71 research outputs found
Import Demand for Dairy Products in Cote d'Ivoire
We estimate an LA/AIDS model of demand for imported dairy products for Cote d'Ivoire. We employ a unique set of Ivorian customs data, spanning seven dairy products observed monthly from January 1996 to December 2005. Demand for milk powder is found to be inelastic, as substitutes for milk powder in the domestic processing industry are scarce. Demand for fluid milk, yogurt, and cream are found to be elastic, as these domestic products produced from imported powder may substitute for the imports. With the exception of condensed milk, dairy products are found to be necessities.International Relations/Trade,
Maternal and perinatal outcome of teenage deliveries in Bamako’s district
Background: We initiated this study for determining the maternal and fatal outcome of deliveries among the teenage to formulate the recommendations for reducing the maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality among the teenage. We compared maternal and foetal outcome of deliveries among the teenage to that of adult women.Methods: It was a prospective analytical case/control study running in the Bamako’s district for 6 month comparing deliveries among one population of teenage elderly of 14-19 years and another population of women of 20 to 29 years having birth in our service hang the same period of the study. Used test statistics is the chi square of Pearson. For both groups we determined Odds Ratio (OR) and its interval of confidence (IC) to 95%.Results: We recorded 350 teenagers’ deliveries among 3703 deliveries (9.4%). The pelvic was normal among 66.3% of case versus 73.5% among the controls (p >0.05). The extended labor (≥12 hours) was found among 6.6% of case versus 3.3% of controls (p >0.05). We recorded 57.3% vaginal deliveries among the case versus 46.2% among the controls (p >0.05). We recorded 3 cases of maternal death all among the controls. 71% of new-born had an Apgar score ≥7 to the first minute among the case versus 81.2% among the controls. It was no significant difference in terms of vital outcome of new-born and of small weight birth in both groups (p >0.05).Conclusions: If teenage pregnancies are benefit the adequate prenatal care, there would be any significant difference between maternal and perinatal outcome of the deliveries among the teenage and of adult's people
Background: Moringa oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae) leaves are commonly used for diabetes in Mali. This pilot clinical study aimed to evaluate its effect on post-prandial blood glucose in preparation for a larger trial.
Methods: Diabetic patients and non-diabetic healthy volunteers (35 each) were asked to fast for 13 hours on three occasions. Blood glucose was measured before and after eating 100g of white bread (at 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 minutes). On their second and third study visits, they were given 1g and 2g respectively, of M. oleifera leaf powder, 30 minutes after eating the bread. The mean paired reduction in blood glucose at each time interval and the incremental area under the curve were calculated.
Results: Ingestion of Moringa powder had no effect on blood glucose in non-diabetic participants, but in diabetic patients, it lowered blood glucose at 90 minutes. There was a trend towards lower incremental area under the curve when diabetic patients took 2g of Moringa. No side-effects were reported by any participant.
Conclusions: Moringa oleifera leaf powder reduced post-prandial glycaemia in diabetic patients. A larger study is needed to define the optimal dose and to assess whether this translates into longer-term benefits
Prévalence de la tuberculose et de la brucellose chez les animaux sélectionnés du projet d´appui au développement de l´élevage du Zébu maure (PRODEZEM) dans le cercle de Nara: Prevalence of tuberculosis and brucellosis in selected animals of the project to support the development of Moorish Zebu breeding (PRODEZEM) in the Nara circle
Introduction: La tuberculose et la brucellose bovines représentent des contraintes majeures au dévelop-pement de l’élevage bovin laitier au Mali. A Nara, pour fixer la race Zébu maure, le dépistage de ces deux maladies zoonotiques bovines a été entrepris sur les bovins du projet. L’objectif de ce travail était de déterminer leurs prévalences dans les noyaux sélectionnés. Méthodes: Une étude transversale de type descriptif a été menée sur les bovins des noyaux de zébus maures. Les tests de tuberculination et de Rose Bengale ont été effectués sur les bovins des noyaux du projet. Les prévalences de chaque maladie ont été obtenues en faisant le rapport entre le nombre de cas positif sur le nombre total d’animaux testés. Résultats: Au total, les tests de dépistage ont concerné 1112 sujets de 50 noyaux présélectionnés dans les cinq communes du cercle de Nara. Les prévalences de la tuberculose et la brucellose bovines sont respectivement de 0,90 % et de 0,27 %. Concernant la tuberculose, le maximum de cas a été observé à Niamana (4 cas) et le minimum à Guenéibe (1 cas). Par rapport à la brucellose, le maximum de cas a été enregistré dans la commune de Guiré (2 cas). Conclusion: Cette étude a montré de faibles taux d’infection de la tuberculose et de la brucellose chez les bovins du projet. L’étude a en outre permis d’avoir de nouvelles connaissances sur l’épidémiologie de ces maladies zoonotiques dans les noyaux sélectionnés du projet.
Background: Bovine tuberculosis and brucellosis are major constraints to the development of dairy cattle farming in Mali. In Nara, in order to establish the Moorish Zebu breed, screening for these two zoonotic bovine diseases was undertaken on the cattle project. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence in the selected nuclei. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on cattle in the Moorish Zebu nuclei. Tuberculin and Rose Bengal tests were carried out on cattle in the project nuclei. The prevalence of each disease were obtained as the ratio of the number of positive cases to the total number of animals tested. Results: A total of 1112 animals from 50 pre-selected nuclei in the five communes of the Nara circle were tested. The prevalence of bovine tuberculosis and brucellosis were 0.90% and 0.27% respectively. As regards tuberculosis, the maximum number of cases was observed in Niamana (4 cases) and the minimum in Guenéibe (1 case). With regard to brucellosis, the maximum number of cases was recorded in the commune of Guiré (2 cases). Conclusion: This study showed low infection rates of tuberculosis and brucellosis in the project cattle. It also provided new insights into the epidemiology of these zoonotic diseases in the selected nuclei of the project
Variations saisonnières de la densité apparente et du taux d'infection par Trypanosoma spp. de <em>Glossina palpalis gambiensis</em> (Vanderplank, 1949) en zone soudanienne au Mali
Glossina palpalis gambiensis infeste les forêts ripicoles et les galeries forestières du fleuve Niger et ses affluents dans la zone agropastorale de Baguinéda-Tienfala. L'incidence de la trypanosomose (liée à la densité apparente de cette sous-espèce et à son infection trypanosomienne) variait en fonction de la saison et du gîte. En effet, au niveau du gîte de Tienfala (rive gauche du fleuve), la densité la plus élevée (21,70 glossines/piège/jour) a été observée en fin de saison des pluies, et la plus faible (5,23) en saison sèche chaude. La sex-ratio était en général en faveur des femelles (60,74 %). Au niveau du gîte de Baguinéda (rive droite), la densité la plus élevée (8,70) a été trouvée en saison sèche froide, et la plus faible (2,91) en fin de saison des pluies. La sex-ratio était en général en faveur des mâles (57,81 %). L'infection trypanosomienne était plus élevée en fin qu'en début de saison des pluies et les taux observés variaient respectivement entre 6,66 et 10,68 % contre 0,48 et 1,48 %. Déterminées d'après leur localisation chez G. palpalis gambiensis, les infections étaient dues aux sous-genres Duttonella (Trypanosoma vivax : 80 %), Nannomonas (T. congolense : 4%), Megatrypanum (T. grayi : 2 %) et à des stades immatures localisés dans l'intestin moyen uniquement (14 %)
Analyse des pratiques du management de conformité de la SST : cas des entreprises industrielles de Ségou
Cet article contribue à l’étude du management de conformité des entreprises industrielles en analysant la gestion des risques SST, la gestion stratégique et opérationnelle de la SST en vue de comprendre la qualité de la maîtrise de conformité et des risques SST. Qu’avec les risques dans les entreprises industrielles, la conformité règlementaire a un impact considérable sur les risques existants en SST ainsi que le bien-être des travailleurs. Autrement dit, le management de conformités par nos entreprises doit être performant, répondre à la conformité stratégique et opérationnelle, et celle des risques pour la maîtrise des risques SST. Toutefois, il présente les résultats d’une recherche menée auprès des travailleurs de trois entreprises industrielles pour évaluer la maîtrise des risques SST. Bref, ces résultats ont été collectés à travers les entretiens collectifs, fournissent un matériel solide pour influencer ces entreprises à aller vers la performance. Enfin, cet article valide que la qualité du management de conformité est associée à la conformité de la gestion stratégique et opérationnelle et celle de la gestion des risques SST, et propose dans les perspectives un modèle d’analyse du management de conformité
Groundwater Management Using IoT, Technology, Machine Learning, And Civil Engineering Approach
Groundwater is vital to industry, agriculture, and drinking water production. A growing amount of groundwater needs to be managed effectively because of the effects of climate change and growing demand. Conventional methods frequently prove inadequate for managing groundwater and tackling these issues. This study investigates how to use machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, and civil engineering to create a more reliable and effective groundwater management strategy and Infrastructure in our environments. Real-time monitoring capabilities offered by IoT technology allow for ongoing data collection on groundwater levels, quality, and usage. Machine learning algorithms can use this data to forecast future patterns and anomalies, providing an initiative-taking groundwater management tool. Civil engineering solutions like artificial recharge and sophisticated irrigation systems are crucial for sustainable usage and replenishment. This paper thoroughly analyzes current developments in various domains and suggests a synergistic framework to improve groundwater management by fusing machine learning, IoT, and civil engineering. According to our research, integrating these technologies can maximize groundwater resource utilization, raise aquifer sustainability, and increase the accuracy of groundwater monitoring and forecasting. The suggested framework offers a comprehensive and innovative technological solution to overcome the shortcomings of current groundwater management techniques. Future research should concentrate on improving integrated systems and investigating their applications across various geographical and climatic contexts to ensure the sustainable management of groundwater resources globally
Réactualisation des données sur la répartition des glossines au Mali
L'aire de répartition des glossines au Mali couvre environ 200 000 km2 au sud du parallèle 14 30' N et à l'ouest du méridien 4 30' O. Quatre espèces ont été signalées : deux riveraines (Glossina palpalis gambiensis et G. tachinoides) et deux de savane (G. morsitans submorsitans et G. longipalpis). G. morsitans submorsitans était répartie de manière plus ou moins continue le long des frontières avec la Côte d'Ivoire, la Guinée et le Sénégal jusqu'à la limite nord du parc national de la Boucle du Baoulé. A l'est de Bamako, la densité des populations était faible, apparemment discontinue dans les zones forestières. G. palpalis gambiensis était localisée le long de la rivière Bani, du fleuve Niger et de ses affluents, et des affluents du fleuve Sénégal (Baoulé, Bafing et Bagoé). G. tachinoides était répandue le long de la plupart des rivières et des grands cours d'eau de la partie sud-est du pays. Les prospections récentes n'ont pas revélé la présence de G. longipalpis au Mali. Après plusieurs années de sécheresse et/ou un défrichement intensif, une diminution relativement importante de l'aire de répartition des glossines dans le pays a été constatée
Pregnancy outcomes in a malaria-exposed Malian cohort of women of child-bearing age
In Sub-Saharan Africa, malaria continues to be associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes including stillbirth, early neonatal death, preterm delivery, and low birth weight. Current preventive measures are insufficient and new interventions are urgently needed. However, before such interventions can be tested in pregnant women, background information on pregnancy outcomes in this target population must be collected. We conducted an observational study in Ouélessébougou, Mali, a malaria-endemic area where first antenatal visit commonly occurs during the second trimester of pregnancy, hindering calculation of miscarriage rate in the population. To accurately determine the rate of miscarriage, 799 non-pregnant women of child-bearing age were enrolled and surveyed via monthly follow up visits that included pregnancy tests. Out of 505 women that completed the study, 364 became pregnant and 358 pregnancies were analyzed: 43 (12%) resulted in miscarriage, 28 (65.1%) occurred during the first trimester of pregnancy. We also determined rates of stillbirth, neonatal death, preterm delivery, and small for gestational age. The results showed high rate of miscarriage during the first trimester and established a basis to evaluate new interventions to prevent pregnancy malaria. This survey design enabled identification of first trimester miscarriages that are often missed by studies conducted in antenatal clinics.Clinical trial registration[https://clinicaltrials.gov/], identifier [NCT0297 4608]
Diagnostic accuracy of Xpert® MTB/RIF Ultra for childhood tuberculosis in West Africa - a multicentre pragmatic study
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the performance of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra ('Ultra') for diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis (TB) within public health systems. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, children aged <15 years with presumptive pulmonary TB were consecutively recruited and evaluated for TB at tertiary-level hospitals in Benin, Mali and Ghana. Bivariate random-effects models were used to determine the pooled sensitivity and specificity of Ultra against culture. We also estimated its diagnostic yield against a composite microbiological reference standard (cMRS) of positive culture or Ultra. RESULTS: Overall, 193 children were included in the analyses with a median (IQR) age of 4.0 (1.1 - 9.2) years, 88 (45.6%) were female, and 36 (18.7%) were HIV-positive. Thirty-one (16.1%) children had confirmed TB, 39 (20.2%) had unconfirmed TB, and 123 (63.7%) had unlikely TB. The pooled sensitivity and specificity of Ultra verified by culture were 55.0% (95% CI: 28.0 - 79.0%) and 95.0% (95% CI: 88.0 - 98.0%), respectively. Against the cMRS, the diagnostic yield of Ultra and culture were 67.7% (95% CI: 48.6 - 83.3%) and 70.9% (95% CI: 51.9 - 85.8%), respectively. CONCLUSION: Ultra has suboptimal sensitivity in children with TB that were investigated under routine conditions in tertiary-level hospitals in three West African countries
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