51 research outputs found


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    Abstract_ This study basically aims to examine the vulnerability of the elderly when they are using the space in their home within a high densely settlement. Due to the high density of the urban settlement, the condition of the elderly living unit that located in the middle of settlement area is questioned. Under the condition of lack of space, actually two questions are appeared. First question is “how do the elderly residents use the space for their daily life?”. Moreover, the second question is about “is the room as well the home environment good enough for supporting the elderly daily activities and maintaining their health?” These questions are actually directing to necessary of examining the vulnerability the elderly in their own home. This study was carried out through conducting field observation and doing the individual interview in two neighborhoods located at the city center of Yogyakarta City. By interviewing the elderly residents this study identified the room or spaces that most frequently used the senior residents during their lives inside their own home. The identification then proceeds in to the assessment of the space condition especially related to the natural lighting and ventilation. This study found that in urban settlement with high density and aging population, there was subtle vulnerability existed in the spaces within the elderly’s home that most frequently used. This vulnerability was sourced at the conditions of natural lighting and fresh air ventilation that performed by the home environment properties. These physical aspects of the space considered significant since the resident houses were in very limited urban spaces. Although the vulnerability is subtle or slight, this condition indicates that the elderly residents’ health is really threatened.Keywords: Elderly; Home Environment; High Densely Settlement; Use of Space; Vulnerability

    Spatial Utilization for the Skills Development Program in Yogyakarta Class IIB Correctional Facility for Women

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    A correctional facility has been considered critical not only in accommodating prisoners but also facilitating vocational training that prepares the prisoners to reintegrate in society and thus would not recommit crimes. However, in reality the building of many correctional facilities are not prepared for this function. This is apparent in the correctional facility for women in Yogyakarta. The facility does not have its official building and is located in the men’s correctional facility. Those conditions impact the spatial limitations, including space to conduct the skills development program. This study aims to examine the spatial utilization for the skills development program in Yogyakarta prison for women by analyzing the relationship between the physical settings and the occurring activities there. By conducting place-centered mapping, questionnaire survey, and interview for data collection, this study showed that prisoners tend to seek to carry the vocational work in comfortable areas provided with better air condition that are not prepared for the training. This finding raises a concern about how a correctional facility should have adequate space that encourages social solidarity and provides enough spatial autonomy for the skills development program

    Urban tourism space based on bike-sharing tourist in Yogyakarta city

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    This paper identifies the urban tourism space in a complex way as chosen by the bike-sharing tourists in Yogyakarta. The space is defined as not only the tourist attraction object which has become a common attraction but also the elements of urban architecture such as landmarks, districts, paths, edges, and nodes that becoming lanes, stop points, and the destination for the tourist when cycling around using bike-sharing. The data collecting used in this research is person-cantered mapping by following the bike-sharing tourists’ movement and giving questionnaires to find out the tourists’ motivation in using bike-sharing for tourism. The hypothesis shows that the tourists would prefer to choose the common attraction as an urban tourism space in Yogyakarta. But by cycling, the tourists will be able to seek a new experience because they can be more flexible in exploring the space with uniqueness which has the shape of urban architecture elements. The research results showed that landmarks and paths were the two urban architecture elements that gave strong characteristics toward urban tourism space, as preferred by the bike-sharing tourists in Yogyakarta. The tourist attraction with both characteristics was located around the city centre. It indicated that the distribution of visits is still centrally located close to the bike shelters. So that the tourists could go to the other unique destinations in Yogyakarta, thus the researcher recommends that the bike shelters need to be evenly spread approaching the tourism attractions and amenities


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    Jam Gadang is a landmark of Bukittinggi City so it becomes a tourist destination. The concentration of visitors in Jam Gadang Plaza makes Jam Gadang very crowded, especially during the holiday. Moreover, it impacts the activities of visitors, which cannot be accommodated at the same time by the public open space of Jam Gadang. Although there are 2 other public open spaces near Jam Gadang Plaza, which are Bung Hatta Monument Park and Pahlawan Tak Dikenal Monument Park, the two public open spaces cannot have a role in receiving some of Jam Gadang Plaza's visitors. This research was conducted to find out how the quality of public spaces in the Jam Gadang area according to the placemaking assessment. The research method used place-centered mapping, questionnaires dissemination, and interviews. The results of the placemaking assessment showed that Jam Gadang Plaza has a "Good" score from respondents for every variable. Furthermore, the placemaking assessment in Pahlawan Tak Dikenal Monument Park and Bung Hatta Monument Park has a "Deficient" score in the comfort & image aspect, as well as the uses & activity aspect

    River Mitigation as a Form of Elderly-Nature Interaction in Densely Populated Settlement in Yogyakarta

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    High population density has been associated with disease susceptibility. To address this problem many suggest that the negative effects of population density can be reduced by interacting with nature as a restorative activity. This study aims to determine how the elderly in the residential areas on the banks of the Winongo river, Ngampilan District, Yogyakarta City with high population density interact with nature in the riverside environment, and what form of space is needed. This study uses a deductive exploratory method with elderly respondents who are active on the riverbank. The results showed that the riverside space which is used as a space for interaction between the elderly and nature is a room with sitting facilities, walls that are not closed, and shade that is not too tight. Interactions with nature that occur can be in the form of physical restoration, recreation, domestic, and mitigation activities. The activity of seeing water levels as flood mitigation is the most dominant form. Physical limitations make elderly people more aware of disasters along the riverbanks. A space that makes it easier for the elderly to do disaster anticipation activities needs to be prepared for long-term planning

    Kajian Atribut pada Aktivitas Pedagang Pasar Informal di Pasar Loak Jembatan Item Jakarta

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    ABSTRAK. Ruang terbuka publik kota memiliki aksesibilitas yang sangat tinggi sehingga memudahkan berbagai aktivitas muncul walaupun tidak sesuai dengan fungsi ruang tersebut diantaranya aktivitas berdagang. Aktivitas berdagang yang tumbuh pada ruang terbuka publik menimbulkan tumbuhnya ruang pasar informal yang sering mendapatkan tekanan dari lingkungan. Upaya pedagang pasar informal untuk bertahan dikaji melalui atribut yang terdapat di dalam ruang pasar tersebut. Untuk melakukan penelitian ini diperlukan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus untuk menjawab “how” dan “why” terhadap fenomena yang terjadi. Hasil penelitian ini didapat bahwa Atribut Adaptasi bukan hanya menjadi bagian dari atribut saja melainkan membantu atribut lain dalam upaya kebertahanan pedagang pasar informal. Kemudian didapati bahwa Atribut Legabilitas tidak ditemui pada ruang pasar informal. Suatu temuan yang menarik dari penelitian ini bahwa selain atribut Weisman juga ditemukan faktor “keahlian” dalam kebertahanan pasar informal. Kata kunci: aktivitas, atribut, pasar, pedagang, ruang publik ABSTRACT. Urban public open spaces have very high accessibility, making it easier for various activities to emerge even though they are not by the function of the area, including trading activities. Trading activities that grow in public open spaces lead to the growth of informal market spaces that often get pressure from the environment. The efforts of informal market traders to survive are studied through the attributes contained in the market space. A qualitative research method with a case study approach is needed to answer the "how" and "why" of the occurring phenomena. This study found that the Adaptation Attribute is not only part of the attribute but helps other attributes in the survival efforts of informal market traders. Then, it was found that the Legibility Attribute was not found in the casual market space. An interesting finding from this research is that in addition to Weisman's attributes, the "expertise" factor is also found in the survival of informal markets. Keywords: activity, attribute, market, vendor, public spac


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    Abstrak_Ruang terbuka publik merupakan elemen kota yang sangat penting kehadirannya dalam kehidupan kota. Sebagai ruang terbuka yang bersifat publik maka berbagai aktivitas dapat dilakukan manusia baik perorangan maupun berkelompok. Karakteristik manusia sebagai makhluk individu sekaligus makhluk sosial menjadi hal yang menarik untuk diteliti bagaimana manusia mempertahankan sifat keprivasian mereka dalam ruang terbuka publik yang dapat diakses siapa saja. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat gambaran bagaimana manusia mengaktualisasikan karakternya sebagai makhluk individu dalam suatu ruang sosial di ruang terbuka publiksehingga manfaat dari penelitian ini diharapkan bisa digunakan para perancang ruang kota dalam memperhatikan kebutuhan karakter manusia sebagai pengguna ruang tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan melakukan pendekatan kajian literatur yaitu menggunakan beberapa teori dan artikel penelitian yang sesuai yang telah dilakukan.Berdasarkan kajian literatur yang dilakukan ditemukan bahwa karakter manusia sebagai makhluk individu dan makhluk sosial dalam ruang terbuka publikterdapat 2 bentukan ruang yaitu ruang pribadi (personal space) yaitu ruang maya yang berada di sekeliling tubuh masing-masing individu dan teritori (territory) yang dibentuk sesuai dengan kondisi tertentunamunmasih dapat diusik oleh individu lain sehingga pertahanan manusia ini sifatnya tidak masif. Teritori juga dipengaruhi oleh 2 faktor yaitu ekonomi dan budaya.Kata kunci: Arsitektur Perilaku; Ruang Publik, Ruang Terbuka Publik. Abstrak_Public open space is an element of the city that is very important of  its presence in city life. As a public open space, various activities can be carried out by humans, both individuals and groups. The characteristics of humans as individual and also social being; becoming interesting things to be investigated that how humans maintain their privacy in public open spaces that can be accessed by anyone. Therefore the purpose of this study is to gain the description of how humans actualize their characters as individual beings in a social space in public open space so that the benefits of this research are expected to be able to be used by urban space designers in concerning to the human character needs as the space user. The research method used was a qualitative method by conducting a literature study approach, which used several theories and research articles that were appropriate. Based on the literature review, it was found that human characters as individual and social being in public open spaces had 2 spatial forms, namely personal space which was the virtual space available around the body of each individual and territory formed according with certain conditions but can still be disturbed by other individuals so that the human defense is not massive. Territory is also influenced by two factors, namely economy and culture.Keywords: Behavior Architecture; Urban Space; Public Open Space; Personal Space; Territory


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    Abstrak_ Permukiman padat di tengah kota dan populasinya yang semakin meningkat merupakan suatu masalah urban yang kerap terjadi. Wilayah-wilayah tersebut menampung berbagai kalangan masyarakat, termasuk para lanjut usia (lansia) yang memilih untuk tetap tinggal atau bertahan di lingkungan tempat tinggalnya pada masa usia senja. Keterbatasan motorik yang semakin dihadapi lansia tidak mengurangi kebutuhannya untuk tetap bepergian, termasuk berjalan kaki di sekitar area permukiman. Kondisi spasial lingkungan tempat tinggal memegang peran yang sangat penting untuk mendukung mobilitas lansia di ruang luar. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengeksplorasi kegiatan mobilitas lansia ketika berjalan kaki di ruang luar dan memahami kebutuhan yang mendukung kegiatan tersebut. Upaya tersebut ditempuh dengan mengkaji kegiatan responden lansia selama bermobilitas, serta karakteristik jejalur dan titik kegiatan yang terakses. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode person-centered mapping dan merekam 25 rute berjalan kaki oleh 19 responden lansia. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah jejalur yang diakses oleh responden lansia ketika bermobilitas di ruang luar didukung oleh faktor (1) fasilitas; (2) jarak dan letak jalur; (3) lebar jalur; dan (4) kondisi material. Penelitian ini turut merekomendasikan terbentuknya ruang terbuka di persimpangan atau tengah permukiman padat kota dengan akses yang mudah dan fasilitas yang beragam untuk mendukung kegiatan bermobilitas lansia di ruang luar. Kata kunci: Lansia; Berjalan kaki; Permukiman padat kota; Jalur; Ruang terbuka di persimpangan   Abstract_Densely populated settlement in the middle of the city and its increasing population are urban problems that often occur. These areas accommodate various groups of people, including the elderlies, choosing to stay permanently in the neighborhood for relishing old age life. Physical limitations faced by the elderlies do not reduce the need to keep going out, including walking around the settlement. Spatial conditions in the neighborhood play a very important role in supporting the mobility of the elderlies in outdoor spaces. Therefore, this study seeks to explore the elderlies’ mobility activities when walking in outdoor spaces and understand the needs that support these activities. These efforts were taken by examining the occurring activities during the mobility, and the characteristics of the accessed streets and activity nodes. The research was conducted using the person-centered mapping method and recorded 25 walking routes by 19 elderlies. The result obtained from this study is the streets accessed by the elderlies are supported by (1) facilities; (2) distance and location; (3) width; and (4) material condition. This study also recommends the establishment of an accessible junction open space with various facilities in the middle of dense urban settlements to support the elderlies’ mobility. Keywords:  Elderly; Walking; Densely populated settlement; Street; Junction open space.   &nbsp


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    Flexible housing has the potential to be applied in housing type 36 in Indonesia, especially with a focus on the modeling of the flexible housing scheme. But beforehand, potential redundancies and trend patterns of occupant needs must be identified. The research stages are spaciousness, spatial complexity using statistics, and perceptual clarity using repeated modeling and evaluation. There are 28 research data samples taken from type 36 housing developed by Perum perumnas Regional V of Yogyakarta branches i.e. Perumnas Minomartani, Perumnas Condong Catur, Perumnas Guwosari, and Perumnas Trimulyo. The results of the research are change of rooms needs for the inhabitant, transformation of tipology from the house layout, the priority setting of rooms for the inhabitants, linkage among rooms that is efficient for the inhabitant, limitations of flexible housing, and flexible housing schemes


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    Abstrak_ Tujuan studi ini untuk menganalisis kecenderungan pilihan konsumen terkait aspek-aspek penataan ruang-dalam pada coworking  space yang lebih disukai dalam melakukan pekerjaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey secara daring menggunakan item Likert yang kemudian dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif. Sebanyak 201 responden mengisi kuesioner daring yaitu mereka dengan kriteria bertempat tinggal atau berdomisili di Yogyakarta serta pernah atau telah beberapa kali memanfaatkan salah satu coffee & coworking  space di Yogyakarta dengan tujuan untuk bekerja baik yang bersifat bisnis maupun nonbisnis dalam waktu 6 bulan terakhir. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tahun 2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam melakukan pekerjaan di coworking  space pengguna cenderung menyukai gaya arsitektur kontemporer, dengan ruang yang memaksimalkan pencahayaan alami yaitu jendela dan penggunaan dinding kaca yang tinggi dan besar, ruang kerja yang didominasi dekorasi tanaman, menyediakan ruang kerja dan perabot dengan fungsi yang lebih privat serta area tenang. Selain itu konsumen lebih memilih  penggunaan perabot seperti kursi dan meja kerja dengan fungsi dan bentuk yang lebih santai dan penyediaan ruang dengan memaksimalkan penggunaan penghawaan alami dapat berupa ruang kerja semi terbuka dan ruang kerja luar (outdoor). Hasil tersebut bermanfaat sebagai pertimbangan acuan dalam merancang coworking  space yang sesuai dengan preferensi konsumen. Kata kunci : Coworking  Space; Atribut Penataan Ruang-Dalam; Konsumen.   Abstract_ The study aims at analyzing the tendency of the attributes of interior design coworking  spaces that are preferred by users when doing work in coworking  spaces. The research data were obtained using a questionnaire containing Likert items  which were then statistically descriptively analyzed.  There were 201 respondents who live in Yogyakarta that were involved in the research who had several times used coffee & coworking  spaces for working, both for business and non-business in the past 6 months. The research was conducted in 2019. The results show that in doing work in coworking  spaces, users tend to like contemporary architectural styles, with spaces that maximize natural lighting, namely windows and the use of tall and large glass walls, workspaces that are dominated by plant decorations, providing work space and furniture with a more private function and quiet area, the use of furnitures such as chairs and work desks with a more relaxed function and form and the provision of space by maximizing the use of natural ventilation in the form of semi-open workspaces and outdoor workspaces. The results are beneficial as a reference consideration in designing a coworking  space in accordance with consumers preference. Keywords : Coworking  Space; Interior Design Attributes; Consumers
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