3 research outputs found

    Konsep-Konsep Kepemimpinan Islam dalam Masyarakat

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    Nabi Adam AS sebagai manusia pertama di muka bumi mendapat tugas dari Allah sebagai pemegang amanah kepemimpinan. Dari Nabi Adam as, proses kepemimpinan terus berlanjut sampai kepada keturunan dan cucu-cucu beliau, bahkan sampai saat ini. Dengan demikian, kepemimpinan merupakan sunatullah yang terus berlaku di muka bumi ini. Karena itulah, dalam ajaran Islam urgensi kepemimpinan dalam komunitas muslim merupakan suatu keniscayaan. Proses kepemimpinan pada dasarnya merupakan gejala sosial, karena berlangsung dalam interaksi antar manusia sebagai makhluk sosial. Kepemimpinan tidak dapat dilepaskan hubungannya dengan situasi sosial yang terbentuk dan sedang berlangsung di lingkungan masyarakat. Oleh karena situasi social itu selalu berkembang dan dapat berubah-ubah, maka tidak satupun cara bertindak yang dapat dipergunakan secara persis sama dalam menghadapi dua situasi yang terlihat sama, apalagi untuk situasi yang berbeda dilingkungan masyarakat tersebut Meskipun kepemimpinan merupakan hal yang penting untuk dilaksanakan, menjadi pemimpin tidaklah semudah membalik telapak tangan. Untuk mengetahui lebih jauh mengenai kepemimpinan di dalam masyarakat, perlu diketahui tentang konsep dasar kepemimpinan, khususnya dalam masyarakat Islam yang meliputi: pentingnya pemimpin, berbagai sebab munculnya kepemimpinan, fungsi-fungsi kepemimpin, bentuk-bentuk kepemimpinan serta karakteristik pemimpin ideal dalam masyarakat Islam.   Abstract: Prophet Adam AS as the first man on earth had the task of God as a fiduciary leadership. From Adam’s, the leadership process continues until the descent and his grandchildren, even to this day. Thus, the leadership of the laws that continue to prevail in the face of this earth. Therefore, in Islam urgency of leadership in the Muslim community is a necessity. Leadership process is basically a social phenomenon, because it takes place in the interaction between humans as social beings. Leadership can not be released to do with social situations that are formed and are taking place in society. Therefore it is always evolving social situations and can change, then none ways of acting that can be used in exactly the same in the face of two situations that look the same, especially for different situations in the community environment. Although leadership is important to be implemented, be a leader is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. To learn more about leadership in the community, need to know about the basic concepts of leadership, especially in Islamic societies which include: the importance of leadership, for the emergence of a variety of leadership, leadership functions, forms of leadership, as well as the characteristics of the ideal leader in Islamic societies


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    ABSTRACTProphet Adam AS as the first man on earth had the task of God as a fiduciary leadership. From Adam’s, the leadership process continues until the descent and his grandchildren, even to this day. Thus, the leadership of the laws that continue to prevail in the face of this earth. Therefore, in Islam urgency of leadership in the Muslim community is a necessity. Leadership process is basically a social phenomenon, because it takes place in the interaction between humans as social beings. Leadership can not be released to do with social situations that are formed and are taking place in society. Therefore it is always evolving social situations and can change, then none ways of acting that can be used in exactly the same in the face of two situations that look the same, especially for different situations in the community environment. Although leadership is important to be implemented, be a leader is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. To learn more about leadership in the community, need to know about the basic concepts of leadership, especially in Islamic societies which include: the importance of leadership, for the emergence of a variety of leadership, leadership functions, forms of leadership, as well as the characteristics of the ideal leader in Islamic societies.Keywords: Leadership, Islamic societie

    Kepemimpinan dalam Perspektif Islam

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    A leader is someone who has a great responsibility in the organization for social life, being a leader must have a good relationship in cultural life so that it can be used as an example by its members. In Islam itself it is conveyed to the Ummah to become a leader in accordance with the existing Shari'a in the teachings of Islam, which subsequently leads to Islamic Leadership. Islamic leadership is a balance of leadership with the concept of the world and the hereafter, the task of leadership is not only a task that is held only for members, but also in the presence of Allah SWT. Allah has sent an Apostle who can be an example for Muslims to carry out Islamic Leadership as the Prophet Muhammad. Islamic leadership prioritizes the values ​​put forward by Islam and also everything that is done because it expects God's blessing. Islamic leadership is more than part of the goals taken while in organizational leadership in general, support the strengthening of the establishment of Islamic order in the organization. Islamic leadership supports absolute leadership or leadership that is authorized, this leadership has a distinct characteristic of leadership in general