15,850 research outputs found

    Non-destructive evaluation of concrete using a capacitive imaging technique : preliminary modelling and experiments

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    This paper describes the application of capacitive imaging to the inspection of concrete. A two-dimensional finite-element method was employed to model the electric field distribution from capacitive imaging probe, and how it interacts with concrete samples. Physical experiments with prototype capacitive imaging probes were also carried out. The proof-of-concept results indicated that the capacitive imaging technique could be used to detect cracks on the surface of concrete samples, as well as sub-surface air voids and steel reinforcement bars

    The Discovery of 1000 km/s Outflows in Massive Post-starburst Galaxies at z=0.6

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    Numerical simulations suggest that active galactic nuclei (AGNs) play an important role in the formation of early-type galaxies by expelling gas and dust in powerful galactic winds and quenching star formation. However, the existence of AGN feedback capable of halting galaxy-wide star formation has yet to be observationally confirmed. To investigate this question, we have obtained spectra of 14 post-starburst galaxies at z~0.6 to search for evidence of galactic winds. In 10/14 galaxies we detect Mg II 2796,2803 absorption lines which are blueshifted by 490 - 2020 km/s with respect to the stars. The median blueshift is 1140 km/s. We hypothesize that the outflowing gas represents a fossil galactic wind launched near the peak of the galaxy's activity, a few 100 Myr ago. The velocities we measure are intermediate between those of luminous starbursts and broad absorption line quasars, which suggests that feedback from an AGN may have played a role in expelling cool gas and shutting down star formation.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted to ApJ Letter

    The opposites task: Using general rules to test cognitive flexibility in preschoolers

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    A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource. Executive functions play an important role in cognitive development, and during the preschool years especially, children's performance is limited in tasks that demand flexibility in their behavior. We asked whether preschoolers would exhibit limitations when they are required to apply a general rule in the context of novel stimuli on every trial (the "opposites" task). Two types of inhibitory processing were measured: response interference (resistance to interference from a competing response) and proactive interference (resistance to interference from a previously relevant rule). Group data show 3-year-olds have difficulty inhibiting prepotent tendencies under these conditions, whereas 5-year-olds' accuracy is near ceiling in the task. (Contains 4 footnotes and 1 table.

    On certain finiteness questions in the arithmetic of modular forms

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    We investigate certain finiteness questions that arise naturally when studying approximations modulo prime powers of p-adic Galois representations coming from modular forms. We link these finiteness statements with a question by K. Buzzard concerning p-adic coefficient fields of Hecke eigenforms. Specifically, we conjecture that for fixed N, m, and prime p with p not dividing N, there is only a finite number of reductions modulo p^m of normalized eigenforms on \Gamma_1(N). We consider various variants of our basic finiteness conjecture, prove a weak version of it, and give some numerical evidence.Comment: 25 pages; v2: one of the conjectures from v1 now proved; v3: restructered parts of the article; v4: minor corrections and change

    Influence of zonal flows on unstable drift modes in ETG turbulence

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    The linear instability of the electron temperature gradient (ETG) driven modes in the presence of zonal flows is investigated. Random and deterministic coscos - like profiles of the zonal flow are considered. It is shown that the presence of shearing by zonal flows can stabilize the linear instability of ETG drift modes

    Nonlinear shock acceleration beyond the Bohm limit

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    We suggest a physical mechanism whereby the acceleration time of cosmic rays by shock waves can be significantly reduced. This creates the possibility of particle acceleration beyond the knee energy at ~10^15eV. The acceleration results from a nonlinear modification of the flow ahead of the shock supported by particles already accelerated to the knee momentum at p ~ p_*. The particles gain energy by bouncing off converging magnetic irregularities frozen into the flow in the shock precursor and not so much by re-crossing the shock itself. The acceleration rate is thus determined by the gradient of the flow velocity and turns out to be formally independent of the particle mean free path (m.f.p.). The velocity gradient is, in turn, set by the knee-particles at p ~ p_* as having the dominant contribution to the CR pressure. Since it is independent of the m.f.p., the acceleration rate of particles above the knee does not decrease with energy, unlike in the linear acceleration regime. The reason for the knee formation at p ~ p_* is that particles with p>p∗p > p_* are effectively confined to the shock precursor only while they are within limited domains in the momentum space, while other particles fall into ``loss-islands'', similar to the ``loss-cone'' of magnetic traps. This structure of the momentum space is due to the character of the scattering magnetic irregularities. They are formed by a train of shock waves that naturally emerge from unstably growing and steepening magnetosonic waves or as a result of acoustic instability of the CR precursor. These losses steepen the spectrum above the knee, which also prevents the shock width from increasing with the maximum particle energy.Comment: aastex, 13 eps figure

    Consumer credit information systems: A critical review of the literature. Too little attention paid by lawyers?

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    This paper reviews the existing literature on consumer credit reporting, the most extensively used instrument to overcome information asymmetry and adverse selection problems in credit markets. Despite the copious literature in economics and some research in regulatory policy, the legal community has paid almost no attention to the legal framework of consumer credit information systems, especially within the context of the European Union. Studies on the topic, however, seem particularly relevant in view of the establishment of a single market for consumer credit. This article ultimately calls for further legal research to address consumer protection concerns and inform future legislation

    On the Structure and Scale of Cosmic Ray Modified Shocks

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    Strong astrophysical shocks, diffusively accelerating cosmic rays (CR) ought to develop CR precursors. The length of such precursor LpL_{p} is believed to be set by the ratio of the CR mean free path λ\lambda to the shock speed, i.e., Lp∌cλ/Vsh∌crg/VshL_{p}\sim c\lambda/V_{sh}\sim cr_{g}/V_{sh}, which is formally independent of the CR pressure PcP_{c}. However, the X-ray observations of supernova remnant shocks suggest that the precursor scale may be significantly shorter than LpL_{p} which would question the above estimate unless the magnetic field is strongly amplified and the gyroradius rgr_{g} is strongly reduced over a short (unresolved) spatial scale. We argue that while the CR pressure builds up ahead of the shock, the acceleration enters into a strongly nonlinear phase in which an acoustic instability, driven by the CR pressure gradient, dominates other instabilities (at least in the case of low ÎČ\beta plasma). In this regime the precursor steepens into a strongly nonlinear front whose size scales with \emph{the CR pressure}as Lf∌Lp⋅(Ls/Lp)2(Pc/Pg)2L_{f}\sim L_{p}\cdot(L_{s}/L_{p})^{2}(P_{c}/P_{g})^{2}, where LsL_{s} is the scale of the developed acoustic turbulence, and Pc/PgP_{c}/P_{g} is the ratio of CR to gas pressure. Since Lsâ‰ȘLpL_{s}\ll L_{p}, the precursor scale reduction may be strong in the case of even a moderate gas heating by the CRs through the acoustic and (possibly also) the other instabilities driven by the CRs.Comment: EPS 2010 paper, to appear in PPC

    On radial geodesic forcing of zonal modes

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    The elementary local and global influence of geodesic field line curvature on radial dispersion of zonal modes in magnetised plasmas is analysed with a primitive drift wave turbulence model. A net radial geodesic forcing of zonal flows and geodesic acoustic modes can not be expected in any closed toroidal magnetic confinement configuration, since the flux surface average of geodesic curvature identically vanishes. Radial motion of poloidally elongated zonal jets may occur in the presence of geodesic acoustic mode activity. Phenomenologically a radial propagation of zonal modes shows some characteristics of a classical analogon to second sound in quantum condensates.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Plasmas (2011
