20 research outputs found

    QoS-based Self-Management for Business Processes

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    Business processes are commonly implemented as compositions of Web Services, using the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) as an orchestration specification. Business processes do not only require an appropriate setup but also need to be monitored throughout their runtime, especially when Quality-of-service (QoS) constraints have to be met. Monitoring results may be used for the automated reconfiguration and optimization of business processes. We show how we achieve self-management based on QoS constraints within our system. The BPRules Language that we set up can be used to improve the QoS behavior of business processes by triggering appropriate management actions on the process. Also we propose a service selection strategy for the dynamic selection and replacement of services within business processes

    Management of Business Processes with the BPRules Language in Service Oriented Computing

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    Quality of Service (QoS) concerns are an important topic for the realization of business processes. While BPEL is considered the de facto standard for web service compositions, QoS requirements are not part of its specification. We present the BPRules (Business Process Rules) language for the management of business processes with respect to QoS concerns. BPRules is a rule-based, declarative language which brings novel benefits in the management of business processes, like QoS dependability for sub-orchestrations and corrective actions tailored to the specific needs of the clients. We present the main constructs of the BPRules language and how they support the flexible adaptation of the business process during runtime. Decision making is done according to the behavior of several process executions. An illustrative scenario shows how BPRules is applied to a business process

    Different Approaches to Semantic Web Service Composition

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    The voltage-dependent K+ channels Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 in human cancer

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    Voltage-dependent K+ channels (Kv) are involved in a number of physiological processes, including immunomodulation, cell volume regulation, apoptosis as well as differentiation. Some Kv channels participate in the proliferation and migration of normal and tumor cells, contributing to metastasis. Altered expression of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 channels has been found in several types of tumors and cancer cells. In general, while the expression of Kv1.3 apparently exhibits no clear pattern, Kv1.5 is induced in many of the analyzed metastatic tissues. Interestingly, evidence indicates that Kv1.5 channel shows inversed correlation with malignancy in some gliomas and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. However, Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 are similarly remodeled in some cancers. For instance, expression of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 correlates with a certain grade of tumorigenicity in muscle sarcomas. Differential remodeling of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 expression in human cancers may indicate their role in tumor growth and their importance as potential tumor markers. However, despite of this increasing body of information, which considers Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 as emerging tumoral markers, further research must be performed to reach any conclusion. In this review, we summarize what it has been lately documented about Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 channels in human cancer

    BPRules and the BPR-Framework: Comprehensive Support for Managing QoS in Web Service Compositions

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    International audienceFor a successful collaboration between enterprises, Web services and service compositions need to fulfill certain QoS (Quality of Service) requirements so that they can be trusted by their clients. Thus, the best services have to be chosen for the composition, the performance of the composition needs to be monitored and in case of QoS deviations, appropriate management actions are required. We propose the BPRules language and the BPR-framework that offer novel capabilities and improved flexibility for the management of BPEL processes with regard to QoS concerns. The BPRules language allows to specify the QoS monitoring of BPEL processes and offers a variety of management actions for controlling the process and for the improvement of its QoS behavior. Thereby, the BPR-framework provides the necessary components to perform the QoS monitoring and to execute the management actions. For the selection of high quality services, the BPR-framework comes with efficient selection algorithms, like our OPTIM_PRO algorithm. We present the features of BPRules that we consider as indispensable for managing the services’ QoS behavior

    Distributed Systems Group

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    Abstract: Business processes are commonly implemented as compositions of Web Services, using the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) as an orchestration specification. Business processes do not only require an appropriate setup but also need to be monitored throughout their runtime, especially when Quality-ofservice (QoS) constraints have to be met. Monitoring results may be used for the automated reconfiguration and optimization of business processes. We show how we achieve self-management based on QoS constraints within our system. The BPRules Language that we set up can be used to improve the QoS behavior of business processes by triggering appropriate management actions on the process. Also we propose a service selection strategy for the dynamic selection and replacement of services within business processes


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    O trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma investigação sobre as relações entre a burocracia escolar e as famílias dos estudantes durante os processos de matrícula na rede municipal do Rio de Janeiro. Nela, há escolas com diferentes desempenhos e reputações; por isso, há diferenças de demanda pelas vagas oferecidas. Embora exista legislação específica para a matrícula que inclui, inclusive, regras para desempate entre famílias no caso de maior demanda do que oferta, nossos dados permitem afirmar que existem diferentes estratégias utilizadas pelas famílias para escolher e acessar as melhores escolas, ora regidas exclusivamente pelo acompanhamento das regras e normas da regulamentação de matrícula, ora através do contato pessoal com profissionais da burocracia estatal e/ou com pessoas conectadas a eles. A análise desse cenário de escolha e acesso às escolas revela um conjunto de sociabilidades entre as famílias e o Estado. Nosso objetivo é descrever e analisar esse cenário e os resultados objetivos das ações empreendidas pelas famílias e pelos profissionais da escola. Concluímos que as famílias que estabelecem contatos pessoais diretos ou indiretos com a burocracia escolar têm maiores chances de acessar as vagas nas escolas mais disputadas. Isso ocorre porque as ações discricionárias da burocracia, em conjunto com as ações familiares, definem as trajetórias dos estudantes com base em critérios por vezes antagônicos à lógica republicana que deveria organizar a distribuição de vagas em escolas.

    Eufonía : didáctica de la música

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe presenta una experiencia didáctica que toma el canon como eje conductor para la elaboración de un programa de radio. Se proponen una serie de actividades alrededor de los diferentes bloques de contenidos de currículo (Decreto 122/2007) para la materia de música de 4.º ESO. Se ha elegido la metodología de trabajo por grupos con el objetivo de fomentar habilidades sociales y de respeto a la diversidad.Biblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]