Adenosine receptors expression in cardiac fibroblasts of patients with left ventricular dysfunction due to valvular disease

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    Context: Adenosine restores tissue homeostasis through the interaction with its membrane receptors (AR) expressed on fibroblasts, endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells and leukocytes, but their modulation is still not fully understood. Objective: To evaluate whether changes in the transcriptomic profiling of adenosine receptors (AR) occur in cardiac fibroblasts (CF) of patients (pts) with LV dysfunction due to valvular disease (V). The secondary aim was to compare in the same pts the results obtained at cardiac level with those found in circulating leukocytes. Materials and methods: Auricle fragments were excised from 13 pts during prosthetic implantation while blood samples were collected from pts (n = 9) and from healthy subjects (C, n = 7). In 7 pts cardiac biopsy and blood samples were taken simultaneously. A human CF atrial cell line (cc) was used as control. Results: AR higher levels of mRNA expression were observed with real-time PCR in Vpts compared to C, both at cardiac (overexpression A1R:98%, A2AR:63%, A2BR:87%, A3R:85%, CD39:92%, CD73:93%) and at peripheral level (A1R vs C: p = .0056; A2AR vs C: p = .0173; A2BR vs C: p = .0272; A3R vs C: p = .855; CD39 vs C: p = .0001; CD73 vs C: p = .0091). Conclusion: All AR subtypes were overexpressed in CF of Vpts. The same trends in AR expression at cardiac level was assessed on circulating leukocytes, thus opening a new road to minimally invasive studies of the adenosinergic system in cardiac patients

    Operation for acute type A aortic dissection in octogenarians: Is it justified?

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    Background: With the progressive aging of Western populations, cardiac surgeons are faced with treating an increasing number of elderly patients. Controversy exists as to whether the expenditure of health care resources on the growing elderly populations represents a cost-effective approach to resource management. The potential to avoid surgery in patients with little chance of survival and poor quality of life would spare unnecessary suffering, reduce operative mortality, and enhance the use of scarce resources. Methods: We reviewed the records of 24 consecutive patients aged 80 years or older (mean age 83 years, range 80-93 years) who underwent operations for acute type A dissection from 1985 through 1999. No patient with acute type A dissection was refused surgery because of age or concomitant disease. Seventeen patients were men. Preoperatively, none of the patients was moribund, although 66% had hemodynamic instability and 41% experienced cerebral ischemia. All patients had one or more associated pathologic conditions. Hospital mortality and morbidity models, based on our overall experience with 197 patients operated on for acute type A aortic dissection during the period of the study, were developed by means of multivariate logistic regression with preoperative and intraoperative variables used as independent predictors of outcome. Results: Overall hospital mortality was 83%. Intraoperative mortality was 33%. All patients who survived the operation had one or more postoperative complications. Mean hospital stay was 37 days with a total of 314 days in the intensive care unit (average 19 days, median 17 days). None of the survivors (4 patients) discharged from the hospital was able to function independently and their survival at 6 months was 0%. Statistical analysis of the overall experience with operations for type A acute aortic dissection confirmed that age in excess of 80 years is the most important independent patient risk factor associated with 30-day mortality and morbidity. Conclusions: Operations for acute type A dissection performed on octogenarians involve increased hospital mortality and morbidity. Short-term survival is unfavorable and is associated with a poor quality of life. Without additional corroborative studies to endorse the present findings, the use of age as a parameter to limit access of patients to expensive medical resources remains an unsubstantiated concept. In the context of acute type A aortic dissection, however, the hypothesis that older patients should be denied such a complicated surgical intervention to conserve resources is supported by the presented data