9 research outputs found

    Union européenne: passé et présent. Une analyse comparative entre la déclaration Schuman et les dix priorités de Juncker

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    Le présent article vise à analyser deux discours de deux personnalités remarquables qui ont été impliquées dans ce qu’on appelle l’Union européenne. Plus précisément, nous ferons une comparaison entre la Déclaration de Schuman du 9 mai 1950 et les Dix priorités de Juncker pour l’Europe, de 2014. En utilisant des méthodes qualitatives, décrites dans l’analyse de texte, notre objectif est de répondre à quelques questions pertinentes : les concepts d’intégration sont-ils toujours présents et peuvent-ils être mis à contribution pour l’avenir de l’Europe ? L’Europe de Schuman conserve-t-elle après plus de 60 ans la même vision ? Peut-on détecter des éléments de continuité ? Quels sont les éléments de discontinuité ? Avons-nous abdiqué du projet initial ? Quels sont les éléments cruciaux dont la construction européenne a besoin pour fonctionner ? Combien le rêve a-t-il changé ? Afin de répondre aux questions mentionnées, nous faisons appel aux sources primaires, leurs discours en question, en évitant toute position partisane

    Working Group “Yellow”. Environmental pollution monitoring and adverse effects of chemicals used in food production (FoCUS – Food Chemicals Used Safely)

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    This project addresses the need to assess the environmental and health risks of chemicals used in food production, since their release into the environment may lead to different ecological effects. The occurrence and effects of selected chemicals on wildlife and humans will be addressed to provide data sets, which are necessary for scientifically-based risk assessment. Special emphasis will be put on the combined effects of environmentally relevant mixtures. A combination of state-of-the-art methods will be applied to predict synergistic and/or additive effects of combined exposure. Development and implementation of new technologies for waste treatment and re-use of food industry by-products by converting them into value-added items will also be a significant task

    Research and Science Today No. 2(4)/2012

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    The „echo” of the government policy of education in the written press of the governing parties (1919-1929)

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    The principles that stood at the base of the educational policy in Romania during the first interwar decade, discussed and analyzed by the politicians of that time, by the decision-makers, teachers, parents, specialists etc., occupied frequently the columns of the newspapers. Thus, this study tries to emphasize the “ echo” of the government policy on education in the written press, and to show what media considered as being relevant in terms of education in the period of 1919-1929. The study reveals and confirms the opposition of political parties ; it is noticeable that while liberals praised in the “ media house” the steps, actions and projects proposed by liberal ministers, the members of the Peasants Party were criticizing those actions. Unfortunately, the controversial reactions do not occur and do not remain only in the “ quadrant” of the press, but they sometimes put their mark on the educational process, which not infrequently had suffered. Overall, however, despite divergences and critical attitudes, an important place in the concerns of those who had the power to legislate was occupied by the desire to create an education adapted to the specific conditions of our country, an education that takes into account the circumstance in which the Romanian state develops and the needs that had to be met.Reianu Diana-Gabriela. The „echo” of the government policy of education in the written press of the governing parties (1919-1929). In: Hiperboreea. Journal of History, vol. 2, N°1, 2015. pp. 152-168

    Analysis of Customer Satisfaction in Case of the Day Center for the Elderly, Cluj-Napoca City Hall

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    <p>This paper focuses on the analysis of customer satisfaction, being a research whose main purpose was to make an evaluation of social services offered to elderly people. The motivation of this study was to provide data for the organization in order to understand and increase the impact of its social products and services on the beneficiaries, to emphasize ways that can improve the organization’s mechanisms, to help the organization make the services suitable for its beneficiaries, and to take decisions regarding funding, customer needs and program improvement. The study focuses on the strengths and weaknesses within the studied organization based on the results obtained through the analysis of customer satisfaction in relation to the behavior and responsibility of the staff, to the quality of the services and to the variety of the activities that take place within the organization. The conclusions point out ways in which the organization can improve its services, emphasizing future directions of this study.</p

    Assessment of the Health System Performance in Ontario Major Cities (Canada)

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    This study aims to provide evidence to support policymaking by assessing health system performance in the province of Ontario, Canada, and its major cities (Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, and Brampton). It reports on the performance of health care organizations and local health systems over the years 2012-2018. The performance indicators analyzed are grouped into two categories: health status and quality of service (Ontario Ministry of Health). The analysis reports health care waiting times for the year 2018, focusing on the most frequently reported disease groups and procedures such as: pediatric, cancer, cardiac, orthopedic, eye, diagnostic imaging, and emergency room. It also looks at government spending on health, the benchmark for surgical procedures, the number of physicians, the health status of the population, and rates of hospitalization and hospital admissions. As recommendations, among policies to improve the health system, the government should pay attention to health spending, increasing the number of doctors rather than beds, and introducing the privately-owned hospitals that could coexist with the public ones.</p

    Research and Science Today No. 2(4)/2012

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    RESEARCH AND SCIENCE TODAY is a biannual science journal established in 2011. The journal is an informational platform that publishes assessment articles and the results of various scientific research carried out by academics. We provide the authors with the opportunity to create and/or perfect their science writing skills. Thus, each issue of the journal (two per year and at least two supplements) will contain professional articles from any academic field, authored by domestic and international academics. The goal of this journal is to pass on relevant information to undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students as well as to fellow academics and researchers; the topics covered are unlimited, considering its multi-disciplinary profile. Regarding the national and international visibility of Research and Science Today, it is indexed in over 30 international databases (IDB) and is present in over 200 online libraries and catalogues; therefore, anybody can easily consult the articles featured in each issue by accessing the databases or simply the website

    Research and Science Today No. 1(5)/2013

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    RESEARCH AND SCIENCE TODAY is a biannual science journal established in 2011. The journal is an informational platform that publishes assessment articles and the results of various scientific research carried out by academics. We provide the authors with the opportunity to create and/or perfect their science writing skills. Thus, each issue of the journal (two per year and at least two supplements) will contain professional articles from any academic field, authored by domestic and international academics. The goal of this journal is to pass on relevant information to undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students as well as to fellow academics and researchers; the topics covered are unlimited, considering its multi-disciplinary profile. Regarding the national and international visibility of Research and Science Today, it is indexed in over 30 international databases (IDB) and is present in over 200 online libraries and catalogues; therefore, anybody can easily consult the articles featured in each issue by accessing the databases or simply the website

    Research and Science Today No. 1(7)/2014

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    RESEARCH AND SCIENCE TODAY is a biannual science journal established in 2011. The journal is an informational platform that publishes assessment articles and the results of various scientific research carried out by academics. We provide the authors with the opportunity to create and/or perfect their science writing skills. Thus, each issue of the journal (two per year and at least two supplements) will contain professional articles from any academic field, authored by domestic and international academics. The goal of this journal is to pass on relevant information to undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students as well as to fellow academics and researchers; the topics covered are unlimited, considering its multi-disciplinary profile. Regarding the national and international visibility of Research and Science Today, it is indexed in over 30 international databases (IDB) and is present in over 200 online libraries and catalogues; therefore, anybody can easily consult the articles featured in each issue by accessing the databases or simply the website