41 research outputs found

    MR2502017 (2010c:46055) Angosto, C.; Cascales, B. Measures of weak noncompactness in Banach spaces. Topology Appl. 156 (2009), no. 7, 1412--1421. (Reviewer: Diana Caponetti) 46B99 (46A50 47B07 47H09 54C35)

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    The authors consider for a bounded subset H of a Banach space E the De Blasi measure of weak noncompactness w(H) and the measure of weak noncompactness g(H) based on Grothendieck’s double limit criterion. They also deal with the quantitative characteristics k(H) and ck(H) which represent, respectively, the worst distance to E of the weak*-closure of H in the bidual of E and the worst distance to E of the sets of weak*-cluster points in the bidual of E of sequences in H. The authors prove the following chain of inequalities ck(H) < = k(H) < = g(H) < = 2ck(H) < = 2k(H) < = 2w(H), which, in particular, shows that ck, k and g are equivalent. The authors show that ck = k in the class of Banach spaces with Corson property C (i.e, each collection of closed convex subsets of the space with empty intersection has a countable subcollection with empty intersection), but they also give an example for which k(H) = 2ck(H). Moreover, they obtain quantitative counterparts for of Gantmacher’s theorem about weak compactness of adjoint operators in Banach spaces and for the classical Grothendieck’s characterization of weak compactness in spaces C(K)

    On k-ball contractive retractions in F-normed ideal spaces

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    Let X be an infinite dimensional F-normed space and r a positive number such that the closed ball B_r(X) of radius r is properly contained in X. For a bounded subset A of X, the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness gamma(A) of A is the infimum of all \eps >0 such that A has a finite \eps-net in X. A retraction R of B_r(X) onto its boundary is called k-ball contractive if γ(RA)kγ(A)\gamma(RA) \le k \gamma(A) for each subset A of B_r(X). The main aim of this talk is to give examples of regular F-normed ideal spaces in which there is a 1-ball contractive retraction or, for any \eps>0, a (1+ \eps)-ball contractive retraction with positive lower Hausdorff measure of noncompactness

    MR2543732 (2010g:46038) Colao, Vittorio; Trombetta, Alessandro; Trombetta, Giulio Hausdorff norms of retractions in Banach spaces of continuous functions. Taiwanese J. Math. 13 (2009), no. 4, 1139–1158. (Reviewer: Diana Caponetti)

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    A retraction RR from the closed unit ball of a Banach space XX onto its boundary is called kk-ball contractive if there is k0k \ge 0 such that γX(RA)kγX(A) \gamma_X(RA) \le k \gamma_X(A) for each subset A A of the closed unit ball, where γX\gamma_X denote the Hausdorff (ball) measure of noncompactness. In the paper under review the authors consider the problem of evaluating the Wo\'{s}ko constant, which is the infimum of all numbers kk's for which there is a kk-ball contractive retraction from the closed unit ball onto the sphere, in Banach spaces of real continuous functions defined on domains which are not necessarily bounded or finite dimensional. The paper extends some previous results valid in spaces of continuous functions to a more general setting. The authors consider the space BCB(E)(K)\mathcal{B}\mathcal{C}_{B(E)}(K) of all real bounded functions which are continuous on KK and uniformly continuous on the closed unit ball B(E)B(E), being EE a normed space and KK a set in EE containing B(E)B(E). They also consider the space C(P){\mathcal C}(P) of all real continuous functions defined on the Hilbert cube P={x=(xn)l2:xn1n  (n=1,2,...)}P= \{ x=(x_n) \in l_2 : |x_n| \le \frac1{n} \ \ (n=1,2, ...) \}. They prove that in both the spaces BCB(E)(K)\mathcal{B}\mathcal{C}_{B(E)}(K) and C(P){\mathcal C}(P) the Wo\'{s}ko constant assumes the smallest possible value 11, they also give precise estimates of the lower Hausdorff norms and the Hausdorff norms of the retractions they construct

    MR2370688 (2009e:46013) Navarro-Pascual, J. C.; Mena-Jurado, J. F.; Sánchez-Lirola, M. G. A two-dimensional inequality and uniformly continuous retractions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 339 (2008), no. 1, 719--734. (Reviewer: Diana Caponetti) 46B20 (46E40)

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    Let X be an infinite-dimensional uniformly convex Banach space and let BX and SX be its closed unit ball and unit sphere, respectively. The main result of the paper is that the identity mapping on BX can be expressed as the mean of n uniformly continuous retractions from BX onto SX for every n >= 3. Then, the authors observe that the result holds under a property weaker than uniform convexity, satisfied by any complex Banach space, so that the result generalizes that of [A. Jim´enez-Vargas et al., Studia Math. 135 (1999), no. 1, 75–81; MR1686372 (2000b:46025)]. As an application the extremal structure of spaces of vector-valued uniformly continuous mappings is studied

    MR2595826 (2011c:46026) Domínguez Benavides, T. The Szlenk index and the fixed point property under renorming. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2010, Art. ID 268270, 9 pp. (Reviewer: Diana Caponetti)

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    It is known that not every Banach space can be renormed so that the resultant space satisfies the weak Fixed Point Property (w-FPP). In the paper under review the author gives a further contribution to identify classes of Banach spaces which can be renormed to satisfy the w-FPP. Let XX be a Banach space and XX^* its dual. The dual norm is UKKUKK^* if for every ε>0\varepsilon >0 there is θ(ε)>0\theta(\varepsilon)>0 such that every uu in the closed unit ball BXB_{X^*} of XX^* with u>1θ(ε)\|u\| > 1 - \theta(\varepsilon) has a weak^* open neighborhood U\mathcal{U} with diam(BXU)<ϵ(B_{X^*}\cap\mathcal{U})< \epsilon. In [Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 42 (2010), no. 2, 221--228; MR2601548] M. Raya showed that if XX is an Asplund space and the Szlenk index Sz(X)ωS_z(X) \le \omega, where ω\omega denotes the first ordinal number, then there is an equivalent norm on XX such that the dual norm on XX^* is UKKUKK^*. In the paper under review it is proved that whenever XX is endowed with this norm, then R(X)<2R(X) <2, where R(X)= \sup \{ \lim \inf \|x_n +x\| : x_n \ \mbox{is weakly null with } \ \|x_n\| \le 1, \|x\|=1 \} is the Garc\'ia-Falset“'s coefficient. Since the author and S. Phothi in [Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), no. 3-4, 1409-1416; MR2577541] proved that when XX is a Banach space which can be continuously embedded in a Banach space YY with R(Y)<2R(Y) <2, then XX can be renormed to satisfy the w-FPP, the results about the Szlenk index lead to the main result of the paper: Let YY be a Banach space with Sz(Y)ωS_z(Y) \le \omega, then any Banach space XX which can be continuously embedded in YY can be renormed to satisfy the w-FPP. The result applies to Banach spaces which can be continuously embedded in C(K)C(K), where KK is a scattered compact topological space such that the ω\omegath-derived set K(ω)=K^{(\omega)}= \emptyset. In the paper the author also proves that if (X,)(X, \| \cdot\|) is a Banach space and D\mathcal{D} is the space of all norms in XX equivalent to the given one endowed with the metric ρ(p,q)=sup{p(x)q(x)} \rho(p,q)= \sup \{ |p(x)-q(x)| \}, where the supremum is taken over all xx in the closed unit ball of XX and Sz(X)ωS_z(X) \le \omega, then for almost all norms (in the sense of porosity) in D\mathcal{D}, XX satisfies the w-FPP

    MR2645846 (2011f:46031) Day, Jerry B.; Lennard, Chris A characterization of the minimal invariant sets of Alspach's mapping. Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), no. 1, 221–227. (Reviewer: Diana Caponetti)

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    Weakly compact, convex subsets in a Banach space need not have the fixed point property for nonexpansive mappings, as shown by D.E. Alspach in [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 82 (1981), no. 3, 423–424; MR0612733 (82j:47070)], where the example of a weakly compact, convex subset CC of L1[0,1]L_1[0,1] and of a nonexpansive self mapping TT on CC fixed point free is provided. Then, by Zorn's lemma, there exist weakly compact, convex, TT-invariant fixed point free subsets of the set CC which are minimal with respect to these properties. But these minimal invariant sets have not been explicitly characterized. In the paper under review the authors give an explicit formula for the nnth power TnT^n of the Alspach's mapping TT and they prove that the sequence (Tnf)(T^nf) converges weakly to f1χ[0,1]\|f\|_1 \chi_{[0,1]}, for all ff in CC. As a result using [K. Goebel, Concise course on fixed point theorems, Yokohama Publ., Yokohama, 2002; MR1996163 (2004e:47088)] they obtain a description of the minimal invariant sets of the Alspach's mapping TT. They prove that for all α(0,1)\alpha \in (0,1), Alspach's mapping TT is fixed point free on Cα:={fC:f1=α}C_\alpha:= \{f \in C : \|f\|_1 = \alpha \}, and {D(αχ[0,1]):0<α<1}\{ D_\infty(\alpha \chi_{[0,1]}) : 0< \alpha <1 \} is the collection of all fixed point free minimal invariant subsets of CC for TT, where D0(αχ[0,1]):={αχ[0,1]}D_0(\alpha \chi_{[0,1]}):= \{ \alpha \chi_{[0,1]}\}, D_{n+1}(\alpha \chi_{[0,1]}):= \mbox{conv} \{ D_n(\alpha \chi_{[0,1]})\cup T( D_n(\alpha \chi_{[0,1]}))\} inductively, and D(αχ[0,1]):=n=0Dn(αχ[0,1]) D_\infty(\alpha \chi_{[0,1]}):= \overline{ \cup_{n=0}^\infty D_n(\alpha \chi_{[0,1]})}. The authors also give an alternative method to characterize the minimal invariant sets of the Alspach's mapping TT which does not require the formula for TnT^n