7 research outputs found

    In vitro fermentation of forage prickly pear cactus with yeast inoculum of Kluyveromyces lactis from apple waste [Fermentación in vitro de nopal forrajero con un ináculo de levadura Kluyveromyces lactis obtenida a partir de manzana de desecho]

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of an inoculum of yeast Kluyveromyces lactis, from apple waste on the variety Golden Delicious in solid state fermentation (SSF) of forage prickly pear cactus Opuntia spp. During the fermentation period, 3 samples were taken per treatment at different times (0, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h), which was determined by temperature, pH, ammonia nitrogen, lactic acid, yeast count, soluble sugars and crude protein. The data were evaluated with the procedure Proc Mixed for a random design of 4 treatments with 2 2 factorial arrangements. The temperature was increased (P<0.01) of the h0 to h12 in all treatments. The ammonia nitrogen increased (P<0.01) differences between inoculums by time interaction. The lactic acid showed difference (P<0.01) between treatments with calcium interaction between inoculum inoculum by time. Yeast counts showed a treatment effect (P<0.01) by inoculum interaction time, the highest concentration of yeasts was observed from the increase of h0 8.3 10 6 0.22 to 1.8 107 0.22 cel/mL h48 t1 to the witness, and 3.2 10 7 0.22 to 4.9 10 7 0.22 h0 to h48 cel/mL treatment with inoculum. Soluble sugars in effect was observed (P<0.01) by time. Crude protein (CP) treatment effect was found (P <0.01) in the use of inoculum and inoculum interaction time. It can be conclude, that the use of yeast inoculum in the prickly pear cactus SSF subject to significantly increase crude protein value of 9.35 to 19.36% PC in 12 hours of fermentation, being an excellent alternative for use in animal feeding

    Development of an inoculum with different substrates through solid state fermentation [Desarrollo de un inoculo con diferentes sustratos mediante fermentación sólida sumergida]

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    The aim of this study was to develop an inoculum with four different substrates, these were evaluated with three commercial yeasts A, B and C of the genus Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast and apple know, D, of the genus Kluyveromyces lactis, through its development aerobic conditions using oxygen in each liquid culture medium. During the fermentation 3 samples, were taken for treatment at different times (0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 h), pH, temperature, carbohydrates, yeast counts and ammonia nitrogen were determined. A randomized statistical design was used with 4x4 factorial arrangements in plots using the procedure (Proc Mixed) program (SAS, 2004). The pH showed a similar pattern for all substrates with quadratic effect (P <0.01), and also showed an interaction (P <0.01) treatment by the quadratic effect of time, indicating that this increase was different between treatments. Temperature was increased (P <0.01) of the h128 h0 in all treatments, then declined (P <0.01) to stay close to the incubation temperature from h8. Ammonia nitrogen, difference was observed (P <0.01) between treatments and yeast. Yeast Count, an effect was observed (P <0.01) treatment interaction with yeast and time, this indicates that there were differences in the amount of yeast and their behavior was fluctuating in different substrates with different yeasts A, B, C and D. The highest concentration of yeasts was observed in t2 and t3 being so cel 8.6 * 108 * ml / L at T1 in the yeast h2 A, for t2 cel * 4.4 * 108 ml / L in the H32 with yeast B, for cel t3 * 5.6 * 108 ml / L in the h128 with the yeast C and the cel t4 * 1.7 * 109 ml / L in the h128 with the yeast D, being the best production of yeast. In this trial, the yeast population increased in greater proportion in the substrates of molasses and apple with the yeasts A and D

    In vitro fermentation of forage prickly pear cactus with yeast inoculum of Kluyveromyces lactis from apple waste [Fermentación in vitro de nopal forrajero con un inóculo de levadura Kluyveromyces lactis obtenida a partir de manzana de desecho]

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of an inoculum of yeast Kluyveromyces lactis, from apple waste on the variety Golden Delicious in solid state fermentation (SSF) of forage prickly pear cactus Opuntia spp. During the fermentation period, 3 samples were taken per treatment at different times (0, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h), which was determined by temperature, pH, ammonia nitrogen, lactic acid, yeast count, soluble sugars and crude protein. The data were evaluated with the procedure Proc Mixed for a random design of 4 treatments with 2×2 factorial arrangements. The temperature was increased (P&lt;0.01) of the h0 to h12 in all treatments. The ammonia nitrogen increased (P&lt;0.01) differences between inoculums by time interaction. The lactic acid showed difference (P&lt;0.01) between treatments with calcium interaction between inoculum inoculum by time. Yeast counts showed a treatment effect (P&lt;0.01) by inoculum interaction time, the highest concentration of yeasts was observed from the increase of h0 8.3×10 6±0.22 to 1.8×107±0.22 cel/mL h48 t1 to the witness, and 3.2×10 7±0.22 to ×4.9×10 7±0.22 h0 to h48 cel/mL treatment with inoculum. Soluble sugars in effect was observed (P&lt;0.01) by time. Crude protein (CP) treatment effect was found (P &lt;0.01) in the use of inoculum and inoculum interaction time. It can be conclude, that the use of yeast inoculum in the prickly pear cactus SSF subject to significantly increase crude protein value of 9.35 to 19.36% PC in 12 hours of fermentation, being an excellent alternative for use in animal feeding

    Effect of rosiglitazone on the frequency of diabetes in patients with impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose: a randomised controlled trial

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    Background Rosiglitazone is a thiazolidinedione that reduces insulin resistance and might preserve insulin secretion. The aim of this study was to assess prospectively the drugs ability to prevent type 2 diabetes in individuals at high risk of developing the condition

    [The effect of low-dose hydrocortisone on requirement of norepinephrine and lactate clearance in patients with refractory septic shock].

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