12 research outputs found

    The anticancer activity of propolis

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    Propolis and its compounds have been the subject of many studies due to their antimicrobial and antiinflammatory activity; however, it is now known that they also possess antitumor properties. This review aims to summarize the results of studies on the mechanism of activity of propolis and its active compounds such as CAPE and chrysin in the apoptotic process, and their influence on the proliferation of cancer cells. Our review shows that propolis and its presented compounds induce apoptosis pathways in cancer cells. The antiproliferative effects of propolis, CAPE or chrysin in cancer cells are the result of the suppression of complexes of cyclins, as well as cell cycle arrest. The results of in vitro and in vivo studies suggest that propolis, CAPE and chrysin may inhibit tumor cell progression and may be useful as potential chemotherapeutic or chemopreventive anticancer drugs

    Propolis changes the anticancer activity of temozolomide in U87MG human glioblastoma cell line

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    BACKGROUND: Propolis is a honey bee product which contains many active compounds, such as CAPE or chrysin, and has many beneficial activities. Recently, its anti-tumor properties have been discussed. We have tested whether the ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) interferes with temozolomide (TMZ) to inhibit U87MG cell line growth. METHODS: The U87MG glioblastoma cell line was exposed to TMZ (10-100 μM), EEP (10-100 μg/ml) or a mixture of TMZ and EEP during 24, 48 or 72 hours. The cell division was examined by the H(3)-thymidine incorporation, while the western blot method was used for detection of p65 subunit of NF-κB and ELISA test to measure the concentration of its p50 subunit in the nucleus. RESULTS: We have found that both, TMZ and EEP administrated alone, had a dose- and time-dependent inhibitory effect on the U87MG cell line growth, which was manifested by gradual reduction of cell viability and alterations in proliferation rate. The anti-tumor effect of TMZ (20 μM) was enhanced by EEP, which was especially well observed after a short time of exposition, where simultaneous usage of TMZ and EEP resulted in a higher degree of growth inhibition than each biological factor used separately. In addition, cells treated with TMZ presented no changes in NF-κB activity in prolonged time of treatment and EEP only slightly reduced the nuclear translocation of this transcription factor. In turn, the combined incubation with TMZ and EEP led to an approximately double reduction of NF-κB nuclear localization. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that EEP presents cytotoxic properties and may cooperate with TMZ synergistically enhancing its growth inhibiting activity against glioblastoma U87MG cell line. This phenomenon may be at least partially mediated by a reduced activity of NF-κB

    Ocena stanu wiedzy mieszkanek Sokółki na temat profilaktyki osteoporozy

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    Introduction. Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by progressive loss of bone mass, weakening of bone spatial structure and, consequently, increased susceptibility to fractures. Many factors can accelerate the course of osteoporosis. These include poor diet, smoking, alcohol abuse, low physical activity and insufficient exposure to sunlight. Aim of the study. Assessment of the level of knowledge about the prevention of osteoporosis among women of all ages. Material and methods. The study included 50 randomly selected women aged 18–65, living in Sokółka in podlaskie voivodship. The research method was a diagnostic survey carried out by means of an author’s questionnaire. Results. The majority of surveyed women know the essence of osteoporosis. However, not all of them are able to define the rules of its preventing and list the risk factors of this pathology. Conclusions. 1. Knowledge about osteoporosis prevention among residents of Sokółka is insufficient. 2. It is necessary to expand educational activities on the principles of osteoporosis prevention and promotion of healthy behaviors.Wstęp. Osteoporoza jest stanem chorobowym, charakteryzującym się postępującym ubytkiem masy kostnej, osłabieniem struktury przestrzennej kości, a w konsekwencji zwiększoną podatnością na złamania. Wiele czynników może przyspieszyć przebieg osteoporozy. Należą do nich: zła dieta, palenie tytoniu, nadużywanie alkoholu, mała aktywność fizyczna oraz niedostateczna ekspozycja na światło słoneczne. Cel pracy. Ocena poziomu wiedzy dotyczącej profilaktyki osteoporozy wśród kobiet w różnym wieku. Materiał i metody. Badaniami objęto 50 kobiet w wieku 18–65 lat mieszkających w Sokółce w województwie podlaskim. Metodą badawczą był sondaż diagnostyczny przeprowadzony za pomocą autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety. Wyniki. Większość badanych kobiet zna istotę osteoporozy. Nie wszystkie jednak potrafią zdefiniować zasady profilaktyki i wymienić czynniki ryzyka powstania tej patologii. Wnioski. 1. Wiedza dotycząca profilaktyki osteoporozy wśród mieszkanek Sokółki jest niewystarczająca. 2. Konieczne jest rozszerzenie działań edukacyjnych dotyczących zasad profilaktyki osteoporozy i promocji zachowań prozdrowotnych

    "Heterobasidion annosum" induces apoptosis in DLD-1 cells and decreases colon cancer growth in In vivo model

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    Application of substances from medicinal mushrooms is one of the interesting approaches to improve cancer therapy. In this study, we commenced a new attempt in the field of Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. sensu lato to further extend our knowledge on this basidiomycete fungus. For this purpose, analysis of the active substances of Heterobasidion annosum methanolic extract and also its influence on colorectal cancer in terms of in vitro and in vivo experiments were performed. In vivo studies on mice were conducted to verify its acute toxicity and to further affirm its anticancer potential. Results indicated that all the most common substances of best known medicinal mushrooms that are also responsible for their biological activity are present in tested extracts. In vitro tests showed a high hemocompatibility and a significant decrease in viability and proliferation of DLD-1 cells in a concentration-dependent manner of Heterobasidion annosum extract. The studies performed on xenograft model of mice showed lower tendency of tumor growth in the group of mice receiving Heterobasidion annosum extract as well as mild or moderate toxicity. Obtained results suggest beneficial potential of Heterobasidion annosum against colon cancer as cytotoxic agent or as adjuvant anticancer therapy

    Limitations of the Property Right in Polish Constitutional Law

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    Własność jako prawo podmiotowe o bezwzględnym charakterze nie jest prawem absolutnym i nieograniczonym. Konstytucyjnie zagwarantowane prawo własności może w określonych przypadkach oraz przy zachowaniu odpowiednich przesłanek podlegać ograniczeniom. Zgodnie z brzmieniem art. 31 ust. 3 Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej konieczność wprowadzenia ograniczenia w zakresie korzystania z konstytucyjnych wolności i praw, w tym prawa własności, jest możliwe tylko przy uwzględnieniu kryterium państwa demokratycznego. Możliwość nienaruszającej istoty prawa ingerencji w prawo własności znalazło również wyraz w art. 64 Konstytucji, zgodnie z którym każdemu przysługuje prawo do własności. Ocena dopuszczalności ingerencji w prawo własności odbywa się świetle niezdefiniowanych w zupełny sposób zasady proporcjonalności oraz zasady istoty prawa własności, co wpływa na sposób rozstrzygania w przedmiocie konstytucyjności danego ograniczenia tego prawa.The right to property as an implicit subjective right is not an absolute and unlimited. The constitutionally guaranteed right to property may, in certain cases and under appropriate conditions, be restricted. According to the Article 31(3) of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, the necessity to introduce limitations in the exercise of constitutional freedoms and rights, including the right to property, is only possible if the criterion of a democratic state is taken into account. The possibility of statutory and non-violent interference in the right to property was also expressed in Article 64 of the Constitution, according to which everyone is entitled to the right to property. The assessment of the admissibility of interference in the right to property takes place in the light of undefined in a complete manner the principle of proportionality and the principle of the essence of the property right, which affects the manner of resolving the issue of the constitutionality of a given limitation of this right

    The anticancer activity of propolis

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    Propolis and its compounds have been the subject of many studies due to their antimicrobial and antiinflammatory activity; however, it is now known that they also possess antitumor properties. This review aims to summarize the results of studies on the mechanism of activity of propolis and its active compounds such as CAPE and chrysin in the apoptotic process, and their influence on the proliferation of cancer cells. Our review shows that propolis and its presented compounds induce apoptosis pathways in cancer cells. The antiproliferative effects of propolis, CAPE or chrysin in cancer cells are the result of the suppression of complexes of cyclins, as well as cell cycle arrest. The results of in vitro and in vivo studies suggest that propolis, CAPE and chrysin may inhibit tumor cell progression and may be useful as potential chemotherapeutic or chemopreventive anticancer drugs

    Beneficial Proapoptotic Effect of Heterobasidion Annosum Extract in Colorectal Cancer Xenograft Mouse Model

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    Fungal extracts possess potential anticancer activity against many malignant neoplastic diseases. In this research, we focused on the evaluation of Heterobasidion annosum (HA) extract in colorectal cancer in an in vivo model. The mice with implanted DLD-1 human cancer cells were given HA extract, the referential drug—5-fluorouracil (5FU), or were treated with its combination. Thereafter, tumor volume was measured and apoptotic proteins such as caspase-8, caspase-3, p53, Bcl-2, and survivin were analyzed in mice serum with an ELISA assay. The Ki-67 protein was assessed in tumor cells by immunohistochemical examination. The biggest volumes of tumors were confirmed in the DLD-1 group, while the lowest were observed in the population treated with 5FU and/or HA extract. The assessment of apoptosis showed increased concentrations of caspase 8 and p53 protein after the combined administration of 5FU and HA extract. The levels of survivin and Bcl-2 were decreased in all tested groups compared to the DLD-1 group. Moreover, we observed a positive reaction for Ki-67 protein in all tested groups. Our findings confirm the apoptotic effect of extract given alone or with 5FU. The obtained results are innovative and provide a basis for further research concerning the antitumor activity of the HA extract, especially in the range of its interaction with an anticancer chemotherapeutic agent

    Beneficial Proapoptotic Effect of Heterobasidion Annosum Extract in Colorectal Cancer Xenograft Mouse Model

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    Fungal extracts possess potential anticancer activity against many malignant neoplastic diseases. In this research, we focused on the evaluation of Heterobasidion annosum (HA) extract in colorectal cancer in an in vivo model. The mice with implanted DLD-1 human cancer cells were given HA extract, the referential drug—5-fluorouracil (5FU), or were treated with its combination. Thereafter, tumor volume was measured and apoptotic proteins such as caspase-8, caspase-3, p53, Bcl-2, and survivin were analyzed in mice serum with an ELISA assay. The Ki-67 protein was assessed in tumor cells by immunohistochemical examination. The biggest volumes of tumors were confirmed in the DLD-1 group, while the lowest were observed in the population treated with 5FU and/or HA extract. The assessment of apoptosis showed increased concentrations of caspase 8 and p53 protein after the combined administration of 5FU and HA extract. The levels of survivin and Bcl-2 were decreased in all tested groups compared to the DLD-1 group. Moreover, we observed a positive reaction for Ki-67 protein in all tested groups. Our findings confirm the apoptotic effect of extract given alone or with 5FU. The obtained results are innovative and provide a basis for further research concerning the antitumor activity of the HA extract, especially in the range of its interaction with an anticancer chemotherapeutic agent

    Low basal metabolic rate as a risk factor for development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes

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    Introduction Identification of physiological factors influencing susceptibility to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes (T2D) remains an important challenge for biology and medicine. Numerous studies reported energy expenditures as one of those components directly linked to T2D, with noticeable increase of basal metabolic rate (BMR) associated with the progression of insulin resistance. Conversely, the putative link between genetic, rather than phenotypic, determination of BMR and predisposition to development of T2D remains little studied. In particular, low BMR may constitute a considerable risk factor predisposing to development of T2D.Research design and methods We analyzed the development of insulin resistance and T2D in 20-week-old male laboratory mice originating from three independent genetic line types. Two of those lines were subjected to divergent, non-replicated selection towards high or low body mass-corrected BMR. The third line type was non-selected and consisted of randomly bred animals serving as an outgroup (reference) to the selected line types. To induce insulin resistance, mice were fed for 8 weeks with a high fat diet; the T2D was induced by injection with a single dose of streptozotocin and further promotion with high fat diet. As markers for insulin resistance and T2D advancement, we followed the changes in body mass, fasting blood glucose, insulin level, lipid profile and mTOR expression.Results We found BMR-associated differentiation in standard diabetic indexes between studied metabolic lines. In particular, mice with low BMR were characterized by faster body mass gain, blood glucose gain and deterioration in lipid profile. In contrast, high BMR mice were characterized by markedly higher expression of the mTOR, which may be associated with much slower development of T2D.Conclusions Our study suggests that genetically determined low BMR makeup involves metabolism-specific pathways increasing the risk of development of insulin resistance and T2D

    Establishment of In Vitro and In Vivo Anticolorectal Cancer Efficacy of Lithocholic Acid-Based Imidazolium Salts

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    Imidazolium salts (IMSs) are the subject of many studies showing their anticancer activities. In this research, a series of novel imidazolium salts substituted with lithocholic acid (LCA) and alkyl chains of various lengths (S1–S10) were evaluated against colon cancer cells. A significant reduction in the viability and metabolic activity was obtained in vitro for DLD-1 and HT-29 cell lines when treated with tested salts. The results showed that the activities of tested agents are directly related to the alkyl chain length, where S6–S8 compounds were the most cytotoxic against the DLD-1 line and S4–S10 against HT-29. The research performed on the xenograft model of mice demonstrated a lower tendency of tumor growth in the group receiving compound S6, compared with the group receiving 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Obtained results indicate the activity of S6 in the induction of apoptosis and necrosis in induced colorectal cancer. LCA-based imidazolium salts may be candidates for chemotherapeutic agents against colorectal cancer